What you can eat when poisoning children: the right menu

Neither an adult nor a child can be insured against food poisoning. With the appearance of unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, sometimes tachycardia and fever, the child’s appetite disappears by itself, since the body must get rid of uninvited guests in the form of pathogens and toxins.

what can you eat when poisoning children

It is proved that abstinence from food in the first few hours after the onset of symptoms of poisoning has a therapeutic effect in itself, since it relieves the digestive and enzymatic systems, allowing you to start a fight against the cause of infection and its consequences.

However, abstinence from food for more than a day is not so useful for a growing organism that needs to be strengthened, so parents should know what to eat when children are poisoned.

To eat or not to eat?

Organization of child nutrition during poisoning in its acute stage is reduced to maintaining the correct water-salt balance in the body, which can be disturbed. Since there is no appetite at first, the question of what can be eaten in case of poisoning to children is not at all worth it.

what can a child give in case of poisoning

As a result of vomiting and diarrhea, a large amount of fluid and salts is lost, the deficiency of which must be filled.

Metabolic processes occur with the direct participation of water, so its lack is fraught with dehydration, fever, even greater intoxication and worsening. In severe cases of dehydration without inpatient care, the child may even die, and the smaller the baby’s age, the higher the risk.

With vomiting, it is pointless and even harmful to give the baby drink water in glasses, since a new attack provoked by a large amount of liquid can deprive the body of even more water than the child drank. Therefore, the liquid is given one tablespoon 15 minutes after the attack of vomiting. If after 15 minutes the attack does not recur, give another spoon. Otherwise, the interval is increased, and the amount of water is reduced to 1 teaspoon.

The best food is salt water. Rehydration therapy

A liquid for drinking in acute poisoning is prepared as follows: take 200 ml of water, one teaspoon of salt and sugar. Salt allows fluid to linger in the body, sugar makes up for energy loss. The temperature of the drink matters: a warm liquid is absorbed faster than hot or cold.

You can prepare solutions for drinking, which are sold in a pharmacy. Turning to the pharmacist, you need to ask for rehydration therapy drugs. The specialist will suggest mixtures suitable for the child.

Regradiation therapy should be carried out until the disappearance of vomiting and diarrhea.

Appetite spike

It is possible to offer a child something more substantial than rehydration drinks no earlier than 6-10 hours after the acute stage of poisoning.

what can you eat when poisoning a child

If, as a result of the taken medical measures prescribed by the doctor, the vomiting has passed and the abdominal pain has subsided, for the baby this means that you can eat. When poisoning children during this period, you can offer a rosehip broth or sweetened tea, preferably chamomile, with a small lean cookie, a slice of yesterday’s bread or cracker.

Vegetables and fruits in the diet

With an improvement in well-being and the gradual disappearance of intoxication symptoms, the child may feel hunger.

What can I eat with poisoning for children now? The best choice is mashed vegetable soup. It can be salted, but using butter for refueling is not recommended.

You can make compote from fruit, and as a dessert offer the baby a baked apple. It is believed that this dish helps remove toxic substances from the intestines and has a beneficial effect on digestion.

what can you eat when poisoning a child

Cauliflower and steamed broccoli are of particular dietary value for children during the period of illness.

But for now, one should refrain from raw vegetables and fruits, as well as fresh and packaged juices.

Protein food, fish and meat

Perhaps the baby will not refuse a hard-boiled egg.

Fried eggs, like omelettes cooked in a pan with butter, are not on the list of what you can eat.

Is it possible to feed a child with poisoning?

When poisoning a child, it is better to give a gentle steam omelet, cooked with water instead of milk. It can be prepared directly in a glass jar placed in a container of boiling water.

All types of store sausages and sausages, as well as semi-finished meat products during this period are strictly contraindicated.

Is it possible to feed a child in case of poisoning with home-made meatballs, meatballs and dumplings, it will become clear when the appetite is restored, and the negative symptoms of poisoning have disappeared.

But within a week it is better to refrain from heavy food, replacing meat with low-fat steamed fish, egg and chicken broth.


If the baby loves dairy products, you can offer him cottage cheese, but only the one that you can eat with poisoning. The child is prepared with low-fat loose curd with a small amount of sugar or a spoon of jam, with the permission of the doctor. You can soften the dish with a tablespoon of any non-fat fermented milk product.

Fresh kefir or yogurt without flavoring and aromatic additives is preferable to milk, because it is easier to digest and has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.


What can a child be given for poisoning from cereals? Best suited rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, cooked on the water. For a change, cereals can be added to vegetable soups, and when the baby's condition improves, they can be cooked on chicken or fish broth.

Peas, beans and beans, because of their ability to cause increased gas formation in the intestines, are not included in the list of what you can eat after poisoning a child. But if there is a steady improvement, they will not do harm.

I want, but not

Some parents, worrying about a sick child and trying with all their might to improve his condition, seek to satisfy the slightest whim of their child. Indulgence of some desires is fraught with aggravation of the baby's condition. Pedagogical mistakes of parents in the formation of proper eating behavior cost the child health.

what can you eat after poisoning a child

Under no circumstances should poisoning give the child fast food products, chips, crackers with flavors, a large number of confectionery products, carbonated drinks, which are a cocktail of chemicals, chewing gum, seeds, fatty cheese and vegetable bars, nut and chocolate paste and other "achievements" of the chemical food industry.

Entry into a familiar lifestyle should be as neat as possible. Proper nutrition is an important component of treatment prescribed by a doctor and will provide the growing body with energy and nutrients during the recovery period.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7606/

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