Fallout 4 - baby dolls: location and features

In the computer game Fallout 4, a huge open world that you can explore as you want. Secrets, quests, secret heroes and many mysteries are hidden in all locations. We can say that the game rather encourages free exploration of the world scorched by a nuclear explosion, rather than a linear passage through the plot tasks. One of these "chips" are figures that improve one of the parameters or perks of your hero. Small dolls in Fallout 4 are scattered all over the world and are not mentioned in tasks at all, are not marked on the map. We will figure out where to find them and how to use them.

fallout 4 baby dolls

What do baby dolls give?

Small figures represent a Volt-battle in different poses, each of which characterizes a parameter or skill that it enhances. Finding a baby doll in Fallout 4 increases the SPECIAL parameter or one ability per unit. At the first passage, the player is unlikely to be able to collect all the figures without hints and cards with marks. However, finding all the little dolls is optional.

The fact is that all the figures can be divided into two categories: small dolls on SPECIAL and small dolls auxiliary. A volt-fight from the first category improves one parameter (strength, perception, stamina, charisma, intelligence, dexterity, luck). It is recommended to collect them to the maximum so that the character is stronger.

The second category is auxiliary. Small dolls from this category improve one of the perks by one. In this regard, you can choose only those that are suitable for your character leveling and not pick up the rest. However, most players do not refuse free improvements. In addition, all the little dolls in Fallout 4 give a special achievement on Steam if you play on the licensed version. For the first ten figures, the player will receive the achievement “They are not dolls”, and for 20 - “These are plastic figures”.

fallout 4 baby dolls card

How to use?

According to the mechanics of the game, all the little dolls are quest items - they cannot be sold, thrown away or exchanged for anything. However, they do not occupy weight in the inventory, and you can get rid of them using a special stand in your personal home. Collect them all and decorate your shelter!

Next, you can see a map with small dolls in Fallout 4 and a detailed description of their location, characteristics. Let's start the search for figures in the order of passing the game from beginning to end. In this way, you can get all the little dolls pretty easily. First, we will collect all the SPECIAL improvements, and then the perks.


So, you begin your journey by leaving your shelter near your hometown. You need to return to Senchuari Hills, to your former home. In it on the floor you will find the book “You are Special”. Read it to increase any SPECIAL by one. This secret is the only one in the whole game and does not apply to small dolls, however with its help you can maximize the characteristics of the hero.

Bobblehead "Perception"

The first baby doll will be located near the first city. You just have to move on the plot to get to the settlement of Concord. In the main building, where the ministry headquarters is located and where you meet with Garvey Preston, you will find a figure at +1 to perception. To do this, go into the room with the minutemans and look around - on the left side there should be a table with a broken computer. On the left side of the computer is the desired baby doll, which will increase the value of perception of your hero by one.

Baby doll "Intelligence"

This improvement is located in the Boston Library. To get inside, you must be able to break open light locks. Be careful - there is a banner at the entrance, so be sure to look around. Get to the big hall and go to the end - there you will see the door. Open it and find the figurine on one of the tables.

Bobblehead "Strength" in Fallout 4

To get an improvement in strength, you need to get to the roof of the Mass Fusion building. The road to the roof will be filled with mutants and arrows. At the end of the journey there will be a mini boss. Before entering it, look at the statue. A baby doll will be located right on its top.

Bobblehead "Dexterity" in Fallout 4

The figurine is on a destroyed ship near the atomic cat camp. To get to the goal, you have to destroy a huge number of swamps and climb to the bow of the "North Star" through the stern. The ship has an increased background of radiation, so be prepared for this and stock up on antiradin.

fallout 4 bobblehead charisma

Bobblehead "Stamina"

As you may have noticed, the location of the small dolls in Fallout 4 is slightly chaotic and it is quite difficult to assemble them in a certain order without pumping the character. However, no one bothers you to return to the missing figures later and replenish the collection. Endurance baby doll is locked by a high complexity lock in Poseidon Energy. Inside you need to climb the upper floors and deal with turrets and mini-bosses. In the central room is a figurine. Here you can pick up the journal “Tesla Science” and see information from the terminal with a sufficient number of science points.

Bobblehead "Luck"

With this figure, everything is quite simple. You need to get to the boat in the southern part of the Performance Island. Explore the cabins, and in one of the cabinets you will find a baby doll.


You will need to start the Cabot quest, which is located in the Parsnos Psychiatric Hospital. By the marker you can get to the office to the wounded gule. On your desktop, you'll find the charisma bobblehead in Fallout 4.

Congratulations! Now you have collected all the small dolls on SPECAIL. It remains to find the location of the figures on the ability, instructions for which you will find below.


The first ability statuette is located at Trinity Tower. To get a baby doll, you have to break through the crowds of super mutants. The figure is located in a cage where you previously could meet with Rex and Strongman. With this bobblehead, critical weapon damage is increased by 25%.

fallout 4 location baby dolls


For fans to chat with game characters, this perk will be very useful - with the help of a figure you can get 100 caps more with each exchange with merchants. There is a figurine in shelter 114. In the office where you met Nick Valentine, find a table and pick up a baby doll.


Improving repairs is located on the roof of the Corvega workshop. At the top you will see a round blue container. Around the tank is a metal track. In its center you can find a figure. With the help of an improvement, you extend the effect of nuclear blocks by 10%.


Using the Fallout 4 bobblehead for hacking, you can greatly simplify the hiding of all protected drawers and doors. There is a figurine in the Pickman Gallery. In the basement, find the barrel of fire and Pickman himself. The required item will be located near them.

Energy weapon

Useful only to those who are a fan of energy cannons. The rest is recommended only for collection and achievements on Steam, since you will not find practical application in the game. Your goal is Fort Hagen. According to the plot, you get there in search of Kellogg, so do not worry that skip this place. In the fortress you must get into the food zone. It is located between two refrigerators in the kitchen. Increases critical damage by 25% when fired from an energy cannon.


Bobblehead increases explosive damage by 15%. Located at the Sogas Ironworks factory. Destroy the mini-boss on the way to the roof. On the slag platform is the desired figure.

The science

To find the Science Bobblehead in Fallout 4, you must go down to Vault 75 through the basement of Malden High School. Go deep into the corridor and find the corpse with an access card. During the killing of enemies, you will pick up an administrator card and will be able to open a room with the baby doll you need. The figure gives an additional attempt at breaking into terminals.

baby doll science fallout 4

The medicine

This figurine is located in Vault 81. To get inside you will need 3 nuclear blocks and a blood test. After that, you need to wait about a day of playing time and go inside. At the very beginning, meet the Austin boy and agree with him to go through the shelter. Chat with all the children in the room until you have the “Zakutok” quest about the boy’s illness. Passing the task, you will find yourself in a secret shelter, where you will find a figure in the compartment with the medicine. After finding a baby doll, the effectiveness of all stimulants will increase by 10%.

Light weapons

The figurine is located in the Shooters building. If you can break complex locks, then head to the broadcast room. You can find a baby doll on a rack indoors. With this bobblehead, critical damage from light weapons grows by 25%.

fallout 4 baby doll force


Another perk useful to merchants. You can find its improvement at the cannery of Big Lukowski. In the offices above, find the terminal on which the necessary baby doll is located.

Heavy weapon

This perk improves critical damage from heavy weapons by 25%. There is a bobblehead in the residential quarters in shelter 95. The figure is under the reliable protection of monsters of level 24, so you have to try.


The baby doll is located in the Danwich Drillers location. Make your way to the foggy area of ​​the location and find the mailbox at number 4. You will not need the box itself, since you will find the figure on the table next to it. After using the figurine, the stealth skill will increase by 10%.

baby doll agility fallout 4

Without weapons

Find a rusty car in the atomic cat garage. Look at the roof and take the last baby doll in the game! Now you have found all the improvements available. Since the Fallout 4 baby dolls are not marked on the map, their search becomes a kind of adventure and a challenge for the hardcore player.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7608/

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