The best sights of Lisbon

Lisbon is a charming and unusual city that will captivate guests at a glance. Tourists from different countries come here for vivid impressions and an unforgettable vacation. In our article we want to talk about the sights of Lisbon.

A bit about the city ...

Lisbon is the most beautiful capital of Portugal, in which the past and the present are mixed. On its old streets many sights, interesting museums and architectural monuments have been preserved. Lisbon is a real gem of Portugal. Experienced travelers note that the city has its own special flavor. A special atmosphere reigns here, and the proximity of the ocean makes the climate milder. Despite the fact that the city is located on seven hills, it is quite compact. Therefore, it is worth it to walk and see the most outstanding sights. Lisbon is very different from other European capitals.

A bit of history

Lisbon in times of great geographical discoveries shone among other European capitals and looked more luxurious. In those days, the empire flourished. Every year, thousands of ships with silks, jewelry, gold and spices called at the port.

The city was characterized by "lace" architecture with light stairs and a marble embankment. However, everything has changed dramatically in an instant. It happened in 1755. A strong earthquake, tsunami and fire in a matter of minutes turned a flourishing city into ruins. In addition, more than 100,000 people died. During the disaster, libraries, palaces, paintings of Titian, Caravaggio, Rubens were irretrievably lost. The following decades, the city gradually revived from the ashes. From that "old" Lisbon, only one area survived, called Alfama, which was once built by the Moors.

Main square

Now in Lisbon all possible architectural styles are mixed. The city is divided into historical and later areas, each of which has its own way and features.

Portugal main square

All the sights of Lisbon are worthy of the attention of tourists. Inspection of the capital should begin with the central square of Rossiu. Over a thousand-year history, she has seen a lot. At one time, the Romans built a hippodrome on this site, and later the square acquired special significance. And to this day it is the main in Portugal. It is located in the Baixa region, which is certainly worth a visit for every tourist. The square is surrounded by buildings from the time of the Marquis of Pombal, which now houses restaurants, cafes and shops.

In the Middle Ages, during the heyday of the city around the square, nobles built luxurious palaces, competing with each other in luxury. The altars of churches were decorated with expensive paintings, encrusting everything with silver and gold. However, there was no trace of past luxury after the earthquake. The severe buildings were almost completely destroyed, and in their place gradually began to build new ones. So, for example, in the square on the site of the modern theater before the disaster, there was a palace in which members of the royal family lived.

After the earthquake, the square was rebuilt according to the plan of the architect Carlos Mardell from Hungary. In its center was a statue of Don Pedro IV (King of Portugal). Now the square is a favorite meeting place for citizens. In order to be able to see the city on their own, experienced travelers recommend purchasing a map of the sights of Lisbon in Russian. Such cards are commercially available. In addition, you can download such a card on a tablet or phone, which is also quite convenient.

National Pantheon

One of the most magnificent sights of Lisbon (Portugal) is the National Pantheon. An architectural monument acquired such a name only in the twentieth century. Until this time, the building housed the Church of St. Of engrasia. The temple was built in 1682. However, the modern church building was built on the basis of the former church. The original building began to deteriorate and collapse over time.

National Pantheon

Therefore, its restoration was entrusted to the royal architect Joao Uptunish. The church was never completed after the death of the architect. In an unfinished form, it stood up to the 20th century. In the future, completed the dome. And in 1996, the grand opening of the temple took place. The building is baroque.

Aqueduct of Aguash Librish

One of the main attractions of Lisbon is considered the aqueduct of Aguas Libris. Moreover, the building has long become a symbol of the city and its hallmark. The engineering structure impresses with its size. It is still one of the parts of the cityโ€™s water supply. The aqueduct includes 35 arches, all of them have semicircular arches. The highest arch reaches 60 meters in height. Surprisingly, the aqueduct was not damaged during the disaster. Its robust construction has resisted the ox during the earthquake. The length of the structure is 941 meters. Most of it is laid underground. And only at times the structure rises above the surface of the earth with grandiose arcades.

The aqueduct was built by Haun V, who loved everything majestic and grand. The construction of the facility addressed the issue of water shortages in the city. Construction work has been going on for decades. In the mid-nineteenth century, the aqueduct was opened as a pedestrian walkway.

April 25th Bridge

The sights of the city of Lisbon are not limited only to ancient buildings. Of the more modern structures, the bridge named after April 25 stands out. It connects Lisbon with the Almada district, located on the left bank of the Hedgehog River. The bridge was opened in 1966. The total length of the structure is 2277 meters. An interesting fact is that the bridge is included in the 20 longest suspended structures. The upper platform of the bridge is a freeway with 6-lane traffic, and at the bottom is a railway track.

April 25th Bridge

The idea of โ€‹โ€‹building such a structure was expressed as early as 1929. But its implementation was postponed for many years. And only in 1962 they again returned to this issue. Initially, the construction was named after the country's prime minister. But after the 1974 revolution, the bridge was named after April 25, since it was on this day that the red carnations revolution began.

Ajud Palace

With a map of the sights of Lisbon in Russian, every tourist can easily find all the most interesting places in the capital. Guests should visit the Ajuda Palace. Once the building was wooden. It was built for the royal couple, who settled here after the earthquake. The building was also called a wooden palace. However, he did not last long and burned during the fire of 1795. In its place, a capital stone structure was erected. The palace was originally built in the late Baroque style. However, the next architect continued the work, changing the style to neoclassicism. Construction was never completed due to the invasion of Napoleonic troops. Further construction was carried out slowly. Style has changed constantly due to the constant change of architects. After the construction was completed, the palace was not long a royal residence. After the revolution, the building was given over to the museum.

Ajud Palace

Currently, it houses a rich exposition of works of art from the 15th to the 20th century. The magnificent halls of the palace are decorated with tapestries and beautiful statues. The abundance of precious jewelry is associated with the discovery of diamonds in Brazil in the eighteenth century. To this day, the government uses the palace for official ceremonies.

Jeronimos Monastery

One of the sights of Lisbon (photo is given in the article) is located in the old suburb of Belem. Here in the fifteenth century a monastery was founded, which became one of the outstanding structures in the style of manueline. The complex is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The remains of Vasco da Gamma are buried in the monastery. The complex is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the capital of Portugal. It clearly demonstrates the richness and prosperity of the city in the era of geographical discoveries. Not only the rich facades of the monastery are impressive, but also the magnificent fountains, the interior of the building and landscape gardens. A detailed description of the sights of Lisbon can be found in any tourist guide. You will also see that the Maritime Museum and the Archaeological Museum of Portugal currently occupy the western wing of the building. For this reason, an entire day can be allocated for the inspection of the complex.

Kelush castle

It is quite possible to see the sights of Lisbon on your own. Moreover, most of the interesting places are located within the city. But there are those who are in the suburbs. Not far from the capital is Kelush Castle. The sophisticated structure is richly decorated. Many experts even talk about its similarity with the famous Versailles Palace. It was built in the seventeenth century in the tradition of lush rococo. The palace became for Pedro the Second suburban residence.

Kelush castle

The construction of the complex took quite a long time, gradually it was expanded and completed. As a result, he turned into a chic palace with a real throne room and a magnificent park. The construction period coincided with the period of gold mining in the mines of Brazil. In that era, everything was built on a grand scale.

Street Augusta

Before you go for a walk, it is worth highlighting the main attractions of Lisbon. A detailed description of them is in all guidebooks. This will help you to get directions and determine the sequence of visits to objects of interest. If you come to the capital for just a couple of days, then you should focus on the city sights of Lisbon. Tourists are advised not to plan many objects to see in one day. This is simply not possible because everyone deserves close attention.

Guests of the capital should definitely go to the main pedestrian street of Augusta. Here, the townspeople themselves as well as tourists like to walk. The boulevard is decorated with mosaic sidewalks. There are street cafes. The large shopping area is full of vibrant souvenirs. Ancient buildings lined the street. And at the beginning of the boulevard rises the Arc de Triomphe.

the main street

Augushta street is very old, which makes it even more beautiful. It is worth visiting at different times of the day, because each time it appears in a different guise. It is especially interesting to walk along the boulevard in the evening, when it is decorated with the soft light of lanterns.

Travel tips

Lisbon's sights are so beautiful that they are worth a look. But for walking it is necessary to prepare properly. The fact is that the sidewalks of the capital are lined with paving stones. Heels or other uncomfortable shoes cannot be walked on. Therefore, it is worth taking comfortable shoes with you. Portugal is very strict about violating established rules of conduct. For example, it is strictly forbidden to make bonfires or throw cigarettes in parks or recreation areas. The country is very affected by fires, so they strictly monitor order.

Girononymush Monastery

If you are a heavy smoker, then you should know that in Portugal cigarettes can be bought almost everywhere. But they are sold with special machines, which are usually blocked, in order to avoid selling to adults. To purchase cigarettes, you must ask any employee to unlock the device. And only after that you can make a purchase.

Going to Portugal, feel free to take your bank cards with you. It turns out that the country has a high level of banking services. Therefore, you can pay with a card almost everywhere.


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