"Fourth Height": a summary. The heroine of the book "Fourth Height" Gulya Koroleva

Elena Ilyina wrote several stories and books, but the story “Fourth Height” became her most famous work. The summary of the book will allow you to get acquainted with the work in minutes, while reading the original may take more than one day.

A little bit about the author and the main character of the story

Elena Ilyina is a literary pseudonym. The real name of the writer is Lia Yakovlevna Marshak, married to Price. Now it’s clear why in the first lines of his work Ilyin writes that he devotes this book to Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak. The famous writer was her sibling.

actress heroine wow fourth height

Also, at the beginning of the work, we learn that it is based on real events, and talks about a girl who managed to do a lot in her short life - to appear in several films, to prove to herself and others what she is capable of, to become an example of courage and courage.

First chapters

How does the story “Fourth Height” begin? The summary of the book will tell about this.

fourth height summary

In a Moscow apartment, a family lived - mother Zoya Mikhailovna, father and little daughter. Since the parents worked a lot, the baby had a nanny Anastasia Petrovna.

The girl was called Gulya, although her real name is Marionella. When the baby was not even a year old, she lay in her crib, smiled and often walked, so they began to call her Gulyushka, Gulenka.

The girl from infancy showed her strong character. When she learned to walk, she fell to the floor, but began to try again and again, until she confidently flooded her legs. The nanny said that she had not seen such a child, although she had raised many children, and called the girl fire.

Then Gulya Koroleva went to kindergarten. Here she became a little quiet, fell in love with sculpting from plasticine and building towers and houses out of cubes. But if someone destroyed these structures, she rewarded the offender with cuffs. Despite this, the children loved the baby, as she came up with interesting games.

Fearless girl

Guli's mother worked at the film factory, and the director who knew her, seeing her daughter, said more than once that she wanted to shoot her child in a movie. And once mother took her daughter to work with her. Here a brave girl pulled her hands out of a box of snakes. She did not know that at that moment she was filmed. For his first work, the child received a fee of 2 rubles.

What will the book “The Fourth Height” describe further? The summary provides another example of Koroleva’s fearless nature.

Once mom and daughter went to the zoo to look at the elephant. Zoya Mikhailovna threw a coin to him, he picked up the money and put it in the guard's pocket. Guli had a ball, he rolled through the bars of the lattice directly to the elephant. Mom advised her to wait until the watchman picks up the toy. But when Zoya Mikhailovna turned away for a second, she saw that the child was not nearby. She noted with horror that the baby was already in the cage of the elephant. The girl with a straight face looked away with his trunk to the side, took her ball and returned to her mother, squeezing through the bars of the lattice.

Further film works

ilyina fourth height

That's about such a fearless child, whom she knew personally, wrote Elena Ilyina. "Fourth Height" - a book that can teach a lot of modern readers. Very soon, Gulya will overcome her first height, courage and determination will help her in this. In the meantime, the girl had a chance to star in the second movie. She played a small role in the film "Women of Ryazan." Her work was appreciated by the directors.

Koroleva further develops character

Gulya has long dreamed of a blue bucket with which you can play in the sandbox. And then one day my mother bought her this. The joy of the child knew no bounds. She walked out of the store and cheerfully waved a bucket, while hitting passers-by. Mom made a remark to her, but the girl again inadvertently hit a man with a new toy. Then Zoya Mikhailovna went to the policeman and gave him a bucket for his children.

Of course, Gulya was very upset, but she did not give a look, she did not even cry. The second time, the girl showed restraint when she calmly told her father that her mother threw her doll out the window. Zoya Mikhailovna did this because her daughter did not listen to her, and, together with the toy, sat on the windowsill by the open window.

Flight to Spain and French

Further, he tells about other interesting moments in the life of Marionella, the story "Fourth Height". The summary also tells about it.

Once Gulya returned from the store joyful and happy. She showed the nanny what pictures her mother bought. While Anastasia Petrovna was busy with the housework, the girl stuck them to the recently painted walls. The woman saw this, began to curse and scrape pictures. Gulya tried to stop her, cried, but the nanny was inexorable.

Then the frustrated girl packed up and left home. She decided to go to warm Spain. The nanny brought her back to the apartment right from the station. The mother, who arrived home, reassured the girl, and she fell asleep.

After that, it was decided to take the child’s free time to good use. She began to be taken to a teacher, where, along with another girl and boy, she began to learn French. Once, walking with a teacher and these guys, she went to school and enrolled herself in first grade. Here is such an independent was the heroine of the book "Fourth Height".

Brave student

At school, the girl really liked it, but once she was so carried away by the game with her woolly monkey that she did not notice how the lesson began. Therefore, the first grader did not hear what the teacher was telling, and got a bad mark.

But the girl was able to correct grades. When Gulya was in seventh grade, she was able to learn geography in order to pass the exams well. This will be covered in more detail later, but for now, the book “The Fourth Height”, the contents of which you read, tells about how the girl became ill with scarlet fever, lay in the hospital, and then went with her mother to Armenia, where she made new friends and showed them her courage. She was able to arouse the trust of a dog that everyone was afraid of, and the formidable dog next to the girl became meek and obedient.

First height

Elena Ilyina fourth height

It's time to talk about how Gulya Koroleva took the first height in her life. She was invited to star in the movie "The Partisan's Daughter." Here the girl had to ride a horse. When the horse was brought to him, he showed his burrows. But Marionella had a strong character. Each time she mounted a horse and forced herself to obey, although the stubborn horse did not want this at all. But over the days of long training, the animal nevertheless began to do what was necessary - to trot, gallop.

In one of the movie scenes, the girl needed to jump over the barrier with her horse. He did not want to do this, but the brave rider did not give up. After hard training, she managed to overcome the barrier. So the first height was taken. Elena Ilyina talks about this in her book. The fourth height that a brave girl will overcome will be the last. The reader will know about this very soon.

Gulya takes the second height

After filming, the girl’s parents stayed to work in Odessa, so Gulya went to school here. At first, she didn’t really like the new classmates, but then she realized that the girls and even the boys are good here. She asked her father to give her as much money as she would eat on ice cream and ride on attractions for a month. With these funds, she arranged a holiday for classmates with ice cream and skating in the park. She kept her word and for a month did not ask her father for money.

The solid character of Marionella is also visible in another episode, when the seventh grader Gulya Koroleva was supposed to take the exam. The fourth height of the girl will be taken during the Great Patriotic War, but for now she had to catch up.

ghoul queen fourth height

Acting in films, the girl did not have time to learn lessons. She was ashamed when she could not answer geography. After this, the student decided to study tirelessly and kept her own word. At the exam, Gulya flashed her knowledge so much that she pleasantly hit her teacher, the commission, and got the top five. This bright fact from the life of Marionella was known and described by Elena Ilyina. The fourth height will be taken later, but for now, the book tells how Gulu was rewarded with a trip to the Artek pioneer camp for filming a movie and successfully completing the seventh grade. The girl was incredibly happy about this.

Marionella's Acts

The behavior of the girl was not perfect in everything. Like all people, she made mistakes. So, in “Artek” Gulya left from a quiet hour to ride a horse. And when she was in the sanatorium, she spent all the money. The girl laid her watch, but mother, learning about this, gave her daughter money and said that she bought a valuable thing and didn’t do it anymore.

Marionella could give vent to anger. So, angry at the teacher in the sanatorium Olga Pavlovna, she tore the sheet. But then, recollecting herself, I sewed it. Despite the tricks of Guli, Olga Pavlovna in the recommendations for further treatment written by Zoya Mikhailovna spoke very well of Gul. After reading the positive characteristics, the girl became ashamed, and she wrote a letter to the teacher, in which she repented of her misconduct and asked for forgiveness.

fourth height content

It was about such a girl - strong and at the same time quick-tempered, touchy and quickly repenting, Ilyina told in her book. “The fourth height” is a work about a person who may be wrong, but always acknowledges this and tries to live in good conscience.

Third height

When Gula was 15 years old, she decided to enroll in the section for diving at the Palace of Pioneers. For the sake of this, she even sacrificed her beautiful curly hair, asking the hairdresser to cut her hair for a boy. In the section, she found her friend Mirra, who she dedicated to her secret, saying that she wants to go to a military school. But the girl was not accepted because of not very good vision. She was upset. However, soon Guli's mood improved. Indeed, she was accepted into the Komsomol!

book heroine fourth height

Joy inspired the girl, and she decided to jump in the pool from a ten-meter tower, which she was even afraid to approach before. So she conquered the third height of Gulya Korolev. The fourth height will be taken by her a little later.

The girl repeated her record on Physical Education Day, completing an even more difficult jump from a ten-meter tower. For him, she received a very high score - 9 points.

That's how she grew up, became a person with a capital Gul Korolev - actress, heroine of the Second World War.

Fourth height

The girl successfully graduated from high school, entered the Irrigation and Reclamation Institute and early married a young man named Sergey. But happiness did not last long, on June 22, 1941 the Great Patriotic War began. Her husband went to the front, and Gulya and Zoya Mikhailovna were evacuated from Kiev to the east.

Here in Ufa, Marionella gave birth to a son. But the girl did not sit at home, she went to work in the hospital. Here Gul took care of the wounded. Fourth Height is a very interesting book. You will not regret it if, having read the summary, then you will read it in full and find out all the details.

The girl’s husband died, and Gulya Koroleva went to the front, where she was a medical instructor. Her battalion was ordered to take the height under the name "56.8". First, the girl helped the wounded, then took command. When the machine gunner was killed, she replaced him. The seriously wounded Marionella, along with her comrades, ran to storm the hill. So, at the cost of her life, she took the last, fourth height.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7636/

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