Electric wires for internal wiring: requirements

Installing electrical communications indoors is quite a serious matter. Electric wires for internal wiring provide energy of appropriate quality. The system must fulfill all the functions assigned to it in full, and also meet the requirements of electrical and fire safety.

To establish the system, it is necessary to pay attention to the material and design of electrical wires for internal wiring, as well as their type and cross-section.

Types of wire laying

There are three options for installing wires indoors: open, combined and hidden.

Open wiring is easy to install, does not need to prepare mines for communications. Its significant drawback is the failure to comply with electrical safety requirements. And the general view of such an installation is rather unaesthetic. Therefore, in residential premises such installation is not used.

Electric wires for internal wiring 3 2 5

The combined method involves conducting electrical communications in special boxes. Such installation also does not require laying mines inside the walls, but the electrician is hiding in special plastic channels. The appearance of the system is quite aesthetic, and the safety requirements are fully respected.

The most common is hidden wiring, which is located inside the plaster. Its minus is a rather complicated procedure for updating the system. Electric wires for internal wiring antique in the current conditions are not able to provide an increased demand for electricity. But their replacement will require the opening of mines and new communications.

Wire purpose

An electrical wire consists of one or more wires that conduct current.

Electric wires for internal wiring

According to the purpose of the energy message, the wires are divided into several types.

  • Mounting wire. This type of conductors is used in the process of installing electrical circuits on the board, boards and panels. Stranded types of products are more common. All wires are coated with a special layer of tin or lead solder. Fastening is carried out both by soldering and bolts with nuts.
  • Winding wire. It acts as the main element of coils and windings in transformers, electromagnetic relays, measuring instruments and electric motors.
  • Installation wire. It is used for internal wiring of electric wires in both old and new systems. May have from one to three cores.
  • The cord is used to connect household electrical appliances.
  • The cable serves as a conductor for supplying electricity to powerful installations.

Core material

The core of the electric wire for internal wiring, according to safety requirements, can be made of copper or aluminum. The second option is used more often.

Electric wires for internal wiring of VVG

At the same current loads, the cross section of the aluminum core must be larger than that of copper. The reliability of the compounds of this material is also lower. This is due to aluminum properties such as fluidity and oxidizability.

Copper wires when connected are twisted and soldered. This material is less susceptible to corrosion and has greater conductivity and strength.

At the joints, aluminum can heat up, which does not comply with fire safety requirements.

Wire section

A cable may consist of several cores. Their cross section (diameter) is selected depending on the current strength. This figure is the minimum for copper 1 square. mm, and for aluminum - 2 square meters. mm

Electrical wires for internal wiring requirements

Choosing electric wires for internal wiring, the requirements and characteristics of which should ensure the operation of 5 kW of power of the device, it is necessary to stop on a copper wire with a cross section of 3.2 square meters. mm

Aluminum provides only 62% of the conductivity of copper. Therefore, if the required cross-section of copper is 2.5 square meters. mm, then an aluminum wire for the same conductivity will require a diameter of 4 square meters. mm

The cross section must be selected with a power reserve, because over time, some other consumer may need to be connected to this conductor.

Wire marking

To understand the variety of varieties of wire, you must understand its labeling.

If the type of wire has the letter "A", then the core is made of aluminum. In the case where there is no such letter, the material for the manufacture of the product is copper.

For example, electric wires for internal wiring "3 * 2.5" can be deciphered as a "three-core cable with a cross section of 2.5 square mm."

The first letter of symbolism speaks of the material of the core, the second denotes a wire, the third - insulation. It can be “P” - rubber, “B” - polyvinyl chloride, “P” - polyethylene.

The presence of the letter “G” in the marking indicates that the wire is flexible.

For example, the wire marking for internal wiring, which has the designation VVG, indicates that the product has a copper core, polyvinyl chloride insulation, and that the wire is flexible.

Modern varieties of wire

In light of the increasing demand for electric energy, the market for such communications offers a wide selection of a wide variety of products.

Electric wires for antique wiring

There are single-core, multi-core solid and multi-wire copper wires of the PV series.

This group includes electric wires for internal wiring of VVG. Their popularity is due to their high reliability.

For dry and humid rooms, you can use wires brand AVVG. They are similar to the previous type of cable, but the core is aluminum. Therefore, the cross section of this type of communications should be selected more than that of a similar copper conductor.

Well-proven conductors of the type PUNP. They have reinforced insulation.

If the room is characterized by a high level of fire hazard, it is recommended to use NUN brand products. They are equipped with a special fire-fighting substance, which, with a sharp increase in temperature, releases a flame retardant. They are also characterized by moisture resistance and ductility.

Having become acquainted with the variety of electrical conductors presented today, you can make the right choice of these communications. The main criteria are fire safety, ensuring the necessary energy capacity and uninterrupted operation of the system.

Electrical wires for internal wiring, properly selected and installed, will last a long time. A competent approach to the replacement and installation of wiring guarantees the quality and reliability of the operation of the entire system.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7637/

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