DIY do-it-yourself children's educational book for kindergarten

Do you work as a teacher? Want to make an educational book yourself? Do-it-yourself children's book for kindergarten can be made in many ways. Some of them are suitable for creating manuals for children of preschool age, while others, on the contrary, are great for kids. Choose what you need.

do-it-yourself children's book for kindergarten

Do-it-yourself children's book for kindergarten

The study of literary works and the communication of children with a book is important at any age. You need to get used to this as early as possible. To interest kids, it is good to use bright colors. Textile books are very popular and useful for development, in which not only different textures of fabrics are used, but also all kinds of game elements (moving, rustling, unfastening, untying, etc.)

If you make such a developmental manual for children with their own hands, they will feel the warmth of your hands enclosed by you and will be engaged with it with even greater interest and pleasure.

In addition, you can make a book of any subject, size and design yourself. And for financial costs, this will be much cheaper than the purchase of a ready-made allowance, especially if you are engaged in needlework and you have a lot of remaining scraps and decoration elements.

do-it-yourself children's book

Ideas and Options

Very beautiful children's books with their own hands (photo above) can be made completely from different materials. Technique options are as follows:

  • patchwork;
  • application of paper, cardboard, fabric;
  • cardboard base with volumetric details inside on the pages (buttons, lacing, stickers, stripes, figures from fabric).

Themed design, take one of the following:

  • rainbow;
  • "learning colors";
  • seasons;
  • transport;
  • insects
  • flowers
  • fairy tales.

There are a lot of ideas. Anyone can easily refine or come up with his own.

DIY books for children photo

It’s interesting to build a decoration on the development of an action, for example, unfastening different types of fasteners (buttons, zippers, Velcro, laces, buttons, straps). Each page has its own way. Or devote a book to the study of motion in several directions. Somewhere the machine will move from left to right along the ribbon, on the second page the butterfly will fly diagonally. On the third - you need to move the beads through a labyrinth of mesh fabric, etc.

Design options

A do-it-yourself children's book for a kindergarten is made either in the form of a standard binding with sheets that are turned over, for example, on rings, ribbons or braid. You can use the flashed version. Books are also performed according to the accordion principle, while the sheets can be spread out in one plane, and if the pages are dense enough - put vertically in the form of a series of corners.

Paper and cardboard pages are best laminated. So the product will last much longer. If the benefit is supposed to be made of fabric, it is worth using shreds that do not show off the edges, such as fleece or felt. Parts cut from these materials can even be glued in the form of appliqués.

DIY books for children photo

What is required

So, if you decide to make a combined book from cardboard, paper and fabric, you need to prepare the following things:

  • base materials mentioned above;
  • patterns and patterns of parts (you can find them ready or draw in advance);
  • pencil;
  • a ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue or thermal gun;
  • needle with thread; pins may be required;
  • laminator and film (for small parts some use adhesive tape);
  • decor and connection elements (ribbons, shoelaces, rings, eyelets, beads, bows, Velcro, buttons, etc.).

The finished product is created from all of this in approximately the following sequence:

  1. It is always better to start work by choosing the size and number of pages, the design of the book, subjects and an approximate sketch of the future project. It is enough to depict on approximately any leaflet what you want to see on each page, and their order.
  2. From large sheets of cardboard or fabric to make a base.
  3. Complete the blanks of all necessary parts.
  4. Distribute the decor into pages, laminate the paper version.
  5. Collect sheets by the selected method of fastening into a single whole.

If you carry out everything gradually and have a clear plan of action, creating even the most complex product will become simple.

How to make a children's book with your own hands using the Kirigami technique

Such a product will look like a real masterpiece. The base material is paper. All you need is scissors. Image templates can be found ready-made or developed independently. The meaning of the work is that part of the image in the spread of the book is cut out and bent, due to which the picture becomes three-dimensional.

DIY do-it-yourself children's books
The book is created from several spreads glued together. Images can be taken in color or painted independently, although even products made from plain plain paper or cardboard look very beautiful and interesting. Such are the masterpieces, and not just children's handmade books. With your own hands you can create real miracles. And the result will be not only no worse, but also better than the purchased counterpart. Children and adults will be delighted with your skills.

As you can see, a do-it-yourself children's book for a kindergarten is made simply and from available materials. Some options are not just developmental aids, but also true masterpieces of needlework and art.


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