Pushkin days: where, when and how is this holiday celebrated?

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin ... His name bears many cultural objects. Museums, streets, universities are named after him. It is especially interesting that in honor of the wonderful Russian poet there is even a holiday. A lot of people periodically come across such a concept as “Pushkin days”. However, few people wonder what kind of holiday it is, and also when and where it takes place. Nevertheless, in some circles it is quite common. It is celebrated by many writers, library workers and just people who respect the Russian language with respect and love. For them, this is a really important holiday, which helps to increase the culture of the population and arouse interest in Russian literature.

Pushkin days

What holiday is it?

Now it’s worth figuring out what kind of holiday it is and when it passes. Every year on June 6, Russia celebrates Russian Language Day. It is noteworthy that it is dedicated to the birthday of A.S. Pushkin. This holiday is undoubtedly very important for every resident of the country. Throughout almost the entire life of people, the work of the great poet accompanies. From a young age, they begin to get acquainted with his work, gradually becoming familiar with more serious works. Through them, the cultural enrichment of a person takes place, knowledge and a sense of the Russian language are laid. Of course, this has a great influence on cultural development, because any culture is largely comprehended through literature.

Pushkin day in the library

Where are the Pushkin days?

The central place for the celebration is the Pushkin Mountains and Mikhailovskoye. Huge crowds of people gather here every year to listen to various poetic works. Poems by A. S. Pushkin are read by both young and famous poets held.

In Pushkin days the estate is filled with a unique atmosphere. You can walk along paths and alleys, enjoy the beauties of local nature. Really a lot of guests come to the holiday, people come from the most remote places. Not only poets take part in the celebration; here you can see famous musicians and actors.

The main celebration, of course, always takes place in the Mikhailovskoye Museum-Estate, however, you can take part in the festival in other places as well.

Where can I go on Russian Language Day?

Naturally, it is not always possible to attend the main events to celebrate this wonderful day. Despite the difficulties, there is always the opportunity to get somewhere on this day and at least take part in the celebration. You can often see an announcement that Pushkin Day is being held in the library. Not all institutions take this issue seriously. However, many libraries make a real celebration. As part of the holiday, poetry reading, acquaintance with the poet's biography, and sometimes theatrical events are held.

script Pushkin day

Anyone who wants to take part in the celebration can visit Pushkin's day in the library. This really allows you to join the great Russian culture and imbued with the Russian language and literature.

Pushkin Day: activities for children

Many parents want their children to join the culture from a very young age. In this regard, many children's institutions celebrate the holiday, and in some cases even come up with their own script. Pushkin Day is spent in kindergartens, schools, libraries. Often theatrical performances are arranged for children, watching which they can better understand many works. Very often they themselves can take part in such productions. Undoubtedly, this holiday has a positive effect not only on the child’s knowledge, but also on his perception of Russian culture and literature, which perfectly helps him further master school literature.

The figure of A. S. Pushkin in Russian literature

Of course, such a wonderful holiday as the Pushkin days would not have existed if there had not been a great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. It is no coincidence that this day is also called Russian Language Day, because the poet’s contribution to the formation of the language is truly enormous. Many people think that they know almost everything about Pushkin and his work, but this is not so at all. His work paved the way for many other great writers. He also greatly influenced the further development of the Russian language.

Pushkin day of the event

Many people are accustomed to perceive Pushkin only as a poet, but his talent was manifested in other genres, such as prose and dramaturgy. This is not the whole list, since a deeper examination can be found in his literary criticism, historical prose, and journalism. If you return to poetry, it is important to note how versatile it is.

A bit about poetic genres

This is not to say that Pushkin created all of poetry in a single genre. In his work there are lyrics, poems, fairy tales. All these genres are periodically intertwined in his work, thus creating a truly unique style. When transferring the characteristics of one genre into the framework of another, completely new original works of that time were obtained. Pushkin’s language tools are also very diverse, it was he who stopped dividing them into low and high, thereby significantly diversifying the language. Such ideas allowed the formation of a new national literary language.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7642/

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