Writer Annie Schmidt: biography, list of books, reviews

Anna Schmidt knew the children well, believed in them and herself was a child in her heart. The author of mischievous and kind books for young readers, she glorified her country, where she is called the “queen of children's literature”. There is a lot of humor in her stories, it is no coincidence that the Dutch writer is called the most witty grandmother in the world. In this article, you will get acquainted with the biography of Annie Schmidt, her books and reader reviews.

annie schmidt books

Writer childhood

The Dutch writer Anna Maria Gertrude Schmidt was born in 1911 in a small Dutch village. Father, pastor of the Reformed Church, did not impose his beliefs on the children. As an enlightened person, he read a lot. And instilled a love of reading for children. There was no electricity or radio in the village, and Annie grew up on books. Andersen's tales became her first favorite works, she saw in their immeasurable significance, they became for her a measure of human values.

She began to write as a child, and her mother sent poetry to her daughter, the famous poet V. Clos. In a response letter, he noted Annie's literary talent. Schmidt graduated from school in Goes, studied for a lawyer in The Hague. Then her parents sent her to relatives in Germany, where Annie studied home economics. When the Nazis came to power, she returned home and graduated from librarian courses. At first, the work seemed boring to her, but she was soon carried away, and a few years later she became the director of one of the largest libraries.

First poems

The first poems of Annie Schmidt appeared in the Christian journal The Path in 1938. During the fascist occupation, Annie wrote a lot. Poems were published in the children's section of the underground newspaper and became a breath of fresh air for the writer during these difficult years. After the war, she worked in the newspaper Het Parool, where her works were published, and in 1950 the first poetry collection, The Whistle Maker, was published.

annie schmidt

Tale is a lie, but a hint in it

Schmidt’s original style and sense of humor could not but attract the attention of readers, and very soon the name of the writer became known. By the end of the 50s, she became the most popular author in the Netherlands. Her books, where reality coexisted peacefully with fantasy, were deprived of the edification inherent in children's books. Original style, simplicity, subtle humor did their job - Schmidt literally burst into the life of little readers with their mischievous and funny stories.

In the fairy tales of Annie Schmidt, children and cute animals live peacefully, inhabited by boring and prim adults. Despite the most fantastic situations, in fairy tales - not a word of league. At least, small readers often on the pages of books recognize their near and dear ones with their weaknesses and quirks, meet friends and acquaintances. Despite the fact that the hens here carry colored eggs, the pond is filled with sparkling water, and the horse plays the violin. All her stories are optimistic and vivid, where truth and fiction are combined.

Queen of children's books

Now in the Netherlands there is not a single child who does not know the name of the writer and did not read her verses by heart. There is a school in her name in Amsterdam, Annie Schmidt became the owner of all the important awards of her country. Her name is placed next to Tove Janson and Astrid Lindgren, who awarded her the Andersen medal in 1988. The whole country celebrated the 80th anniversary of Annie Schmidt as a national holiday. It so happened that Russian-language readers first heard about her books in 1993. October 10 of this year was declared worldwide Annie Schmidt Day and more than two hundred theaters around the world staged a play according to her script "Madame Bock."

Annie Schmidt Murley

Collection of fairy tales

Annie Schmidt's collection of fairy tales, “Witches and Everything” (1964), was the first to appear. The author in an original way reworked many fairy-tale stories known to many, only the witches drive her car, the queen in the fairy tale “Speckle” hatches the thrush egg from which the little princess is born. So that people do not laugh at the queen, the king builds a tall fence around the tree. In "Diaper with a Crown," the stork carries the child to the duke himself. Old Frederick has been delivering children for many years, but accidentally lost a baby, and he got into the house of a simple baker.

The story “Fresh-Frozen Ladies” tells about a hairdresser who has fallen into a frozen country, where he falls in love with an ice beauty and saves her from an incredible cold, but he cannot save from heat. In the same book is a story about Madame Bock, an untidy strange old woman, in whose disheveled hair whose dove twisted a nest. In a dirty board she drives around on an old clunker, but she knows how to fend for herself and turn a burgomaster into a mouse.

annie schmidt reviews

Annie Schmidt Books

In the work “Pluck from Petterflet” (1971), the author introduces readers to a mischievous guy who lives in the turret of a tall house, rode on a crane, always in a hurry to help friends and can not live a day without adventure.

In the story "Murley", published in 1970, readers are waiting for an incredible transformation. A red cat becomes a girl with a shock of fiery red hair, but she has not lost her cat habits. Seeing the dog, she instantly flew up to a tall tree, fell on an uninvited evening, walked along the roofs at night and tried to catch fish from the aquarium. Murley understands cat language and, becoming an assistant journalist for Tibbe, who writes about animals, glorified his name, punished the factory director and did not return to cat life.

“Sasha and Masha” is a series of fun books about Yip and Yanek, published from 1953 to 1957. Sasha and Masha Annie Schmidt live in Holland and, translated into Russian, their names have changed. What difference does it make, after all all the children in the world are the same tombs. A wonderful series of 5 books, in each of which readers are waiting for funny stories. Easy, lively, mischievous and instructive stories about children. The stories are short and written in simple language, an excellent reading for kids 3 to 5 years old and for children who are learning or just learned to read.

In the book "Viplala" (1957), readers are expected to get acquainted with an unlucky gnome, from whom there are only troubles in the family - whatever it does, it's not like that. The kids did not want to part with it so much that the author had to give in to their persuasion and in 1962 publish a continuation of this fabulous story.

“Osha” (1980) - a story about a girl whose dad lost all documents. A completely obedient citizen, not an emigrant, and not some dubious element there. She takes this as another adventure and helps dad cope with difficulties. Everything would be fine, but dad, when faced with injustice, falls into righteous anger. Then beware! Osha’s dad is a talented cook. And a fish dish for several people flying into the wall is still a harmless reaction. At such moments, he is not able to think adequately, and Oshenka is the only one who will calm him down. Who knows what would have turned out if it had not been for the Oschenkin friends. And she has a lot of them - Drozd Zwick with his family, Betsy's cat, mouse, Louis, raven Syrnik, sparrow Tyuk.

Gryaznulka (1971) is a book about a girl who knew how to get dirty better than anyone else. Everyone called her that, but she was not upset, and even a little proud. With the faithful doggie Chumazik they are always ready for adventure.

Annie Schmidt writer

Literary activity

Annie Schmidt’s work is not limited only to children's books, she kept headings in print media, wrote texts for films and radio series, musicals, songs for the De Inktvis cabaret and plays. In 1965, according to her script, the first Dutch musical Heerlijk was staged 534 times. The music was written by G. Bannik. In collaboration with him from 1966 to 1968 the legendary television series Yes, Sister was created. From 1971 to 1981, the musicals “Now go to sleep”, “What kind of planet”, “Foxtrot”, “Madame”. From 1975 to 1977, the 12-episode series Pleisterkade was shot, which was a great success.

Annie Schmidt Creativity

Personal life

In 1951, relations began between Annie Schmidt and the chemist Dick Van Duane. In 1954, they got married. They lived in Le Roule and Berkel-en-Rodenreis. But most of all she loved Amsterdam and moved here after the death of her husband in 1982. In 1991, after a poorly accepted play, she stopped writing. She was almost blind, and as a result of an unsuccessful fall in 1994, received a hip injury. She underwent surgery, but she decided to take her life in her own hands and agreed with the doctor about euthanasia. She asked G. Bannik, with whom they had been collaborating for a long time, to write music for her funeral. She died on May 21, 1995. Her son Flip and grandchildren live in Holland, and most importantly, the books of the writer Annie Schmidt.

Annie Schmidt Biography

Reader Reviews

Annie Schmidt's books are filled with life situations. Incredibly dynamic stories to read is a pleasure. Readers Annie Schmidt write in the reviews, despite the fact that the works raise, sometimes complex adult themes, they are optimistic and life-affirming. For example, Osha is a book about how a person without documents becomes a suspicious person, even if he is a very kind and law-abiding citizen. Cheerless things, but not a pessimistic story came out from under the pen of Annie Schmidt. This is a book about how to be able to control yourself, about self-esteem, about a single father.

Annie Schmidt has bright, unusual plots and characters. Lovely, unobtrusive, filled with a sense of justice, works that are interesting to children, because in many heroes they recognize themselves and find themselves in similar situations. Fascinating and magical stories, and realistic about children's pranks and pranks. The most important thing is books for everyone. They help parents understand and forgive their babies, even when they want to stamp their feet, children are taught friendship, obedience, responsibility for their actions and kindness.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7646/

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