Lake Brosno in the Tver region. The mystery of lake Brosno

In the north-west of the Tver region (Russia) is the deep lake Brosno. But not the beauty of the picturesque coast and the abundance of fish attracts hundreds of tourists here. Riddle and mystery beckon to the lake ...

Old legend

the lake is cast

Lake Brosno in the Tver region has long attracted tourists with its mystery and mystery. According to legend, eyewitnesses in this lake more than once observed a large unknown monster. What is especially interesting, it has been observed for several hundred years. It is believed that when the Tatar-Mongols crossed to the other side of the lake, they were all eaten by this monster. The first written mention of him was recorded in 1854. Unfortunately, the exact description of the monster has not survived to this day. Incredibly, our ancestors claimed that this miraculous judo helped Russia more than once in wartime and a similar story allegedly happened during the Second World War. Since then, the monster was no longer remembered until recently, until it again appeared to people in 2001.

Search for an answer

the lake is cast in the Tver region

The mystery of Lake Brosno has not been revealed to this day, but scientists are not going to give up. Now a little more about research. Small villages were located along the shores of the lake, and the stories of local residents always came down to one thing: an unknown creature lives here.

Lake Brosno, the monster in which, according to their unanimous statement, exists, is full of surprises and surprises. It is worth noting that, although the inhabitants claimed with one voice about this monster, its descriptions often diverged. Someone saw a very long neck and horn, and someone saw large vertebrae and ribs. It was rumored that someone managed to capture the monster on a camera and even shoot on video, but the data were not published, and people crave evidence.

Lake Brosno in the Tver region attracted a lot of journalists and newspaper people. First of all, of course, local. But as soon as the information spread a little further, the flows of media workers increased significantly. This story was like a fairy tale about the Loch Ness monster, but, unlike the latter, there were much more specifics: descriptions, exact dates, names and surnames. The stories of local residents more and more overgrown with different details.

Creation of an expedition

monster lake cast

There is a certain government organization that is engaged in the study of just such issues. If such information arrives, then the organization’s employees immediately go there and try to establish the accuracy of the information. Most often, the verdict is negative. But there were two exceptions, that is, they established that some huge creature was indeed present in the pond. Lake Brosno (Tver region) has long been on their note, but for some reason, scientists were slow. Suddenly, information appeared in the press that the monster had crawled ashore and killed a little girl. The message excited the public, and the researchers actively seized themselves on Lake Brosno. Soon, an expedition was assembled from volunteers and scientists, and in April 2002 a thorough survey of the area began. Volunteers walked through all the surrounding settlements, information was collected, scientists analyzed and put together a whole picture bit by bit, because by the time of the expedition there were not so many eyewitnesses.

Professional zoologists came from St. Petersburg to study the flora and fauna of the Tver land. Lake Brosno, fishing on which was temporarily prohibited, was fully studied, the coastal stripes were drained and literally torn up and down, and immediately the results of the study began to diverge from the words of local residents and what they wrote in the newspapers.

Myths and Facts

cast fishing lake

Newspapers wrote that the lake has a deep depression of more than 80 meters, where the notorious monster lives, but, having studied the bottom, scientists found out that this is not so. The only thing that could catch on was the moving bottom, which is in the lake, but it turned out to be completely lifeless. The maximum depth of the lake was no more than 40 meters.

It was previously claimed that there was more than enough food for a predator in Lake Brosno, but zoologists found that he would have absolutely nothing to eat.

Also, scientists were provided with videos on which the monster was allegedly photographed, but they also failed. On one, the lake actually crossed a wild boar, on the second there was an enlarged head of the most ordinary duck.

Found witnesses

the mystery of the lake is cast

The terrible rumor that the girl had been eaten by a predator was also not confirmed. No mysterious deaths or disappearances were recorded either at the local police station or in the hospital. It turned out that all the residents who claimed the fact of the death of the child had long lived in another place (for reasons not related to the monster), and many even died long before the large-scale study. Native residents advised scientists and correspondents to talk with two local businessmen who could tell something about this. It took a little time to find them.

PR move?

lake cast vacation

A successful businessman and his son were ready to show the place where the murder took place, for a fabulous sum, but when they found out that the scientific expedition was busy, they backtracked and admitted that they had never seen anything like it. Although the old-timers firmly believed that these two had all seen and everyone knew, they supposedly even showed them “on TV” (they invited them to TNT). Businessmen were described as decent, smart and honest people who would not say anything just like that. From a conversation with the fears, it was established that he had acquired the lake and is going to establish a tourist base in its place. Both men are indigenous locals, and it was they who remembered the long-standing legend about the monster right after the purchase of the lake. It is obvious that it was just a PR move to attract tourists. History is banal and funny if only because it already has an analogue. For the first time, the Loch Ness monster was seen by the owner of a hotel located near a lake.

Lake Brosno, the description of the parameters of which was provided above, simply could not hide a huge monster in its bowels: it would not have enough depth and food.

Where did the ancient myth come from?

castno tver oblast

Everything was obvious, but the only thing that worried the expedition members was the question of where these rumors originally came from, because before that no one even knew what tourism was. And soon the unexpected happened. The last day of the expedition was marked by an emergency situation, thanks to which a hypothesis was born, according to which the monster could really exist. The vessel was fixed at the bottom with a depth of 35 meters, which had previously been measured, but then the depth began to grow rapidly. And from the bottom a living creature appeared, rather large in size. To check if it was living, scientists threw a firecracker into the water, and the creature reacted. Then the monster began to rise up, pulling the search vessel along with it. The crew panicked, everyone was afraid that they would face an unknown animal face to face. Not wanting to force events, the crew decided to immediately sail away.

After this incident, the expedition again took up the matter with even greater enthusiasm. A month after the start of the study, the final results were announced. There was no animal. This was a movement of the bottom layers, which caused a peculiar whirlpool, the result of which was an illusion that frightened the crew of the vessel. Bottom whirlpools are a local natural phenomenon that requires careful study. Monsters could not be here, but the locals really saw strange unrest on the water, which is explained by the above natural phenomenon.

Despite the unequivocal conclusions of scientists, newspapers were still full of incredible headlines. One popular television channel even shot a show in which they promised to catch a monster. Over the course of several series, the directors shot an intriguing video, skillfully directing the imagination of the average man in the right direction, but the predator, of course, was not caught.

The point in the research is not set ...

lake cast

A year later, another expedition decided to explore Lake Brosno. Data collection went through the same steps as the previous time. Scientists have come to the same conclusion as their colleagues. The public at first did not want to accept the banal information about the explosion, then its supporters became much more, and as a result, the majority accepted this idea. Lake Brosno, which was impossible to rest during the period of intensive research, again began to accept those who wanted to relax in nature.

In 2007, another intelligence was launched by a group of students and graduate students who found another approach to the lake, previously unknown. They also talked to an eyewitness who called himself the master of the lake and still insisted that he regularly saw the monster. But it soon became clear that this was an impostor who skillfully made money on rumors of a monster for many years, leading tourists by the nose.

To finally verify the established facts, they sent another group of highly qualified scientists. This time the group was much larger, scuba divers and a lot of new equipment were added. For reliability, all stages of the study were filmed on a video camera. In addition to the standard plan for exploring the surroundings and the bottom of the lake, taking water samples, the task was set to investigate another question - about the sandy mountain, which was described by ancient chroniclers. Helicopters, scuba divers, scientists, locals - all were waiting for new discoveries. But they did not follow, in connection with which it was found that the riddles of the lake do not exist, this is the most common reservoir.

Instead of an afterword

Thanks to numerous expeditions, many useful discoveries were made about Lake Brosno in the Tver Region. Temporary hype helped attract tourists and fishermen to the region. Given the strange bottom unrest, local authorities categorically forbade the use of any explosive substances in and around Lake Brosno so as not to cause whirlpools in the lake.

Tver region, Lake Brosno, a monster - all this still attracts tourists. Given the passion of the people for everything mystical, this will be for a long and long time.


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