Game Diablo 3: classes in the main version

In Diablo 3, classes are a fundamental aspect of the entire project, and any newbie knows about it. For users, choosing an archetype is a huge challenge, because all further adventures depend on it. In this article, you can read about the five main characters that are available without buying paid add-ons.

Army management

Among the classes in Diablo 3, the Sorcerer is different in that all his skills are based on the ideology of sacrifice. He left the jungle tribes of Sanctuary and believes that the material shell of the world is worthless. His skills are based on calling various creatures to help themselves. This list includes the risen dead, the giant Gromaden and other creatures. He does not need the bodies of fallen warriors for this. The sorcerer is also strong in remote combat, even without his defenders. His cold magic interferes with movement and causes good damage, and poisoned debuffs take a decent amount of health. That is why some players consider the Sorcerer the strongest class in Diablo 3.

diablo 3 classes

Power at short range

Among the total number of classes in Diablo 3, Barbarian deserves no less attention. This melee warrior is the only archetype that the developers from the last part suffered. He noticeably aged, and his mechanics were pretty redesigned. In the third part of the franchise, Barbarian does not use mana to activate skills. Instead, a rage scale appeared, which is gained by causing and receiving damage. It can be used as a resource for activating abilities. The most powerful skills require a large supply of rage. That is why in the game, the Barbarian should be ready to rush into the thick of the enemies and not be afraid to accept enemy attacks. Almost all the skills of this class are manifested by strikes of varying degrees of scope and speed. Many abilities focus on piercing armor. For implementation, the Barbarian is considered one of the simplest, because he forgives mistakes in battle. At the same time, it is not inferior in strength to other archetypes.

diablo 3 what classes

Magic as a basis

In Diablo 3, character classes were created to be equal in strength, but different in terms of mechanics and tactics of warfare. So, the Wizard has a big difference in skills with the Sorcerer, although the names will be similar for many people. This archetype is a small reference to the Sorceress from the previous part. Only now did she learn “old school” magic, which was dominated by spells based on various elements. The sorcerers went a little further. They use the abilities of the "new school" to conduct the battle, which allow you to manage time itself. This class also depends on mana, and all abilities require this resource. The wizard can control space, create great destruction in different areas. This helps to get rid of a huge number of opponents at the same time. The essence of the class is that with the help of the staff and wand it activates weak spells. His task is to divert the attention of enemies while the Wizard prepares to launch his most powerful skills.

diablo 3 best class

Holy enlightenment

In Diablo 3, classes are also very different in external styling, which can be seen in the design of the Monk. This is a kind of combination of all the traditions of Orthodox priests in Europe and Asian rituals. The result was a colorful archetype that believes in the existence of thousands of gods, who are one at a time. This character can perform two functions. On the one hand, it has a whole arsenal of Heavenly strokes, as well as the ability to strengthen itself with defensive or attacking debuffs. This allows you to be a good fighter at close range. On the other hand, all healing abilities, strengthening mantras can also be applied to allies. Healing waves that restore health to all comrades are especially useful. The class of Monks is shrouded in legends. The developers specifically made them mysterious personalities who devote their entire lives to the mission of bringing enlightenment to the masses. For them there are no authorities, and they report only to certain Patriarchs.

diablo 3 strongest class

Long range fights

For many players, it is the Demon Hunter that is the best class in Diablo 3. These fighters devote their whole lives to exterminating all kinds of evil spirits. To do this, they use a typical ranger arsenal. As a main weapon they have in stock a bow or crossbow. To immobilize enemies, you can set traps. The main advantage of the Demon Hunter is that its abilities allow you to kill monsters in batches, and therefore quickly gain experience and increase the level. If you use skills with damage in the area, then the damage will be less. A single target Demon Hunter can kill in a matter of moments. Their main disadvantage is that at close range they have no chance against the same Barbarian. When playing for this class, you must have a clear idea of ​​the tactics of battle and the possibilities of retreat. Then the Demon Hunter will become a deadly character.


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