How to sew Monster High costumes with your own hands. Monster High Carnival Costumes and Accessories

The popularity of Monster High dolls among girls under 12 today is just off scale. Cartoons, figures, coloring books, stickers, a variety of stationery and clothes with logos and drawings and, of course, the dolls themselves only provoke universal love. Naturally, on the eve of New Year's carnivals in kindergartens and schools, when it comes to costumes, girls simply refuse to dress in the usual older generation of snowflakes, butterflies, crackers, bunnies and chanterelles. And this state of affairs is quite logical!

Is it worth it to refuse your beloved child, especially since itโ€™s not difficult to sew a Monster High suit yourself with your own hands? What can you do if today's children's heroes are just that. In the end, adults taught them children themselves!

Monster High Costumes

So, itโ€™s about how to make Monster High suits, and this article will be discussed. There will be no complicated calculations, nor any sophisticated patterns. The manufacturing option presented below is quite simple and straightforward and is suitable even for those who have one hundred percent confidence that needlework is not their hobby!

Stage One: Model Selection

We adults can only admire how the girls remember the names of each heroine of a favorite cartoon. Each of the babies has a favorite, about which they know absolutely everything and try to imitate her during the game. Therefore, it is best to consider Monster High costumes with your child, because you cannot find the best adviser in the development of the model.

The costume may consist of short shorts, leggings or skirts and a blouse or tunic. At first glance, it might seem that stitching these things together is difficult, but this is an erroneous opinion.

Stage Two: Fabric Selection

The fabric should be selected based on the selected model. The Monster High suit for girls should be colorful and perky. Therefore, shiny sequins, tulle and velor are suitable for a skirt. Shorts can be sewn from knitwear with lurex or velvet. For a blouse, you can also take the listed fabrics. The main thing is that the fabric should be either knitted or with good extensibility. It is easier to work with such fabric, and the child will be more comfortable in it. In addition, minor defects that are possible with a cut will not be noticeable, as if it were a dress canvas. By the way, this type of fabric is also suitable for a skirt with an elastic band , especially if it is organza or brocade.

Monster high costume for girls

In order not to make a mistake with the color, you can view the outfits of the dolls and copy the combination of colors. However, this is not necessary at all, because Monster High costumes will look chic anyway. Here, leopard colors and canvases with Chinese motifs in any colors, as well as black, purple, red, pink, white, blue and green colors will be appropriate.

Stage Three: Cut Fabric

In order to sew a Monster High suit for girls, you should take a childโ€™s t-shirt and panties, turn them inside out. Next, on the fabric in one layer, you should decompose things and circle around the contour, marking all the main seams. After this, the part is cut with allowances for seams. The same is done for the manufacture of the front and rear shelves of sweaters, for sleeves, for the front and rear halves of pants.

Monster high suits are made with skirts like "sun" and simply assembled with elastic. A tutu skirt will also look good, which is made from elastic band according to the waist of the child and strips of tulle imposed on it. Here you can experiment a little with color, combining black with pink or red so fashionable for these heroines. Or make the skirt plain.

christmas costumes monster high

For a sun skirt, you will need to cut a circle of fabric with a diameter equal to the length of the product + 5 cm. In the middle of the circle you should make a hole slightly larger along the perimeter than the circumference of the hips. You will also need a strip of fabric to design the belt.

The simplest version of the skirt is a fabric, assembled on an elastic band. The pattern is a strip of fabric.

Stage Four: Sewing Process

You can sew a Monster High costume for a girl manually or on a typewriter. Here you can do without processing parts on an overlock or zigzag. Loose fabrics can instead be scorched over a candle.

The process of sewing a blouse begins with shoulder seams. After grind the sleeves and process the neck. Next, close the side seams.

Panties are collected from the middle seams of the front and rear parts. Next, close the so-called bow and then process the side sections. On top sew a gum.

With a skirt work even less. If this is a simple model from a strip of fabric, then it is closed with one seam and tucked on top, making a drawstring for the elastic. The bottom of the product can not be processed.

There is also nothing complicated in the sun skirt: a strip of fabric for a belt is sewn together, closing in a circle. After folding in half and attach to the top of the skirt around the perimeter of the neckline. Next, it remains to pull the elastic into the girdle, and the skirt is ready.

New Year's suits "Monster High" is an excellent option for joint creativity with the child. Some of the work may well be entrusted to a little fashionista, especially if she is fond of needlework. Here one can only imagine the admiration of a child when such a beloved image of an adorable doll is born right in front of his eyes.

DIY Monster High Costume

Decorative items and accessories

What New Year's costume without decor? Of course, rain elements should be present on any carnival outfit. Monster High suits can be decorated with dark tinsel on the neck, on the bottom of the sleeves and even on the edge of the skirt.

Also, one should not forget about such a decor method as thermal transfer stickers, which are transferred to fabrics using a conventional iron. Of course, for the costume of such a shocking doll, translation in the form of a shiny skull is suitable. It can be placed on the chest or on the back of the blouse.

Quite often in the image of a doll you can find knee-high socks without soles. By the way, most people call this garment gaiters. You can combine them with a skirt or with short leggings.

Costumes Monster High Photo

Additional Image Details

As a complement to the image, a wig with poisonous doll hair and appropriate makeup will perfectly fit into the ensemble. Girls are unlikely to refuse such an offer, and positive memories will remain for life.

Monster High costumes, the photos of which are presented in the article, can be an excellent source of inspiration. So, by turning on fantasy, you can create an original carnival outfit in which the child will feel like a ball star.


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