How to assemble a stapler? How to use a stapler for furniture

Upholstery is one of the most important stages in the production of upholstered furniture. And if earlier upholstery was carried out with a hammer and small nails, today special furniture staplers replaced them. They significantly accelerate the speed of the manipulations. In this article we will talk in detail about the varieties and features of this tool, as well as how to assemble a stapler, and how to use it correctly.

Staplers: the history of the invention and the basic principle of the device

The word stapler comes from English. George McGill is considered to be its inventor. It was he who in 1867 received a patent for a device with which it was possible to easily fasten several sheets of paper. Nevertheless, such devices were developed back in the 18th century in France, under King Louis XV.

first stapler

The principle of operation of the stapler is extremely simple. Pressing the lever or button provokes compression of the spring inside the mechanism. Unclenching, the shock mechanism with a sufficiently large force hits the bracket, knocking it out of the cage. The bracket pierces the paper with its sharp edges (tissue, leather or other material).

All staplers are divided into two main groups:

  • stationery;
  • construction (including furniture).

The first are intended for stitching several sheets of paper or cardboard. They are equipped with a special metal plate, which upon impact bends the edges of the staples inward. Construction staplers are used to fix the material on the main surface.

Next, we will talk in more detail about furniture staplers, and how to use them correctly.

Varieties of furniture staplers

More recently, a small hammer and special nails (with a large hat and a short leg) were used for upholstery of upholstered furniture. Fortunately for tapiceurs (as furniture upholsters are called), completely new tools have come into this sphere of activity. A special stapler for furniture allows you to do the job much faster and more efficiently.

upholstery of furniture with a stapler

By the nature of the use of energy for their work, all staplers are divided into three categories:

  • mechanical;
  • electric;
  • pneumatic.

The mechanical manual stapler is a lightweight, compact and easy-to-use tool. The spring in it is compressed mechanically by pressing a special protruding lever. He has one drawback, and quite significant: low power and low productivity. It is difficult to master a large front of work with such a stapler.

The electric stapler operates with an electric drive. To hammer a bracket, just press the button. As a rule, such an instrument fires up to 20 rounds per minute. Productivity with such a stapler increases significantly. On the other hand, it is tied to the mains, and this is its main drawback. Moreover, the presence of a cord significantly reduces the maneuverability of the tapicera.

how to fill the stapler with brackets

Pneumatic staplers drive the staples into the material using the power of compressed air. They are powerful, highly productive, but too bulky and heavy. Used only in stationary enterprises and factories.

So, how to assemble a stapler for furniture production, how to use it, and what staples for it you need to choose? All this will be discussed later in our article.

Manual stapler: instructions for use

The main characteristic of any stapler is the power of its impact. To determine it, it is enough to carefully study the instructions that came with the device. It should also indicate the recommended staple length. It is quite obvious that the greater the length of the bracket used, the higher should be the impact force of the mechanism.

stapler device and principle of operation

A stapler for furniture is a simple device. Deal with the principle of his work is not difficult. Nevertheless, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for its safe operation:

  1. Before starting work, the stapler should be charged with a cassette with brackets. The charging system and methods may vary slightly, depending on the type and model of the specific tool.
  2. In the process, you should be extremely careful: you can not expose your fingers and other parts of the body under the area of ​​the stapler shot.
  3. In the case of an electric stapler, it is important to observe the elementary safety rules for working with electrical equipment. It is necessary to carefully monitor the power cord and turn off the device during breaks.
  4. The battery of an electric stapler is important to constantly recharge in order to ensure uninterrupted operation of the device.
  5. It is necessary to remove incorrectly clipped staples from the material using special pliers.

Stapler selection: criteria and recommendations

So, how to use a stapler, we already figured out. Now it’s worth talking about the features of the choice of this tool. It has its own rules and its own nuances.

manual stapler

When choosing a furniture stapler, it should be clearly defined for what purposes and to what extent it will be used. If we are talking about hauling one sofa at home, then it’s quite enough to choose an inexpensive mechanical model. If the device will be used regularly (for example, in a furniture workshop), then in this case it is worth buying an electric or pneumatic stapler.

When choosing a tool, pay attention to how it lies in your hand. After all, it is extremely important that the stapler is convenient to work with. Evaluate the quality of all the fasteners and the strength of the case, because the durability of the unit itself will directly depend on this. In addition to the main characteristic (impact force), take into account other, equally important aspects:

  • The presence of a narrow tip (increases the accuracy of the blow).
  • Ergonomic handle.
  • The presence of a special screw for adjusting the impact force (a convenient option when working with materials with different densities).
  • The presence of a transparent window in the area of ​​the store for staples.
  • Equipping the tool with a special stopper on the handle (contributes to a safer use of the stapler).

Staple selection

Staples for a furniture stapler have different widths and thicknesses. The choice of a consumable depends on the tasks and the specifics of the work. For example, long braces are usually used to attach a strong and thick coating. When you need to fix the electric cable, select the brackets of a specific (U-shaped) shape.

The most common type of staples for a furniture stapler is No. 53. They have a standard rectangular shape. The width of these staples is 11 mm and the thickness is 0.75 mm.

staples for furniture stapler

Experienced craftsmen strongly recommend using only branded staples. They are perfectly ground and made of high quality stainless steel, which protects them from corrosion. Such brackets provide maximum accuracy of the shot and fully comply with their drawing data.

How to fill the stapler with brackets and get started? Read about it later.

How to assemble a stapler?

So, you have purchased a good unit and picked up a suitable consumable for it. How to fill the stapler with staples? This is nothing complicated. In general, the procedure is similar to filling a regular stationery stapler. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Print the box with the brackets and carefully remove one block from it.
  • Open the bottom of the stapler with both hands.
  • While holding the machine in your left hand, pull the spring all the way.
  • Insert a new block with brackets into the groove.

Some models provide a different principle of refueling - they are equipped with a special pull-out chute into which the block with brackets is loaded with sharp ends down. How to assemble a stapler of this type back? Very simple. To do this, the filled chute must be inserted into the device until it clicks. After that, make a control shot with a stapler to test its functionality.

Common malfunctions in the operation of the stapler and their causes

Absolutely any construction stapler can begin to "junk". The most popular faults and their possible causes are presented in the following table:

The essence of the breakdown

Possible reasons

Staples do not fire

The spring broke

Drummer Problems

The board is out of order (if we are talking about an electric stapler)

Consumables get stuck during operation

Staples do not fit

Store or gutter too dirty

Defective staples are used.

Staples clog weakly or incompletely

The stapler controller is set incorrectly

Spring wear or pinch

When fired, two brackets fly out at once

Staples do not fit the unit in size

Wear and tear

Drummer deformation

One way or another, the most common problem is the first. In this case, it is necessary to disassemble the stapler and make certain manipulations with the drummer - its main part. To do this, perform a series of actions:

  • Remove the adjusting screw.
  • Remove the spring (at the same time, check its integrity and, if necessary, replace with a new one).
  • Disassemble the tool case by removing all washers and pulling out the pins.
  • Take out the impact mechanism and carefully examine it.
  • If the drummer is worn out, then it should be clamped in a vice and with the help of a file to give it its original shape.

How to assemble a stapler after repair? It should simply carry out all of the above actions, but in reverse order. In this case, do not forget to lubricate the shock mechanism.

furniture stapler

Stapler Storage Tips

To maximize the shelf life of the stapler, it is recommended that the device be stored under these conditions:

  • Air temperature should not be below +5 degrees.
  • Relative humidity - not more than 70%.
  • Keep the construction stapler away from any acids, alkalis, as well as various abrasive and friable substances.

As a result, we can say that the furniture stapler is a durable tool and quite reliable. If only to use it correctly and wisely. Repairing such an assembly cannot be called too complicated, which is also a great advantage.


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