Animals of deciduous forests - a large species diversity

Broad-leaved forests on our planet are located in the temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. They occupy a significant part of Western Europe, except for the Mediterranean; they grow in Eastern Europe, as well as on the Middle Volga and in the southern part of Central Russia. Large areas are occupied by these forests in the Far East, in China and Japan, they cover the Korean peninsula. In North America, this natural area is located in the northeastern part of the continent.

The most suitable climate for them is temperate continental or temperate marine, with warm winters and relatively hot summers. Deciduous tree species are characteristic of this natural zone: hornbeam, oak, maple, beech, linden, elm, chestnut, ash. In the grass cover hoofed grass, sedge, chickweed, lungwort, woodpox and others predominate.

Deciduous forest animals
Animals of deciduous forests are represented by a wide variety of mammals. There are a lot of ungulates, and among them, first of all, moose, deer, roe deer and wild boars should be distinguished. Among large rodents, beavers, muskrats, nutria, and squirrels are found.

The predatory animals of deciduous forests are brown bears, wolves, foxes, lynxes. Of the lesser predators, one can name a forest cat, a marten, and a polecat. Many large birds live in these forests, in particular, wood grouse, black grouse, duck, heron, and cranes. Of the small birds, swallows, finches, starlings, crossbills, and woodpeckers are the most common. In the water bodies of the forest zone, cyprinids predominate among fish, and salmon are also found.

Forest animals

The animals of the broad-leaved forests of North America do not differ in species composition from the European ones, but there are also some endemic animals that you can no longer see in other parts of the world, for example, the black-headed baribal bear. Raccoons, badgers, skunks are widespread. The fauna of North American deciduous forests has a representative species of marsupial rats - the possum.

White-tailed, or Virginian deer is a relative of the European noble. In the recent past, hunting was conducted on it, as a result of which the number of these graceful animals was significantly reduced.

Of the birds of the American species proper, wild turkeys are most famous, hummingbirds also come from the south of the mainland.

Rare endangered animals

The animals of the broad-leaved forests of East Asia are adapted for life in the conditions of a humid warm season and cold winter. The fauna is rich and peculiar, it includes species close to the North American and Asian tropical - tigers, leopards, some birds and insects.

Within China there are few forests left; Far Eastern forests have been preserved mainly on the territory of Russia. Respect for nature in Japan allowed saving the forest mountain belt on the islands of Hokkaido and Honshu. Forest animals also feel at ease in numerous national parks and reserves throughout the country.

Currently, this natural zone as a result of human activity is severely disturbed, as a result, many inhabitants of deciduous forests are on the verge of extinction. In large areas in both Eurasia and North America, broad-leaved tree species are being replaced by fast-growing small-leaved ones. The habitats of some species of fauna are also gradually decreasing. Many rare endangered animals such as sika deer, bustard, mandarin duck, red wolf, and goral are included in the International Red Book and are strictly protected.


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