Ultraviolet lamps for plants: types, features of choice

Light is needed for the normal growth and development of plants. Sometimes indoor flower lovers do not have enough space on the windowsill to accommodate their pets. They cannot be delivered remotely due to lack of lighting. To solve this problem, special UV lamps for plants have been developed. They set the necessary light mode, so the flowers develop normally, as in natural light.

UV lamps for plants


Ultraviolet lamps for plants should give off a certain electromagnetic radiation like that which is possible in natural conditions. Of course, it is impossible to achieve a complete analogy, however, it is possible to satisfy the minimum color requirements for ultraviolet radiation. This approach allows you to create the most comfortable conditions for the development of pets.

To determine how much light a flower needs, you should observe it. To do this, put the pot on the windowsill. With an excess of lighting, the leaves of the plant begin to react in a certain way:

  • brown or gray spots appear on them;
  • become faded and lethargic;
  • in shade-loving specimens, the leaf dies.

With such problems, the pot must be placed under an ultraviolet lamp for plants. After a while, it will come to life, begin to actively grow and develop.

DIY UV lamps for plants

Lighting Schemes

When growing indoor plants, several lighting schemes are used.

  1. Lighting designed to enhance photosynthesis. Typically, this option is used as an addition to natural light.
  2. Increase in daylight hours. Some flowers need a long light period, which is difficult to provide in the winter. To compensate for its lack, ultraviolet lamps for plants are used.
  3. Complete replacement of natural light. This scheme is used when growing flowers on shelves, as well as when placing plants in dark corners, away from windows.

Lamp recommendations

In order for artificial lighting to bring the desired result, it is necessary to place it correctly. Knowing how to make ultraviolet lamps for plants, you can get the maximum benefit from them.

  1. Do not place the light source close to the plant. The distance should be at least 20 cm from its top. At a lower location, the lighting device may burn leaves.
  2. The lamp must be correctly selected. If you plan to place the light at a height of about 20 cm above the top of the plants, it is better to install options with a power of 70 watts per square meter.
  3. When using a lamp to extend the light regime, it is necessary to provide illumination of plants for 12 hours.
  4. The lamp must be placed so that the light falls on the plant.

Such simple recommendations help to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time and without loss for indoor flowers.

UV lamps for plants photo

Lamp selection

There are many different phytolamps intended for growing plants. These include the following types:

  1. LED lights. With their help, you can directionally illuminate plants. This type of lamp is considered the most profitable, since the service life is more than one year. Under them, plants develop well. LED lights have low power consumption and generate little heat. When using them, the moisture evaporation rate decreases, which allows to extend the periods of watering. Another advantage of these models is the ability to set different shades of light. DIY ultraviolet lamps for plants are easy to do. To do this, you only need to purchase lamps and accessories of the required power. They should be mounted in the ceiling of the rack or in the slope of the window.
  2. Energy saving models. This option is considered the easiest to use. To use it, you just need to screw the lamp into the cartridge. When choosing the type of glow, the following should be considered: cold light is intended for normal growth and development of seedlings, warm glow - for flowering.
  3. Fluorescent lamps. In our article, ultraviolet lamps for plants of a luminescent type are presented in the photo. They do not heat up, so they do not have any effect on the air temperature in the room. Some models have blue rays that positively affect the photosynthesis process.

UV lamps for plants how to make

For aquarium plants, special lamps are also used. Their glow penetrates the water column. When using such products, you can have a variety of types of algae in the aquarium.

A correctly selected lamp allows you to grow plants in any conditions when the room is dark and even not enough sunlight.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E771/

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