Borovinka - apple tree with autumn fruits

Borovinka is an apple tree that bestows its fruits every year at the end of summer - in early autumn. Borovinka fruits are slightly spicy, with a pronounced sourness. Apples are quite large, larger than average size, their approximate mass is 90 grams. They often have a perfect rounded shape, without ribs.

Borovinka apple tree
Their color has a greenish-yellow hue, and the blush is presented in the form of bright red stripes and maroon specks. The flesh of these apples is soft, juicy, friable, grainy. You can appreciate not only the verbal description of the appearance of this variety of apples: the photo will help more fully reflect both the color and shape.


Borovinka is an ancient variety of apples that originated presumably in Central Russia. Currently, this apple variety is most common in the Middle Volga. How the Borovinka-apple tree appeared is not reliably established at present. Most likely, it was bred by folk selection. One of the theories proclaims that this apple-tree Borovinka got its name from the place of its origin - coniferous forest.

Borovinka apple tree

Borovinka apple trees are not very tall, most often medium-sized. The leaves are large, oval in shape, form a rounded sprawling crown. Leaf blades have a flat surface, wavy edges, a rounded base. The surface of the leaves of this apple tree is characterized by pronounced dents. Petioles of leaves are bright, long and thin. The leaf itself has a shiny dark green color. The bark of the apple tree is distinguished by its olive color, and the shoots are brownish brown.


Trees of this apple variety are extremely fragile wood. The branches of the apple tree can break with rich fruiting, which can lead to the fragility of the tree. Therefore, it is extremely important to direct the growth of apple trees in the right direction, to correctly determine the formation of the crown, and when fruiting, it is necessary to establish supports under the branches covered with fruits, or to tie tree branches in order to prevent the death of a tree or individual branches. In addition, the bark can be affected by the sun, therefore, this variety of apple trees should be planted in places hidden from the sun or illuminated by sunlight for only a few hours a day.


varieties of apples photo

Borovinka is an apple tree that begins to bear fruit already in the fifth year of growth and annually bears fruit at a young age. Apple trees of this type have high productivity, as well as early maturity. Since the fruits are large and heavy, the branches often cannot hold them, which is why apples fall. Fallen fruits are not suitable for consumption. Therefore, timely harvesting is very important for such apple trees. Peeling apples is usually done at the end of August. Apples can be eaten immediately after they are picked, but most clearly their palatability is revealed a week after harvest. The fruits of the Borovinka apple tree can lie up to November with proper storage.


Borovinka is an apple tree that gives its fruits an excellent special taste. They can be eaten both fresh and canned, and you can also make delicious jam or strong wine from them.


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