How many months can a girl sit down and is it necessary to do this?

"And my daughter is already sitting!" - Parents proudly say, boasting to acquaintances. And you involuntarily have the thought: "Maybe my daughter is already time?" How many months can a girl sit down? And is there any need to do this? Let's figure it out!

how many months can a girl sit down

First of all, you need to understand when your child is ready to sit. Some begin to sit down already at 5 months, others and at 7 months do not make attempts to sit. Remember that each child is individual. But what to do if all children who are familiar with children of the same age are already sitting, but yours is not? How many months can I have a baby?

The answer is simple - it’s better not to sit down at all. Your child owes nothing to anyone! If the orthopedist, neurologist and pediatrician did not find any deviations in your daughter, then the time has not come yet. Just wait, and the baby will sit down.

Nevertheless, the average norm for starting independent sitting is considered to be 6-7 months. It is this age that can be considered the answer to the question of how many months the girl can sit down. If the seven-month-old baby still does not sit down, help her with special exercises, and also encourage active crawling. The nature is arranged so that only after crawling, during which the muscles of the back develop and the spine is strengthened, sitting will be a harmless and natural process.

How many months can a girl sit down? Not earlier than six months. Usually by this age children are already actively crawling, which means they are quite ready to sit down. But it’s better to wait for the moment when the child begins to make independent attempts to sit - and they, I assure you, will certainly begin!

Of course, to the questions about how many months you can sit down a girl and whether to sit down at all, each parent will answer for himself personally. However, remember that an early sitting is fraught with the development of curvature of the spine and problems with the pelvic bones in the future, and in girls also with possible disorders in the genitourinary sphere. Is it worth risking the health of your child?

how many months can I have a baby

If you can't wait to see your little daughter sitting, you can speed up this process in two ways:

1. Encourage active crawl: spread a blanket or sheet on the floor, lay the baby on her stomach and place a bright object about a meter or two away from him. Your child will want to reach him, and she will begin at first uncertainly, then crawl faster and faster. You can start this laying out as early as 4 months. After about a month and a half, the baby will be able to crawl to the toy.

what time to sit down girl

2. Do gymnastics with your daughter. Put it on the back and let it grab your fingers around your hands. As soon as she grabs them, pull her toward you. At 4 months, these will be slight elevations, by six months the height will increase to the state of sitting. Keep the child in this state for several seconds and lower it.

Exercises, massage, swimming, active crawling prepare your baby for independent sitting. Instead of wondering what time to sit down the girl, create conditions so that she does it herself. At first it’s unstable, falling to its side, then more and more confidently your daughter will move to a new stage of cognition of the world - in an upright position. Your task is to provide a safe place for games and the development of your child in order to avoid injuries when trying to sit down.

Be healthy!


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