Flag and coat of arms of Turkmenistan: photo, description and meaning of state symbols

This article will focus on the state symbols of Turkmenistan - the most closed country in Central Asia. When they were approved, what do they look like to symbolize? Here you will find a detailed description of the coat of arms of Turkmenistan and its flag, with photographs and a detailed interpretation of the elements that are depicted on them.

About Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan, or Turkmenistan, is the most closed country in the post-Soviet space. In terms of isolation, it is often compared even with North Korea. Getting here is really very difficult, consideration of documents for a Turkmen visa lasts about 3-4 months. However, there are no guarantees that you will not be refused in its receipt. And getting permission to leave the residents of this state is also not so simple.

Turkmenistan is located in Central Asia (see map below). Today, 5.8 million people live here. Moreover, most of the country's territory is practically not populated, since it is occupied by the Karakum desert. The bulk of the population lives in the east of the state (in the floodplain of the Amu Darya river), as well as in oases in the south (on the border with Iran). The capital of Turkmenistan, the city of Ashgabat, is also located here.

Turkmenistan on the map

The state economy is based on the extraction and export of natural gas. Turkmenistan has the second largest deposit of this fuel resource in the world. In addition, the country is famous for the production of glass, fabrics and clothing. It is curious that for quite a long time (until 2015), residents of Turkmenistan used gas, electricity and drinking water for free - the state paid for everything.

Another distinguishing feature of this Central Asian country is the so-called personality cult. In Turkmenistan, photographs, posters and paintings depicting the leader of the state with the honorary title of Turkmenbashi are hung everywhere. In addition, throughout Turkmenistan there are approximately 14 thousand monuments and busts of Turkmenbashi, some of which are made of pure gold.

Turkmenistan symbols

The history of state symbols of Turkmenistan

The flag and coat of arms are symbols that any country in the world has. Turkmenistan is no exception here. The national symbolism of this country has passed a long and difficult path of its formation. Even in the Bronze Age, the cult of the Moon was widespread on the territory of modern Turkmenistan - this is evidenced by numerous archaeological finds. The image of the celestial body can be found on many coins of the Parthian kings.

Today, the crescent is present on the flag and on the arms of Turkmenistan. And next to it are five-pointed stars. It is worth noting that the Turkmen revered these symbols even before the spread of Islam. Most likely, they were associated with the birth of Zoroastrianism.

The colors of the state symbols of Turkmenistan are also curious. The combination of green and red colors is found on many artifacts of the 6th-12th centuries discovered in this region.

Coat of arms of Turkmenistan: photo and description

The age of the main symbol of the country, according to researchers, is about 4 thousand years. However, the coat of arms of Turkmenistan was officially approved in February 1992. At the same time, its design and color scheme underwent some changes in 2003. Below in the photo you can see the first version of the coat of arms (left) and its modern appearance (right).

coat of arms of Turkmenistan

So, what do we see on the state emblem of Turkmenistan? Outwardly, it is an eight-pointed star of green color with a golden edging, in which two circles are inscribed - a smaller blue and a larger red one. Inside it are also located elements symbolizing the key natural and spiritual wealth of the country. It:

  • Crescent and five stars (at the top of the coat of arms).
  • Two golden wheat ears.
  • Seven boxes of white cotton.

On the ring strip of the red circle, we see images of five carpet patterns (gels), each of which represents one of the local indigenous peoples: Akhalteke, Salyr, Ersary, Chovdur and Yomut. Together, they symbolize the unity and unity of the Turkmen nation.

In the very center of the coat of arms of Turkmenistan, in a blue circle, is depicted Yanardag - the personal horse of the first president of the independent state of the Eternally Great Saparmurat Turkmenbashi (Niyazov). Horse is a representative of the exemplary Akhal-Teke breed, bred on the territory of Turkmenistan about five thousand years ago.

Flag of Turkmenistan

The national flag of Turkmenistan was officially approved in February 1992, almost immediately after the country's independence. This is a rectangular green panel with a standard aspect ratio (2: 3). When choosing the main color of the canvas, the traditions of the ancestors and national identity were taken into account. In heraldry, it traditionally symbolizes life, land, peace and prosperity.

flag of Turkmenistan

On the left side of the flag, along the flagpole, is a burgundy vertical strip. It depicts all the same as on the coat of arms, carpet ornaments belonging to five Turkmen tribes. To the right of the strip, in the upper part of the canvas is a white crescent and five white stars.

At the bottom of the strip, you can also see two olive branches intersecting at the base. They appeared on the flag of Turkmenistan in 1997 in order to emphasize the neutral status of the state.

The main flag of Turkmenistan

The main flag of Turkmenistan or the Ashgabat flagpole is located in the state capital Ashgabat, at the intersection of Archabil and Garashsyzlyk Avenues. It is the fifth highest flagpole on the planet. Above the surface of the earth, the Turkmen flag flutters at a height of 133 meters.

main flagpole of Turkmenistan

This flagpole was designed by the Turkish construction company Polymex and presented to the city of Ashgabat as a gift in 2008. Until 2010, he was even included in the Guinness Book of Records, as the highest in the world. The total weight of the structure is 420 kg. Parameters of the flag fixed on this flagpole: 52.5 by 35 meters.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7716/

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