K. Paustovsky, "Farewell to the Summer": a summary and analysis. Reviews of the story "Farewell to the summer"

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky wrote very kind, romantic stories, stories about animals, nature, people who at any moment are ready to help our smaller brothers. The classic of Russian literature himself had a unique gift: he even knew how to enthusiastically and interestingly tell about the usual phenomena of nature. Paustovsky wrote “Farewell to the summer” with such simple but colorful words - a short story, after reading which you are convinced that nature is good at any time of the year. Even in slushy November there is something to admire.


Paustovsky "Farewell to the summer"

Konstantin Georgievich was born at the end of the century before last, on May 19, 1892, in Ukraine. He studied at Kiev, and then at the Bryansk gymnasium. He soon became independent, after graduating from high school he worked as a tutor.

Then Paustovsky moved to his grandmother. Here he wrote his first stories. In 1912, the young man entered the university, but was forced to interrupt his studies and go to work, as the First World War began. He managed to be a conductor, a car driver, then a nurse. Then he worked at factories in Yekaterinoslav, Yuzovka, Taganrog, and for a short time was a soldier of the Red Army in the Civil War.

In 1923, Konstantin Georgievich came to Moscow, where he began to work as editor of the Russian Telegraph Agency and began to publish his essays and stories.

Since 1930, the writer spent more than 10 years in the village of Solotcha in the Meshchera forests. Impressions of these places he outlined in his works. It was in those years that Paustovsky wrote “Farewell to the Summer” (1940).

Beginning of the story: inclement weather, the house and its inhabitants

In the first lines of the work we learn that the events described took place at the end of November. This time of year, especially in the village, is the saddest. Indeed, for several days it rains cold, a strong wind blows.

The author says that already at 4 o'clock in the afternoon they had to light kerosene lamps, since in such bad weather the house became dark.

Then we, reading the story “Farewell to the Summer”, will find out who else lived in this village house. Of course, animals could not do here. A cat lived here, which in such bad weather slept from morning to evening in an old armchair. When drops of cold rain hit the glass, the animal shuddered in a dream. So did the dog named Funtik. The little red dachshund even cried in a dream from the cold. Then the author, on behalf of whom the narration is being carried out, got out of bed and wrapped the dog in a woolen rag to keep him warm. Not waking up, the dog licked a hand in gratitude to the man.

Another inhabitant of the house is Reuben. If we analyze this moment, we will make sure that the story written by Paustovsky - “Farewell to the summer”, is based on events that actually happened. Since Reuben is a true friend of the author, and Konstantin Georgievich describes his impressions received during his stay in the countryside in the Meshchersky region.

But even in such bad weather, people did not lose their presence of mind. The writer says that they liked to drink tea from an old copper samovar, which hummed as if singing songs. When it was brought in, the room became more comfortable. After tea drinking, friends sat closer to a warm stove, read books and magazines. This is discussed in the story written by Paustovsky - "Farewell to the summer." The summary of the work will continue to be described below.

First snow

"Farewell to the summer" Paustovsky reviews

Once the writer woke up from the fact that there was complete silence. At first it seemed to him that he was deaf. But no, this was replaced by the autumn weather, the winter was still uncertain steps. The wind died down, the rain stopped. When the writer looked out the window, he saw that snow had fallen, from which even the room became brighter.

Awakened Reuben said that the earth is very snow-white outfit. In the morning, Grandfather Mitri came to visit his friends. He, too, was glad of the first snow.

Paustovsky "Farewell to the Summer" analysis

In such weather it is impossible to sit at home, and friends go for a walk to the forest lakes. They walked for a long time, saw bullfinches, red berries of mountain ash. On the lake, the writer wanted to throw a pebble into a school of fish, but broke the thin ice that covered the edges of the reservoir. Only then did friends notice that the surface of the water froze in places. Prior to this, transparent ice remained invisible.

“Farewell to the summer”, Paustovsky: reviews

After reading the book, a good impression remains. Therefore, those who read this short story leave positive reviews. People write that for a while they were able to immerse themselves in the spiritual atmosphere that the author created. Readers love the descriptions of nature, the reverent and attentive attitude of the author towards it. Not everyone understands the name of the work, because the action takes place at the end of November. But most likely, the author had in mind the farewell to summer and autumn, with warmth, which is no longer there, but it will certainly be there.

Paustovsky, “Farewell to the Summer”: Analysis

A detailed examination of this work helps the reader understand that there are many interesting things in the world. Even if you find yourself in a village in November, you can have a wonderful rest in the blissful silence, without the noise of big cities. You can also read in the evenings in the evenings, drink tea and talk.

The author teaches a good attitude towards animals. Remember how Paustovsky covered a small dog with a warm blanket?

“Farewell to the summer” is a story that allows you to understand that you can be content with little and be a happy person. After all, natural beauty cannot be appreciated in monetary terms, but how much it gives people!

the story "Farewell to the summer"

How nice it is to walk through the fluffy snow, to breathe in the frosty air with a full chest, to break off a piece of the first ice near the shore of the pond.

There is no bad weather

An analysis of the story helps to see how the author beautifully describes nature, what apt epithets are used for this.

When he talks about the autumn weather, he writes that a yellowish foam, similar to whipped squirrel, was rushing along the river. When grandfather Mitri came to tea for friends, he said that the earth was washed. Yes, during the autumn rains she was black and dirty. The snow made her snow-white pure and beautiful. Paustovsky himself says that the earth has dressed up and has become like a shy bride.

Paustovsky "Farewell to the Summer" summary

At the end of the story Paustovsky writes very correct lines. Farewell to the summer then does not look sad. The author says that in winter fires will burn and burst in the ovens, that not all birds have flown away, for example, tits, and flowers will winter under loose snow. So the winter seemed to the writer as beautiful as summer. And this is true, because even in inclement weather, nature is in its own way good and charming.

Here is such a story written by Paustovsky, entitled “Farewell to the Summer”. Reviews about the work make sure that many people like it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7719/

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