How to recognize the first signs of chickenpox in a child

Chicken pox is the most common disease in children. Usually she is ill at the age of 5 to 10 years. After the disease, immunity is maintained for life. This disease is very contagious and is transmitted through direct contact with a sick child. Therefore, usually in kindergartens almost the whole group is sick. The first signs of chickenpox in a child do not appear immediately. After infection, 1-3 weeks pass, but the baby will be contagious before the rash appears.

Chicken pox is caused by the herpes virus. Children usually don’t get sick seriously,

the first signs of chickenpox in a child
complications and high fever occur only in adults, so it is better to transfer this disease in childhood. Chickenpox is especially dangerous during pregnancy.

The first signs of chickenpox in a child are similar to a common viral infection. He becomes moody, weakness and malaise appear, sometimes a sore throat or stomach. The heat rises. These symptoms appear at a time when the rash is not yet visible.

What are the most common signs of chickenpox for this disease? Of course, this is a rash. When small red spots appear, which after some time turn into bubbles, you can easily determine that your child has chickenpox. Rashes are most concentrated on the stomach, chest, neck and face.

Then the rash spreads to the back, limbs, maybe even on the mucous membranes, which delivers the most unpleasant sensations. A few days later, red spots are converted into blisters with transparent contents. Then crusts appear, which after a while fall away themselves, leaving no traces.

what are the signs of chickenpox

Rashes appear every few days, so you can notice all stages of the rash on the body. Usually these symptoms determine that the child has chickenpox. The first signs of a photo of children show clearly. Each child has an individual number of rashes. They may be few, or they spread throughout the body.

Every mom should know the first signs of chickenpox
child in time to start treatment. After all, the rash causes severe itching, and when combing the baby can bring the infection. In addition, if you peel off the crusts formed on the bubbles, then the ugly scars will remain on the skin for life. If untreated, complications may occur. Most often this is suppuration after combing the vesicles.

chickenpox first signs photo

There are no special medicines for chickenpox ; antibiotics also do not act on the virus. It is advisable for the patient to lie down and drink a lot. At high temperatures, antipyretics are prescribed. For quick healing of rashes, they need to be greased with green leaf every day. Carefully inspect the entire body of the baby, especially the folds and crotch, because untreated vesicles can fester.

It is also important to comply with sanitary rules and a special diet that excludes allergens. It is necessary to give the baby vitamins and means to strengthen immunity. To reduce itching, herbal baths are recommended, and in severe cases, antihistamines.

The first signs of chickenpox in a child need to be able to recognize, so as not to confuse with other diseases, such as measles. In addition, the sick child must be isolated from other children so that he does not spread the infection.


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