The most beautiful names of guys - a list, interpretation and interesting facts

Modern parents have a wide selection of names for their unborn baby. Here you have old Ivan and Maria, and fashionable Milan and Miroslav. And even some Princes and Lucifers - nowadays they just don't call kids! For the same expectant mothers and fathers who expect a boy and do not want to call him Star or King, but are interested in beautiful and modern names for boys, male names for different tastes are presented below.

Choosing a name for a boy

Beauty question

A beautiful name or not is a very controversial and subjective issue. For some people it’s impossible to find a name more beautiful than Peter, but someone considers it rude and ridiculous, but Izbor, for example, is yes, it’s the upper class. So there is no general rule on how to choose beautiful masculine names. But what then? There are so many options!

You can rely on ratings of popular opinion - if the name is popular, you can use it. However, these are far from all the factors that should be relied upon when answering the question of how to choose a name for the boy. The interpretation of the name for many parents (especially mothers) is often also important, although the true nature of the grown child is far from always the same as that assumed by the meaning of the name. What absolutely absolutely needs to be paid attention to is the compatibility of the pronunciation of the name with the middle name and surname. Sigismund Davydovich Pupkin is not the most digestible option, even if, by interpretation, a boy with a similar name will rule the world.

Name for boy

Many parents also resort to a similar method: they select several names that they like during the pregnancy (when the gender of the baby is already known, of course). They are spoken aloud when referring to the tummy. According to many, if a peanut will like some name, he will certainly let you know, for example, he will kick mother in a barrel.

Another option, if you decide on the most beautiful name for a guy, doesn’t work out, just wait for his birth. At the first glance at the baby, it will certainly become clear who he is - Grisha, Matvey or Seryozha.

Be that as it may, the most beautiful masculine names are presented below according to the opinions of the inhabitants of our vast country.


The name of the first person on earth is precisely what this means - "man." It is interesting that its initial interpretation was somewhat different - "created from clay", but then changed. Be that as it may, both of these interpretations of the name are fully justified for their first bearer - because it was from clay that the Lord created Adam.

The name is Hebrew; created in the image of God, Adam is typologically compared with Jesus Christ and is revered as the universal father and progenitor of mankind along with saints. Among Catholics, Adam is the patron saint of tailors and gardeners.

A boy with this name has such character traits as stubbornness, vulnerability, caution, sometimes imbalance, and sociability: he has a lot of friends. Such a guy, as a rule, is fond of sports, loves animals. In the family, he is a good father and husband, a loving son.


Sasha and Shura are always held in high esteem. This handsome guy’s name, which doesn’t cease to be popular, is especially good for the middle name - such a win-win option for any name.

From the ancient Greek language, Alexander is translated as “protector” or “protecting people” - perhaps this is also why this name is so beloved by every generation. What mother doesn’t want her son to be a protector?

Sasha is distinguished by endurance, good health, a love of sport and exercise. They are sociable, persistent, ambitious, have great wit, honesty and cheerful disposition. At the same time, such a name gives its owner also traits such as dominance, resentment, temper, and conflict. As a rule, in life he is lucky. He considers himself a leader and strives to always be him.


Another ancient Greek beautiful name in the list of the most beautiful male names, also enjoyed love for many decades, is Alexei. Its meaning coincides with the previous one - all Lesha are also defenders. Interestingly, another form of this name existed earlier - Ales (Oles is also acceptable), but now it is considered obsolete.

Male name Aleksey

In Alekseev, as a rule, intuition is well developed. Such boys are usually active and strong-willed, they know how to set a goal and go towards it, achieving their desires. Alyosha boasts a fair amount of patience, as well as complaisance. For this they are valued by women, and the family life of the grown Alekseev succeeds. They are friendly, ambitious, faithful, but often lazy and unassembled.


In the list of modern male names there is one very beautiful and very unusual name - Angel. His feminine form is more by ear - Angelina or Angela, but recently, boys have often been called in this way. However, nevertheless, this name is more common in English-speaking countries, where its forms such as Angel or Angey are very popular.

The name Angel also came from Greek, in which appeared, in turn, being formed from the Latin form of Angelus. Its meaning is such - “angel” or “messenger”. Boys with a similar name are honest and fair, they know how and love to communicate with adults, they have many friends among peers, they are friendly, almost always cheerful and cheerful. An angel usually succeeds: in a career and in relationships with women. He is successful in everything and achieves everything easily and with an invariable smile. Persistence, obstinacy, determination, intolerance to gossip and discussions of other people, including oneself, are inherent in a person with that name.


This name is of Slavic origin, it means "owning glory" or "good ruler." The female pair form of the name (Vladislav) is also very common in our country.

Clever, attentive, independent, assiduous, persistent - this is how they usually characterize still little Vladik. Men with this name know how to defend their opinion and hold on to it. And they are people of the word: if you have already said or decided something, then this is for sure.

Glory can be described as a solid, purposeful and confident person. He has a huge sense of dignity, is careful, does not like to let close to him, and therefore has few friends.


By the handsome names of guys, and for several years now the name Daniel has not lost its popularity (another option is Danila). He has a very interesting origin - biblical. That was the name of the prophet, and no one else is mentioned in the Bible with this name. The literal translation of his original Hebrew version of Daniel is "God is my judge." Most often, the name is translated as “judge” or “God's judgment”.

Daniel is decent, calm, judicious. It is interesting to communicate with them, and people are drawn to them. Energetic and kind, smart and positive - all this can be said about the boys, and then the men with the name Daniel.

Dani from childhood is very attached to family and home, caring, attentive. They are characterized by such character traits as scrupulousness, hot temper, intolerance for lies, morality and love for analytics.


In the list of rare and unusual beautiful male names, the name Christian rightfully takes its place, which is very popular in the West and less often, but nonetheless also found in our country. As you can easily guess, the Greek name translates as "Christian" or "belonging to Christ."

From an early age, Christian is very agile, active and inquisitive. He is open and sociable, easily makes contact and quarrels just as easily, is very quick-tempered and unpredictable. Men with that name are trustful, reliable, attentive, do not like to change, and invite others to accept them for who they are. They are very mobile and often like to “break away” somewhere at the last minute. They often change their place of residence, because they cannot stay in the same place for a long time.


If you are considering what to call a boy, the male name Milan - rare and unusual - is at your service. From Old Slavonic it is translated as "dear." It is rare in Russia, its female form is much more common - Milan.

The interpretation of the name justifies his inherent character traits: such a boy is sincere, emotional, responsive, knows how to sympathize and empathize. Milan is very charming and often takes advantage of it. Able to win over, gain confidence, achieve his. A person with that name will be flattering, wayward and crafty.

nice guys names


Although boy friends may tease little Mikhail Mishka with a tramp or Mikhailo Potapych, a good name is more than worthy to be on the list of handsome names of guys, and the opinion of a large number of Russian parents from year to year confirms this. Its origin is Hebrew, and it means "similar to God." We highly esteem among the believers the archangel Michael, who is the patron of including northern Russia.

Little Misha is a very gentle and affectionate child. Since childhood, this boy is generous and friendly, surrounded by friends and loves to receive guests. Mikhails are ardent connoisseurs of art and, in general, of everything beautiful, real aesthetes, sometimes seeming narcissistic. Active, efficient, very sociable, attentive, attach great importance to their family and loved ones.


One of the most popular this year and, of course, beautiful names of guys is the name Nikita. It translates as "winner" and comes from the ancient Greek language.

Nikita from a youth purposeful, strong and independent. They have their own opinions, great ambitions and a great desire to achieve their goals. Being the first is what Nikita wants. And he is a dreamer, storyteller and visionary with obvious creative inclinations. Such men are also stubborn, cheerful, hardworking, inquisitive and sociable. They love attention to themselves and do not tolerate when something goes against their will.


A few decades ago, this handsome masculine name was very popular. Then the wave of enthusiasm for them began to decline, but now it is gaining momentum again - Kohl is getting bigger and bigger again. This name came from the ancient Greek, translated means "conqueror".

The name has a very strong energy, such boys from childhood will have a strong will, determination, hard work. They are stubborn, but at the same time somewhat clumsy and conservative. Nikolai love to act according to patterns and rules, performing them from and to - this is how accuracy, commitment and scrupulousness are manifested in their character. Kolya is serious, laconic and rarely shows his emotions in public, since childhood he likes to read and do something with his own hands.

handsome male names rare and unusual


A rather rare and very beautiful masculine name with German roots, originating from the Scandinavian languages. Translated as "divine", has the synonym Asgar, which means "spear of God."

Restless, noisy, restless, but at the same time inquisitive and persistent - such an Oscar since childhood. Impatient, squeamish, loves attention, is very sociable and has many friends. The Oscars, as a rule, have a lot of hobbies, but not one is the most-most. Rarely bring things to an end due to lack of patience. These young people have a well-developed intuition, they are deeply intelligent, but indecisive and often need a “kick”. Sensitive, vulnerable, not very confident.


Like Vladislav, this name is of Slavic origin and means "sacred glory." These are calm boys, balanced from childhood. They are sustained and serious, do not show anyone their emotions. Very sociable, welcoming and hospitable, able to win over people. They do not like change and do not have big ambitions. But Glory is hardworking, hardworking, persistent and very attentive to loved ones.

how to call a boy male names


Another Slavic name that appeared in the ranking of popular not so long ago is Jaromir. It is translated in different ways - both as a "bright world" and as "faithful to God."

Yariks are cheerful, active and friendly, insightful and resourceful. They can solve complex issues, they hate monotony and rarely lose heart. Jaromir is energetic and courageous, and he is also a good friend who always knows how to help in difficult times.

most beautiful male names rating

This is information on how to choose a beautiful masculine name for your son, as well as some possible options. Let the chosen name give your baby a happy fate! In the end, everyone has their own rating of the most beautiful male names.


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