Belgorod - Kharkov border: location, checkpoints, border crossing conditions, customs and border rules

Belgorod region is part of the Central Federal District of Russia. It is an important component of the Central Black Earth Economic Region of the country. In the south and west, it borders on Ukraine, namely the Kharkov, Lugansk, Sumy regions.

Border characterization

The Belgorod – Kharkov border (separating the Belgorod and Kharkov regions) acquired the official state status in December 1991, from the moment the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ceased to exist. The total length is 540 km. Now the border between Belgorod and Kharkov, as well as other areas of contact between Russia and Ukraine, is guarded by border troops of both sides. In most places border posts are installed on it, many units are equipped with engineering barriers.

Engineering barriers on the Russian-Ukrainian border

All local dirt roads, located mainly in the countryside directly near the border of Belgorod - Kharkov, are blocked by ditches, dug up.

Crossing the state border of the two countries is possible only at strictly limited multilateral automobile checkpoints (MAPP).

MAPP "Nekhoteyevka", Russia

Checkpoint Nekhoteyevka - Goptovka

This checkpoint of the Belgorod - Kharkov border is located on the E105 highway, at the 705th kilometer of the Crimea - Moscow highway.

On the Russian side, the point is listed outside the village of Nekhoteyevka (Belgorod district, Belgorod region). It is considered the most large MAPP of the Russian-Ukrainian border. It has ten car lanes in one direction and the other.

Pedestrians can cross this section of the border Nekhoteyevka - Goptovka (Belgorod - Kharkov). Between checkpoints ply buses. Customs Nekhoteyevka (on the border of Belgorod - Kharkov) works around the clock. It is equipped with modern equipment and the time of customs clearance is minimal.

There is a Duty Free store at the checkpoint, selling goods exclusively traveling from the territory of the Russian Federation.

On the Ukrainian side, the Goptovka point (Belgorod-Kharkov border) is a village in the Pugachevsky district of the Kharkiv region.

Checkpoint Goptovka

MAPP Nekhoteevka - Goptovka was opened in 2002. It is considered the largest automobile crossing across the border of Russia - Ukraine. Statistics show that until recently, almost 20% of all road transport crossed the border through it. In the summer, up to 1.5 million people passed through it.

Checkpoint Shebekino - Pletnevka

MAPP is located on the border of Belgorod - Kharkov near the highway E 105. Pedestrian movement is also allowed.

The border village of Shebekino is located in the Shebekinsky district of the Belgorod region, at a distance of 30 km from Belgorod. On Russian territory there is a Duty Free outlet. Until recently, work was underway to expand the point in order to increase car lanes to ten in each direction. It was assumed that this MAPP will become equivalent to the Goptovka-Nekhoteyevka checkpoint, will significantly reduce the load on the border and customs structures of the two countries, as well as reduce the waiting time at the border crossing.

On the Ukrainian side, the checkpoint is located in the village of Pletnevka. It is 2 km from the Russian border. It is 3 km from the Ukrainian city of Volchansk.

Checkpoint Gayvoron - Velika Pisarevka

There is a point on the Belgorod - Kharkov border section, on the Sudzha - Belgorod highway, 80 km west of the regional center. The bandwidth is negligible, it has only two lanes in one direction and the other. A pedestrian passage is permitted through this MAPP.

Checkpoint Rovenki - Tanyushevka

It is located on the road Starobelsk - Rossosh, in a westerly direction from the highway M 4. The village of Rovenki is the administrative center of the Rivne district of the Belgorod region.

The item is relatively small. It has 2 lanes for entry and exit. Pedestrians can cross the state border.

Until recently, the construction of a modern point was carried out here, which was supposed to expand the capacity to six lanes in one direction and the other.

On the Ukrainian side, the checkpoint is located in with. Tanyushevka, which belongs to the Novopsk district of the Luhansk region.

Customs checkpoint Shchebekino (Russia)

Border crossing rules

Since the spring of 2018, new, more stringent rules have been introduced to cross the Belgorod - Kharkov (Russia - Ukraine) border. So, according to amendments to the legislation, from 2019 Ukrainians can stay in Russia for up to 90 days. Entrance of Russian citizens to Ukraine is carried out only on the basis of an international identity document. Serious changes also affected the inspection rules by border and customs services from the Russian and Ukrainian sides.

Queue at the Russian - Ukrainian border

Inspection, border crossing rules by citizens of Ukraine

When crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border, Ukrainians must present valid passports and fill in migration cards. Particular attention is paid to the column "purpose of the visit", the information in which must be set out in detail. A migration card with a border control stamp is required for the entire period of stay in Russia. Citizens of Ukraine are not required to submit visa documents.

After the Ukrainian arrived in the Russian Federation, he must register with the migration register, which must be done within 7 working days from the moment of crossing the border.

In addition to a foreign passport, migration card, citizens of Ukraine are obliged to provide at the Russian checkpoint: information about the reserved hotel room; documents confirming financial viability.

If a Ukrainian plans to visit relatives and stay with them, then instead of information about a booked hotel room, it is required to prove the fact that he will be provided with housing. At the same time, the size of the room in which you plan to stay should be 18 square meters or more.

For Russian citizens

Since the spring of 2018, the rules for crossing the border have been changed by the Ukrainian side. According to them, Russian citizens can stay in Ukraine only if they have a foreign biometric passport.

In addition, a Russian must present the following documents to Ukrainian border guards: a valid transport ticket for returning to the territory of the Russian Federation; an invitation from a citizen of Ukraine or the owner of a Ukrainian company; Documentary materials confirming the solvency of the Russian. Particular attention is drawn to the fact that the passport must have a clear signature of its owner.

When crossing the border, migration cards are not required to be filled out, since the pass stamp is affixed to the Russian passport. This mark allows you to control the time spent in Ukraine. The period of stay of a citizen of the Russian Federation in this country is no more than 90 days.

For everyone who wants to visit the country, they need to have in their hands the so-called “entry” amount of money. In the absence of these funds, a Russian citizen will not be allowed to enter Ukraine, as well as other foreigners. The amount established for the crossing is 837 hryvnias per day per person. Or for 30 days - 25,000 hryvnias. The minimum amount for Russian citizens, which he must have with him, is 5,000 hryvnias per person. If the Russian plans to spend the night in Ukraine, then the amount increases by another 800 hryvnia.

Sanctions, measures to tighten border crossing rules

However, all of these requirements for a citizen of Russia to cross the state border may not be relevant. Since the summer of 2014, the Ukrainian authorities have changed the rules arbitrarily, at their discretion. Any citizen of Russia may be faced with a refusal to cross the border. At the same time, the reasons why the border guards of Ukraine refused entry are not reported.

Ukrainian border guards on the Ukrainian-Russian border

Since the end of 2018, after the introduction of martial law in the border regions with Russia on the territory of Ukraine, it is forbidden for adult men aged 16 to 60 to enter this country. After its cancellation, information on lifting the ban on this category of Russian citizens is not available.

Moreover, at present, a document that confirms the interest of Ukrainians in the arrival of a Russian should be notarized, with a translation into Ukrainian. This rule applies to everyone, including women and children.

Troubling prospects

The development dynamics of Russian-Ukrainian relations indicates that the Ukrainian authorities will continue to continue to implement measures aimed at strengthening control at the border with Russia. This is due to the need to ensure the country's security. At the same time, the Ukrainian legislative and state structures are actively considering the introduction of a visa regime for Russians. There are plans to stop rail and road traffic in general. Whether they will be implemented is unknown. However, the likelihood of introducing these measures exists.

Queues of trucks on the border of Belgorod - Kharkov

The introduction of symmetrical response measures is not discussed in Russia. However, if the Ukrainian side will further aggravate the situation at the border, they are quite possible.

This situation will complicate the possibility of communication between citizens of the two countries, leading to the fact that there will be no contacts at all. Experts say that ordinary Ukrainians who work in Russia and have real estate in this country will be the first to be affected.


Persons crossing the Belgorod - Kharkov border leave completely opposite reviews on the Internet. The positive and negative points are equally covered. Some are annoyed by the new rules of the transition, the length of the wait, the uncertainties arising as to whether they will be allowed to cross the border or not.

Others regard the activities of customs and border guards on both sides with understanding, favoring the need to tighten the rules for screening and border crossing, explaining this by concern for the security of their country.

However, common in the reviews is regret and great concern that relations between fraternal countries are broken for a living and for a long time. It will no longer be possible to return to good old relations, since a lot of anger has accumulated between two great peoples: Ukrainians and Russians.


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