Tamarix Bead Shrub: Planting and Care

If there is a desire to grow tamarix in your garden in a flower garden or on a balcony in a large tub, planting and care must be thorough, otherwise the capricious bush will drop all its “seed beads” and stand as a bare reminder of mistreatment by the gardener. Not very branching plant affects the growth rate and its decorative effect. When planting in open ground, the bush can reach 3-4 m in height and usually spreads 2-3 m around its trunk.

tamarix cultivation and care

Tamarix: cultivation and care. Tips for beginners

The best place for this plant in the area is considered to be places protected from strong gusts of wind, on which direct sunlight will fall most of the day. The root system of beads (as it is popularly called) absolutely does not tolerate excessive waterlogging of the soil. At the same time, tamarix is ​​a moisture-loving shrub, that is, it must be watered well, but the soil should not be marshy in any case. The distance between the seedlings must be maintained at least 2-3 meters. If young shoots are planted from containers, then they must be thoroughly moistened on the eve of transplantation into the ground. Wet land will remain in the box, and tamarix will receive the watering necessary before transplant stress.

tamarix planting and care
The size of the pit should be 1.5 times the size of the container in which the seedling grew. So that young tamarix does not die, planting and care should include creating good drainage and maintaining stable humidity. In the hole, you can pour 15-20 cm of expanded clay or fine gravel. As the soil using a mixture of excavated land and peat, the proportions are 1: 1. You can also fertilize the soil with any mineral fertilizer or a mixture of organic fertilizing (for example, "Bioterra") and high-quality fertile land.

The root neck of the plant must be at the soil level. After falling asleep with soil, it is worth watering the young tamarix well. Planting and caring for a healthy plant includes a mulching operation, when the trunk circle is closed with peat or special wood chips. Some gardeners prefer to use pine needles, but the bead does not perceive such a “veil” well. You can also strengthen the roots with various growth stimulants, such as Kornevin or Radifarm.

In the first year of life in a new place you need to water the tamarix well. Landing and caring for him, in general, are very simple. Basically, it all comes down to maintaining the right humidity. This is due to the fact that the root system of the shrub is not able to independently extract a sufficient amount of moisture from the soil. In addition, it is recommended to regularly carry out loosening of the soil with a depth of at least 6 cm. At the end of April, complex fertilizers are applied - mineral or organic.

tamarix shrub
If suddenly the bush is struck by a fungal disease, experienced gardeners advise using fungicides (Ordan or Fundazol). But insecticides - "Confidor", "Actellik", etc. are used from caterpillars or aphids. Any plant also needs preventive treatment, and protection from small and large pests. Tamarix is ​​no exception. Landing and caring for this handsome man, as you see, are not so complicated. As for the cold season, the main thing here is to monitor winter pests: hares and mice can go around the bark of the bead, so experts recommend wrapping the ground part of the plant with special protective material. Proper pruning will help to improve the abundant flowering of tamarix, so every fall it is worth cutting extra branches.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7732/

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