Who are the Sherpas? Where do sherpas live?

Sherpas are unique people who live in the far corners of Nepal. Mysterious mountain dwellers always remain in the shadow of Everest. Few people know that this people has incredible stamina and excellent high-altitude adaptation. They know the highlands best of all and occupy a leading position in the number of ascents on Mount Everest.

People from the east

sherpas this
In literal translation, "Sherpa" means "a man from the east." Little is known about the history of this amazing nation. It is said that their ancestors were from Tibet, and the Sherpas themselves have Mongolian roots. We can say that Sherpas are Tibetans. The mountain people speak a language that differs little from Tibetan. From their ancestors, Sherpas adopted customs, clothing, and the subtleties of the kitchen. Today, the concept of "Sherpa" has become a household word. The Everest conqueror Tzing Norgay in the autobiography “Tiger of the Snows” successfully described these people in a few lines: “The boy raises his head and sees a high mountain. Then he looks at the earth and sees the load. The boy calmly takes it and goes with the burden to the mountain. Walking with the load is the usual state of the sherpa. The burden is part of his body ... ”Perhaps that is why among tourists the concept of“ Sherpa ”has been associated for many years with a mountain guide or a porter.

Features of the mountain people

Sherpas are a people who have no written language. In the days of the week, they are guided by the Tibetan calendar. Mountain residents do not use surnames, and their names can change throughout life. Sherpas, like their ancestors, are followers of Buddhism. However, they do not attach much importance to rituals, ceremonies, for them the main thing is faith in the soul. Mountain Nepali people pay special attention to prayers. Here people believe in gods and set aside a corner for prayer in the room of the house. Some families in the courtyards install poles decorated with special flags. Sherpas are burnt dead, as are Indians. Only children and people who die high in the mountains surrender to the earth. In appearance, the mountain people practically do not differ from the Mongols. See how the sherpas look. Photos of these amazing people are presented below.

Sherpas where they live

Typical Sherpas Day

Nepalese mountain people rise very early - with the first rays of the sun. And immediately they begin to work. The work of the Sherpas is to carry goods. They deliver salt to Kathmandu and bring wool to Tibet. Sherpas are not afraid of steep slopes. They make a 10-hour journey a day with cargo uphill and back. At the same time, their rest begins only at 5 pm, when the sun sets. They stop at the inns by the stove-potbelly stove. There you can not only eat, but also warm up. Sherpas are amazingly hardy people. They begin to work as porters at the age of 12. And at 14 - they rise to a new step in the career ladder: they become guides. This means that their daily burden becomes easier, and earnings increase from 7 to 15 dollars a day. Guides, unlike porters, can talk with foreigners, and in the future - be members of a group of climbers.

A family

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Do Sherpas start families? Where do their children live? Let's try to find out these interesting points. The Nepalese mountain people really start families consisting of husband, wife and children. The distribution of roles in it is this: the father works as a guide every day, and the mother takes care of the house. As in many countries, the wife here cleans the house, prepares food, and raises children. In addition, many women still have small stalls selling chips and various drinks. The house of Sherpas is open to every tourist. You could say this is an inn for visiting guests. It should be noted that Sherpas are honest. If a tourist asks them to look after their things, they will not refuse and will ensure their complete safety. But for this service they will want to receive a small cash reward.

Kitchen Features

The country of Sherpas attracts many travelers. Many people want to get acquainted with this amazing mountain people and try their local cuisine. Sherpas are not picky about food. They do not stick to a specific menu. On their table you can see meat dishes, dried foods and even canned goods that tourists leave here. Sherpas cook mo-mo from traditional dishes. The composition of the dish resembles a soup in which dumplings are added. From drinks, sherpas like beer, which is made from rice and barley, and tea. Tea ceremonies are held several times a day.

Alpine genes

country of sherpas
If you ask the Nepalese where the Sherpas live mainly, they will answer without hesitation: "In the mountains." It was there that "people from the east" placed their homes. Tourists do not stop repeating that Sherpas have high mountain genes: they are so hardy and patient. Going uphill all day for the sherpa is a natural occurrence. He sees nothing surprising in this. Men, women, and even children have remarkable endurance. The concept of “weaker sex” does not exist among Sherpas. Here, women, along with men, carry heavy loads and perform complex work. Sherpas quickly pick up the weighty burden and put it on their forehead. They believe that this is the most effective way to carry weights over a long distance.

How to get to the Sherpas?

where sherpas live mainly
Sherpas live in the mountains of Nepal . Where do they live specifically and how to get there? The largest settlement of Sherpas is Namche Bazar, which is located 3880 m above sea level (southern Khumbu region). The road to the village of mountain people passes through the river valley of Dud Kosi. The path is quite narrow, not more than a meter, and it is sandwiched by sheer cliffs. On the way to the Sherpas, there are hanging bridges that connect neighboring villages. If the path began to expand, it means that you are not far from the village of Namche Bazar. Here the houses of cheerful and hardworking Sherpas begin. It should be noted that the road to Namche Bazar resembles a fascinating hike. The river valley pleases travelers with picturesque landscapes. On the way to the Sherpas, tourists can see the majestic glacial ridge that stretches between the peaks of Kariolung and Kangtayga.

The Conquest of Everest

It is known that “people from the east” more than once climbed the top of the famous mountain. Sherpas on Everest first appeared in 1953. It was then that New Zealand explorer Edmund Hillary and the Sherpas Norgay Tenzing were able to climb the highest point on earth. In honor of the perfect feat, Hillary set a flag on the mountain peak, and Tenzing laid out chocolates in the snow to thank the gods for their support on the difficult path.

Sherpas on Everest
Another Sherpa, Appa Tenzing, more than once climbed Mount Everest. He first accomplished this feat in 1990. Then Tenzing climbed a mountain peak every year. The last time he did this in 2011, after which he became a real champion in mountaineering. No one was able to repeat his record - 21 climbing Everest. Another Sherpa surprised the whole world. Pemba Dorje was able to climb the highest point of the earth in 8 hours and 10 minutes. And Sherp Babu Chiri climbed the mountain and spent 21 hours there. These records cannot be repeated by the best climbers of the Earth. Sherpas deserve respect. Paradoxical as it sounds, Everest was able to conquer simple Tibetan porters and guides. And until now, Sherpas continue to accompany tourist expeditions to the mountains. They do not stop working in dangerous conditions as conductors, because this is the main source of their income. Only in this way can they feed themselves and their family.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7736/

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