Oleg Roy. Creator Biography

Is it easy to be a writer? Fill this world and the hearts of readers with new heroes, events, experiences? One of the most popular and highly paid authors of Russia is Oleg Roy. Roy's biography tells fans that being a writer is interesting and beneficial to society.

Oleg Roy biography
Oleg Roy is not only a writer of modern prose, he is a very versatile creative person. His work is impressive and deserves respect ...

From childhood to becoming a creator

On October 12, 1965, a boy was born in the Rezepkin family in a city that was widely known for its ferrous metallurgy . The upbringing of the baby was completely engaged by grandfather and grandmother, whom he loved very much. Years passed, young Rezepkin entered the Magnitogorsk Pedagogical Institute. After graduation, the future writer got a job at a boarding school in his hometown. Countrymen remember Rezepkin as the director of the children's department of the Magnitogorsk boarding school.

Oleg Roy biography son

A little later, Rezepkin left for Switzerland, from where his work begins. By the way, European book lovers know the author under the real name Rezepkin. One of the first novels, “The Mirror”, caused a great public outcry in European society. Swiss journalists christened the young author as a writer from Russia, urging youth to suicide. Of course, Oleg Yuryevich was very surprised by such a statement, but, by the way, it made the book and the author popular. All subsequent works of Rezepkin were also in demand by readers.

Returning to his homeland, Oleg Yuryevich Rezepkin began to publish his work under the pseudonym Oleg Roy. The biography of the author, known by this pseudonym, begins at home.

Oleg Roy. Homecoming

For ten years the writer lived and worked in a foreign land, and when he returned, he became a different person. According to the author, he came to Russia to be different, to begin his career here “almost” from scratch. Here he is the writer Oleg Roy. His biography is replenished with new works, achievements and ... name.

Few know where the pseudonym Roy came from. The author took the first letters of his real data - Oleg Yuryevich Rezepkin - and for the sake of complexity he replaced the letter U with J. So a new hero appeared in the cultural world - Oleg Roy. The biography of the writer is replete with unexpected facts that reveal his attitude to the homeland.

Kind heart - men's actions

Roy is known to a wide readership as a writer of popular novels. But in addition to his writing, Oleg Yurievich devotes time to charity. He took custody of several families in which the children were given terrible diagnoses. Also, the position of vice president of the Union of Disabled Persons of Russia was obtained by Oleg Roy. His biography is only replenished, as well as life experience, creative ideas.

Oleg Roy biography personal life

The writer's contribution to literature and charity was marked by the Golden Knight's Cross of Valor and Honor. Roy’s most significant awards include membership in the Writers' Union of Russia and Europe.

Oleg Roy. Biography: son, daughter and wives

Oleg Roy's works diverge in huge print runs and are in incredible demand. Such a figure as Oleg Roy, biography, his personal life are of great interest to readers.

Now the author spends most of his time in the Russian capital, in his huge apartment on the 56th floor. Very often flies abroad, where he also owns real estate. Today Oleg is single, but he has two marriages.

In his first marriage, Oleg had one child. Great fatherly grief experienced Oleg Roy. The biography (the son of Zhenya died tragically at the age of twenty-one) was replenished with such terrible events and experiences. The guy fell out of the window during the Christmas holidays, doing Christmas tree decorations.

The second marriage brought him joy twice to become a father. A daughter and a son live with an ex-wife. Oleg often visits children and takes an active part in their upbringing. By the way, his ex-wife remarried and became a mother again.

Oleg Roy claims that he maintains friendly relations with his ex-wives, and speaks of them very warmly and respectfully. It is not easy to live with a creative person, but also for a creator to go into family life means to die.

Roy's creativity

To date, Oleg Roy has published more than 30 books. He writes not only adult psychological novels, but also children's books, teenage fantasy.

writer oleg roy biography

The heroes of Roy’s novels are always faced with a choice, they have to fight, strive. The reader rests behind his works, only the last chapters immerse him in his own thoughts. The books, stories, and heroes of Roy repeatedly come to mind after reading the book.

Roy's long-standing passion for photography is taking on a new breath today. He is especially fascinated by black and white photographs; some of his books contain photocells by the author.

The friendship between Oleg Roy and cinema is becoming closer and closer. Besides the fact that he leads the television program “The History of Hobbies”, he writes scripts for films and participates in their creation. The first film adaptation of the novel was the work of Roy "The Nanny", the film was released by the American film studio Miramax.

Oleg Roy biography personal life

Oleg leads several of his own projects, writes books, scripts, articles on various topics and songs. The wisdom of the people is correct: "A talented person is talented in everything."

Future plans

In the future, Oleg Roy does not intend to stop there. In the drawer of his desk are waiting for their turn several unfinished novels. Publisher "Exmo", to develop which his talent successfully helps, longs for new work. Readers are waiting for new stories and new heroes.

Without a doubt, Oleg Roy is a bright, creative person who benefits his country.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7740/

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