Upstart Flower: Home Care

Zephyranthes got its name from the Greek “zephyr” - “wind from the west” and “anthos” - “flower”. This name was given to him from the coincidence of the time when heavy rains, driven by winds from the Atlantic, with a time of rapid flowering, pass. Upstart - a flower received such a name among the people because of the speed of development. Flowers of various shades live only 1-2 days, but there are extremely many of them, which gives the impression of an ever-blooming plant.


The upstart flowers are diverse: today, scientists know more than 40 species. The following types of marshmallows are widely known: golden marshmallows, Atamasko marshmallows, Lindley marshmallows or large-flowered, Drummond marshmallows, Julia marshmallows, yellowish marshmallows, lemon yellow marshmallows, lemon-yellow marshmallows, and white marshmallows.

Upstart flower

Flower upstart

The upstart flower is an onion perennial plant of the amaryllis family. It comes from South and Central America, the Antilles and some regions of Guatemala. The plant itself is very unpretentious to the soil and the amount of heat, but zephyrantes prefers good lighting. Also, a temperature of 14-18 degrees on a light nutritious earth mixture is great for him.


The upstart is a flower with a short neck. It is planted to a depth of 5 cm. If the shoot is long - to a depth of 12 cm. It is preferable to plant them 5-6 bulbs in one hole in order to create dense thickets. However, the upstart indoor flowers look good both one at a time and in the neighborhood with other domestic plants. He needs a transplant 1-2 times a year, the best period for this is from September to October. In summer, the plant needs to be watered well, in winter, when they are at rest, watering is much less common. Also, in winter, zephyranthes can be cut leaves, the best place to store for this time for it will be cooler and not very light.

Indoor flowers upstart


The upstart flower is propagated by seeds or creeps-children. In order to obtain the maximum number of daughter bulbs, the Zephyranthes plant is planted in open ground with a minimum distance between them of 10-15 cm, with this method you can get up to 15 daughter bulbs. This process is very laborious, requiring artificial pollination of flowers. Seeds ripen within two months, and then they must be sown immediately in the ground, as their germination rate is rapidly reduced. When planting, the distance between the seeds should be about 2-3 cm, the optimal conditions for germination will be a temperature of 22 degrees and a humidity of 90-100%. Shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks. Seedlings will bloom only after 2-3 years.


Zephyranthes flower is sensitive to excess irrigation water. From this, he can soon rot the bulb. Therefore, you should water it, especially during the dormant period, carefully, after checking the moisture content of the earthen coma in the pot. The plant is not sensitive to other diseases.

Flowers upstart
Application in traditional medicine

Zephyranthes bulbs are used in folk medicine. With their help treat abscesses, abscesses. It helps to improve kidney function, slows down the growth of tumors.


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