Coreopsis perennial: planting and care

Today we will talk about the care and planting of coreopsis perennial - a bright, sunny plant, which for a long time will delight you with its appearance. In this article we will talk about its most popular varieties and share the features of its cultivation in our area.


Coreopsis perennial

Perennial Koreopsis is a herbaceous plant belonging to the families Asteraceae or Astrovidae. The entire genus of this plant can be divided into two main groups: perennial and annual. The varieties of the first type are especially popular. Its habitat is the territory of South America, Africa and the Hawaiian Islands. In general, as can be seen from the photo, coreopsis perennial is a lush shrub of erect, strongly branching stems densely covered with leaves. Bright yellow, golden and even pale pink inflorescences cover the bush during the flowering period, which lasts almost two months.

Species and varieties

Landing and care for coreopsis

Today, more than one hundred different varieties of coreopsis of many years are known, of which only about thirty are cultivated. Between themselves varieties have differences in stem height, flower color and growing conditions. Most varieties of coreopsis are quite capable of withstanding even the harsh climate of our country. So, we will dwell on the most famous and popular varieties:

  • Coreopsis is large-flowered. One of the largest representatives of this plant. The height of the bush reaches one meter, but there are dwarf species, whose height does not exceed thirty centimeters. The flowers of coreopsis are perennial large-flowered in diameter about seven centimeters and have a bright yellow color. The bush grows very branched, with solid lower leaves and dissecting upper ones. For more than three years, this variety has not grown in one place, even taking into account good care, and therefore requires a transplant. "Baden Gold" is one of the varieties of large-flowered coreopsis, growing up to 90 centimeters in height. It begins to bloom in June, covered with bright medium-sized inflorescences - the diameter of the flowers is about six centimeters.
  • Coreopsis is whorled. This type of plant is found in our gardens a little less often. A bush with a height of 40 to 60 centimeters is formed from strongly branching erect stems. Whiskered, needle-like, strongly dissected leaves densely cover the stems. Inflorescences are quite small - no more than three centimeters in diameter, have a golden yellow color. This variety is able to grow in one place for at least six years.
  • Coreopsis is lanceolate. In nature, it is most often found in Western Europe and western Canada. The height of the bush does not exceed 60 centimeters. This variety got its name because of the oblong lanceolate leaves. During flowering, the plant is covered with medium-sized double flowers of bright yellow color.
  • Coreopsis is pink. Quite a popular plant variety, perfectly taking root in our climate. The bush is stunted, grows up to 40 centimeters in height and is covered with pale pink flowers with a diameter of about three centimeters.

Seedling preparation

Seedlings of Coreopsis

Perennial Koreopsis is a sun-loving plant, so when choosing a place for its planting, you should give preference to a well-sunlit area. Even in a slightly shaded place, the flower does not feel very comfortable and begins to hurt. Soil fertility is acceptable average. It is best to grow a coreopsis perennial seed. And to obtain a flowering plant in the first year, you should sow it in the winter, cultivating seedlings in home pots or boxes.

Seedling preparation is carried out in March or early April. To do this, prepare containers in which you need to fill the substrate with a mixture of garden soil and sand. Moisten and slightly loosen the soil, onto the surface of which sow seeds of coreopsis perennial. Containers with future seedlings are placed in a well-lit, warm place. Seedlings are regularly moistened by spraying and dive twice: after the appearance of 2-3 leaves and after the appearance of 5-6 full leaves.

Outdoor landing

Coreopsis perennial

Depending on the method of growing coreorepsis perennial, the time of planting varies. With seedlings - this is the beginning of May, subject to constantly warm weather without the threat of frost. When sowing seeds immediately in open ground, planting is carried out in spring or late autumn. The general technology for landing coreopsis perennial is quite simple and consists in the following:

  • Soil preparation. The soil mixture should consist of peat, fertile land and organic fertilizer.
  • Preparation of seats. The depth of the pits for planting should be slightly larger than the length of the root system of seedlings. And the distance between the holes is from 15 to 30 centimeters, depending on the variety.
  • Landing. At the bottom of each hole laid drainage (sand or small stones), then a layer of moist soil. After that, the plant is neatly placed in the hole, sprinkled with soil and slightly pressed by hands. Then the planted plant must be thoroughly shed with water.


Watering Coreopsis

To obtain a lush and beautiful plant, you need to make little effort. Attentive care and compliance with basic requirements will allow you to get a healthy plant, pleasing with its appearance.

Despite drought tolerance, Coreopsis perennial loves moderate and constant watering for many years. But in this matter, it is important not to overdo it, since stagnant water at the roots of the plant can cause them to rot. Watering can be enhanced only in hot, arid weather.

After each watering, carefully loosen the soil around the bush - coreopsis loves loose and light soil. Be sure to remove all weed plants that significantly inhibit the growth and development of the bush. Since under the weight of the flowers the plant may bend or break due to strong winds, you should take care to install the support.

Top dressing should be carried out infrequently, since with an excess of fertilizers only greens develop, and flowering may not occur at all. Two organic top dressings are quite enough - at the time of planting and during the flowering period. For this, compost or humus is used.

Division propagation

Perennial coreopsis can be propagated by dividing its bush. In this case, it gives almost complete survival. The best time for this method of reproduction is considered warm spring. The most lush and healthy bush is chosen, around which it is necessary to moisten and loosen the soil slightly (for easier extraction). The bush is divided by a sharp knife into 3-4 parts, with each of them must have at least 2 buds and well-developed roots. Then the separated parts are planted in prepared holes and watered abundantly. This procedure should be done every 3-4 years, since during this time the plant gradually loses its decorative qualities.

Propagation by cuttings

This method is used much less often due to a more troublesome process. Cuttings are prepared in early summer. A strong, healthy plant with young shoots is selected. For cuttings choose healthy shoots with leaves that are cut below the nodule by 10-12 centimeters. Leaves are removed from the lower parts of the cuttings, after which the shoots are placed in the root-forming solution. After rooting, the cuttings are planted in a greenhouse or flower pots. Abundant watering and light shading are important to accelerate plant survival.

Diseases and Pests

Rust on coreopsis

The main pest of Coreopsis perennial is the aphid. You can recognize its appearance by twisted leaves, slightly dried at the ends. A variety of different insecticides, which are available in a wide range at any hardware or flower shop, help fight aphids.

The three main diseases often affecting this flowering plant are fusarium, rust, and spotting. If the first two fungal diseases can be managed by treating the bush with fungicides, then there is no such remedy for spotting. And this means that the affected plant can only be destroyed.

Koreopsis in landscape design

Lanceolate Coreopsis

Due to the long and colorful flowering, coreopsis is often used to decorate personal plots. For example, undersized varieties of coreopsis perennial are planted along garden paths, used as borders. In addition, low bushes are planted in flower pots, which then can be used to originally decorate the site. Higher varieties look great in composition with other garden flowers in the flower beds.


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