Universal transparent silicone sealant: characteristics, purpose, instruction

Before the appearance of silicone-based sealants, the joints were repaired using various putties. These were homemade mastics and mixtures on a bitumen basis, which performed the tasks very poorly. With the advent of silicone universal transparent sealants on the market, any repair becomes easier. Let's look at how these materials differ and what their features are.


Composition silicone universal transparent sealants are complex mixtures. In production, a whole group of substances is added to the product.

Sealant moment silicone universal transparent
So, silicone plasticizers make the mass more elastic. Vulcanizing components provide viscosity to the composition. Rubber is the foundation. Primers are required for maximum adhesion with any materials. Due to the hardener, the sealant has strength, and with the help of a filler, the composition is painted in the desired color.

All existing products on the market are divided into two groups. These are one- and two-component compounds. The former are more universal, and they are most often used in construction and repair work. The second are used for industrial needs.

Types of one-component sealants

They are divided into several types. One-component universal silicone transparent sealants, depending on the main component, can be alkaline, acidic or neutral:

  • Alkaline sealant is a series of special materials where amines are used as a base component.
  • Acidic compounds are universal products that are affordable. The main component in the composition is acetic acid, the smell of which is well felt in the process of solidification of the mass. The main and serious drawback is the complete incompatibility with some metals. Such a product causes an increase in corrosion processes. Also, do not use these compounds for cement, which contains alkali particles. Despite the low price of acid silicone sealant, you should not buy it.
  • Neutral sealants are ideally combined with any types of surfaces and materials due to the special composition, which is based on ketoxime or alcohol.

When choosing a particular sealant, you should pay attention to additives. Four main inclusion groups can be distinguished. So, during the production process, dye is added to the composition. Mechanical fillers are necessary to ensure the tenacity of the silicone composition with the surface on which the composition is applied. Extenders serve to reduce the viscosity of silicone. Fungicides are essential for controlling fungus and mold. Due to these additives, the scope of application of universal silicone transparent sealants is expanding significantly.


The sealant has the ability to stretch, which makes it possible to apply these materials even on moving parts and elements. Universal compounds are characterized by a high degree of strength. The materials have excellent adhesion and seal joints in any elements, including between ceramic products, glass, wood, plastic, metal, concrete.

silicone sealant Price
The sealant withstands UV radiation and the effects of household cleaning components. Also, the materials have high heat resistance. Protective characteristics are maintained over a wide temperature range - from -50 to +300 degrees.

The cost of this building material is about 200 p.

Cons of silicone based sealants

Having such serious technical characteristics, universal transparent silicone sealant also has disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the inability to use in conditions of high humidity. Sealants, in which there are no organic substances, can not be painted with ordinary dyes. The products are not sufficiently adhesion with narrow polypropylene plastics, polycarbonate, polyethylene, fluoroplastic and PVC.

Types of sealants for the intended purpose

There are a huge number of types of silicone sealants. The place and nature of use will depend on the choice. Distinguish:

  • Construction.
  • Special
  • Automobile trains.

Consider each type in more detail.

Universal sealant

These products are characterized by high adhesion, resistance to moisture and ultraviolet. This allows you to use it for sealing joints in sinks, bathrooms, showers, batteries, pipes. With these products, you can seal the headlights of cars and glue moldings.

universal transparent silicone sealant specifications
One of the representatives of this class is the โ€œMomentโ€ universal transparent silicone sealant. It has an affordable cost.

Plumbing Sealants

These compounds are used in places where humidity is high. These are kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms. The main places of use are pipe joints, showers, sinks, toilets and bathrooms. These products are characterized by high adhesion to aluminum and non-porous surfaces, resistance to aggressive detergents. The composition retains its properties for a long period of time.

Automotive sealant

This group of compounds is most often used in the process of replacing gaskets in a car.

universal transparent silicone sealant
These materials differ in resistance to antifreeze, short-term exposure to high temperatures. The product does not age for a long time.

Manufacturers Overview

Macroflex is a Finnish company that has been manufacturing various sealants and adhesives for over 35 years. Universal silicone sealant transparent for outdoor use of this brand is of high quality and performance. This composition is used by professionals.

Brand โ€œMomentโ€ is a leading domestic manufacturer of various construction chemicals. The experience of the company is more than 30 years. Silicone sealants are made in Russia. This material ideally combines low price, high quality and reliability.

universal transparent silicone sealant for outdoor use
Sudal is a Polish brand that manufactures sealants, adhesives, and sealants for roofing materials. The entire line is produced using the latest technologies. The price of silicone sealant is higher than the cost of domestic products. But the quality is at a good level.

So, we found out what silicone sealant is and what types it is.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7763/

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