The most popular cheats for GTA SA: list, description, categories

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is one of the most famous games that does not lose its popularity even after almost 13 years after the release. If you decide to play this masterpiece again, the most fun thing is to do it using cheat codes, which will give a huge advantage over NPCs. In our article you will find a list of the most popular cheats for GTA SA, as well as their detailed description. All codes have been repeatedly tested in the game, so you can not doubt their performance.

How to get free weapons in GTA SA?

Many people who passed GTA San Andreas faced the same problem - in the initial stages of the game it is almost impossible to get good weapons and ammunition. In stores, such a product costs a fortune, and those cartridges that fall from the corpses of defeated enemies are spent quite quickly. Of course, you can explore Los Santos far and wide to find hiding places with the most deadly weapons, but we recommend that you do otherwise - enter one of three cheat codes that will give you access to special sets:

Modification on the gun for GTA SA.
  • LXGIWYL is the first kit that is most suitable for amateurs.
  • KJKSZPJ - the second pack of weapons suitable for professional killers.
  • UZUMYMW is the third set of weapons that only psychos will use.

If you are concerned about the eternal lack of ammunition, then you can enter the following key combination - WANRLTW. Such a cheat will allow you to forget forever that the cartridges may someday end. In addition, a nice bonus is the lack of recharge. This is especially funny to watch, firing missiles from an RPG or firing from two sawn-off shotguns.

Cheats for health and money in GTA San Andreas

If you are tired of making money all the time in the game in order to purchase a house or modifications for a car, then you can use the cheat code for GTA SA, which will instantly add you $ 250 thousand, and also restore health and armor. Just enter the code word - HESOYAM on your keyboard, after which you can safely spend money as you like. By the way, such a code can be entered as many times as you like, so do not hesitate to hammer your wallet to failure and see the cherished nines in the upper right corner of the screen.

Money from the collection truck in GTA SA.

However, constantly introducing a code for armor and life is far from comme il faut, especially when it comes to a shootout with police or an enemy gang. To keep your health always at 100%, use the BAGUVIX cheat code. However, it is worth mentioning that he does not give absolute immortality. You can still be killed by a fall from a high altitude, a hit or hitting by means of transport, fire and some other factors. Therefore, still look from time to time at your health band and do not forget to feed Cj in time.

How to increase or decrease the wanted level

What is the most fun thing to do in GTA San Andreas? Right, run away from the police or engage in a firefight with them. However, in some cases, increasing the wanted level becomes quite problematic. Therefore, keep in mind a few cheats for GTA SA, which are designed to increase or decrease the hostile attitude of the police towards the main character:

Mod on a police car in GTA SA.
  • LJSPQK - increase crime to the maximum mark (6 stars).
  • ASNAEB - Completely clear Carl Johnson's wanted level.
  • OSRBLHH - increase the current crime rate by two stars.
  • AEZAKMI - The police completely ignore your crimes.

The latest cheat code deserves special attention. Even if the army will hunt you in tanks and fighters, you can make them change their minds by entering this cheat. After that, you can do whatever you want with the military or police - steal their vehicles, shoot them or beat their comrades. From now on, no guardian of the law will do you anything wrong.

A few cheats on vehicles for GTA SA

Cheats for cars and air transport have always been very popular among players. Itโ€™s not even that sometimes itโ€™s just not possible to find a single vehicle in the wilderness and you have to run on foot. Itโ€™s just that some of the modes of transport can be available only in certain missions - but you really want to ride them around the city! With cheat codes, this is entirely possible:

Monster mod in GTA SA.
  • AIWPRTON - a real army tank that shoots at LMC;
  • JUMPJET - a fighter that can only be found at a military base;
  • KGGGDKP - amphibious car, available exclusively during races;
  • AGBDLCID - a huge Monster jeep with four-wheel drive (hold the space bar);
  • CQZIJMB is a race car available only during competitions.

If you donโ€™t like ordinary transport, you can get a free rocket pack, which opens closer to the end of the game. To do this, enter the key combination on the keyboard - ROCKETMAN or YECGAA. If you want to shoot from a jet pack, then pick up a semi-automatic weapon in advance. After that, you can fly around the city and destroy enemies from the air.

What are cheat mods for GTA SA and where to get them

Iron Man in GTA SA.

If the usual cheats provided by the developers did not seem enough to you, then you can download third-party programs that expand the gameplay capabilities of the game and make the main character almost a god. A vivid example is the s0beit program, which has many functions and a convenient menu for using them. In addition, there are various cheat modifications that add new weapons or vehicles to GTA, which significantly exceed the standard options in terms of performance. However, be sure to follow the instructions during installation so as not to break the game.

Video and conclusion

As you can see, there are a lot of codes and cheats for GTA SA, which greatly simplify the gameplay and entertain gamers well. If the information from our article is insufficient, we recommend that you watch a short video in which you will find a detailed overview of the most useful cheats for GTA San Andreas. We wish you a pleasant viewing and an exciting game!


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