Overlapping a house is an important structural element

Important elements of any building are floors. These are structures that divide the building into floors and separate them from basements and attics. And each floor of the house should have sufficient strength, since it will have to withstand not only its own weight, but also the weight of furniture, equipment and people. And it is determined by the purpose of a particular room. So, for example, the strength of the attic floor can be no more than 105 kg / m 2 , and if it is between floors, then its strength should be at least twice as much - 210 kg / m 2 . Also, its rigidity should be such that it does not bend under load.

house overlap

The soundproofing also depends on what kind of floors are in the house. Therefore, when laying them, all the cracks that are located at the joints of the material are carefully sealed. This avoids the spread of sound in the house. And the floors that are between rooms with a temperature difference of more than 10 degrees should still be insulated. This applies to the floor of the lower floor and the ceiling of the upper. Also, each ceiling of the house has its own fire resistance threshold. For example, for reinforced concrete slabs, the fire resistance limit is determined by one hour. A wood floor that is not protected by fireproof materials will burn in less than 15 minutes.

And according to the structural features of the load-bearing part, the overlapping of the house can be beam and beamless. And in the second embodiment, the supporting structure is reinforced concrete slabs. And they can be monolithic, prefabricated and precast monolithic according to the technology of construction. At the same time, prefabricated floors are assembled from factory plates. And monolithic are made on the spot when monolithic concrete is poured into the formwork. Also, these two types of floors can be combined. That is, rectangular spans are overlapped with slabs, and irregular-shaped spans are filled with reinforced concrete.

Another ceiling for the house can be beam, that is, its basis is metal or wooden beams. And they are already laying flooring. And in private construction, two types of such ceilings are used. And the first option is the use of wooden beams, on which wooden flooring is usually laid. And in the second version, a often-ribbed floor is made, which consists of metal beams, on which a flooring from small-piece elements made of ceramics or light concrete is already laid .

And the floors in a brick house can be performed according to any of these options, for example, on wooden beams. But first they need to be treated with an antiseptic, then they fit into niches, and you should start from the opposite walls. These two beams are leveled, and their ends are laid with bricks. Then a cord is pulled along them and the rest are laid at intervals of 60-70 mm. For these purposes, beams with a section of 40 × 150 mm are suitable. Then, on their bottom, from two sides they stuff bars with a section of 40 × 40 mm, which are necessary for the device of black floors. By the way, all wooden floor elements are pre-treated with an antiseptic.

floors in a brick house

Then blackboards are laid along the bars . Instead, you can also use flat slate. Then comes a very important stage - the overlapping of the house needs to be insulated. Therefore, on the boards or slate put glassine, and on it a heater. Then scaffolds for the finishing floor are installed. The insulation is covered with glassine. Then spread the floorboards, which immediately undesirable to nail. It is necessary that they lie on the beams for some time and dry. Also, a ceiling is stuffed onto the beams, to which strips of glassine are nailed. Heater is laid on it. And now the floor of the second floor is already filling up, across which the glassine is also stacked.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7773/

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