"Uteroton": instructions for use in veterinary medicine, dosage, composition

"Uteroton" is widely used as an adjuvant in stimulating the labor of females. So, "Uteroton" (instructions for use in veterinary medicine will be indicated below) has proven itself in the treatment of farm animals. The drug got its glory due to the fact that after its use, livestock meat can be eaten without fear.

Drug description

Uteroton instructions for use in veterinary medicine

Uteroton is used for cattle as a means of increasing the probability of fertilization. This is a non-hormonal drug, which is its advantage compared to other drugs of a similar property. The drug is packaged in sterile injection bottles in a volume of one hundred milliliters. It is used not only as a stimulation of labor, but also to solve other problems. For example, Uteroton for goats is used in the prevention of gynecological diseases and in their treatment. In zootechnics, this drug has established itself as a source of improved fertility and the appearance of multiple pregnancy.

Pharmacology of the drug

Uteroton price

The active substance is anaprilin. 5 mg per 1 ml of solution. Also present are 2 mg of n atrium metabisulfite, 5 mg of chloroethone and a small amount of citric acid. All this is diluted with 1 ml of distilled water. If you bought Uteroton, the instructions for use in veterinary medicine contain instructions regarding dosages.

Carefully inspect the purchased medicine, since fakes are often found on the market. The drug itself looks like a clear, colorless liquid. Packing of the drug can be different, from 20 to 200 ml, in a dark glass bottle, corked tightly with a rubber lid, reinforced with an aluminum coating.

What is the advantage of Uteroton over other drugs? For example, in comparison with Oxytocin, it gradually causes a softening of the uterine tone and an improvement in labor. The main advantage is the almost complete absence of side effects.

Drug storage

Uteroton for goats

In addition to the shelf life of the drug, it is important to observe storage conditions. For example, ointments are recommended to be stored in a cool place, so the manufacturer can guarantee the preservation of medicinal properties. Uteroton, the price of which is about one hundred rubles, is recommended to be stored in unopened packaging. It is better to put it in a place protected from direct sunlight.

Keep in mind that from the moment of opening the package, the drug should not be stored for more than two weeks. When closed, it can stand for two years. Do not forget that any medicines should be stored in places inaccessible to children, and away from food.

"Uteroton": instructions for use in veterinary medicine. Experience and Perspective

Uteroton for cattle

The main problem of modern veterinary medicine and livestock farming is the frequent cases of cattle infertility. The basis for this is most often the violation of the functionality of the uterus and related organs. In particular, the experts highlight the fact that the uterine contractility is more affected by the uterine contractility. Therefore, now it is becoming widespread practice, in addition to improving feeding and keeping pregnant women, to take the Uteroton prophylactic course. Instructions for use in veterinary medicine are based on extensive experiments. They were carried out by a number of scientists in the zero years.

Even then, the high effectiveness of the drug was proved. Its main feature was high myotropic activity. In other words, drugs of this group relieve muscle spasm, directly affecting smooth muscle cells.

Thanks to experiments, it was possible to identify that Uteroton exerts the greatest efficiency on the fertility of cows and horses. Thus, this helps to increase the chances of conception, as well as reduce the risks of postpartum complications.

MMA in pigs

The drug has found application in the treatment of pigs. For every veterinarian, MMA is a serious test. This abbreviation is decrypted simply: mastitis, metritis and lack of milk. It is easy to guess as for the birth of the females. In other words, the mammary glands and the uterus are affected. Why, in this case, is not recommended to use "Oxytocin"? The fact is that, as a hormonal drug, it can upset the body's own hormonal balance and lead to negative consequences. Therefore, it is advisable to use "Uteroton" (instructions for use in veterinary medicine indicate a beneficial effect on uterine tone).

Do not forget about the need to observe precautions in the use of the drug "Uteroton". Instructions for use in veterinary medicine indicate that empty medicine packaging should be disposed of in accordance with the instructions, so the smallest particles of the substance do not allow them to be reused. Before injecting and preparing syringes with the drug, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap. Do not eat or drink during the procedure. If the product gets into your eyes or mucous membranes, rinse the affected area with plenty of cool water. If swallowed, flush the stomach and consult a doctor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7776/

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