Not sure how to book a hotel on your own? In fact, everything is very simple!

Almost all cities and countries of the world are open to those who do not like to relax, but planning a trip raises several questions: where to go, where to buy tickets cheaper, how to book a hotel on your own? We’ll talk about the latter in more detail, since the chosen atmosphere plays a significant role, and it depends on the hotel how pleasant your vacation will be and what memories you will have after your trip.

How to book a hotel on your own?

Ways to book a hotel room

There are several options for booking a hotel:

  • You can independently make a call to the reservation service of the selected hotel and book a room immediately by phone.
  • Book a room via the Internet by placing your order on the hotel’s official website.
  • Book a room through booking sites, which saves you a certain amount of money.

Of course, traveling around Russia, you can get by phone, so to speak, negotiate live with the manager and book a hotel. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Sochi, Crimea, Novosibirsk and many cities abound with hotels that are always waiting for guests. And when you arrive at your destination, a cozy room will be ready to receive you.

book a hotel room

Trip abroad

Before you book a hotel yourself, you should weigh the pros and cons for each applicant: read the reviews, check the location of the hotel, the services it provides. If you don’t want to burden yourself with searching for products and cooking, book hotel rooms with the All Inclusive feature. Leave some time for reflection, because, as they say, morning is wiser than the evening.

So, how to book a hotel on your own?

The easiest way is to make an order via the Internet, using online booking systems or on the hotel’s website. In most cases, when booking a room directly (from the site), the cost may be higher compared to the first option, as hotels offer discounts to these systems. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful and, if possible, compare prices.

Book hotel St. Petersburg

Reservation systems to help you!

Reservation systems have been around for quite some time, their work is well-established. There are a lot of similar booking sites, so there will definitely be plenty to choose from. For a more convenient search, you can use the HotelsCombined system, it provides a convenient opportunity to select a resource with the lowest cost of hotel services. Another advantage of this site is the easy availability of special promotions for which you can book a hotel room with a good enough discount and relax in a 5-star hotel at a price of 3 stars.

Book Turkey Hotel

What does the standard scheme for searching and booking a hotel over the Internet look like?

For a good example, you can consider how to book a hotel yourself using the booking site:

1. On the selected site in the search bar, enter the name of the city, country or place where you prefer to relax, you can also immediately enter the name of the hotel, if one has already been selected.

2. Click the "Search" button, and the system gives us the desired results.

3. The data obtained for their more convenient comparison can be ordered, for example: by distance, by the number of stars, cost of services, positive and negative reviews, etc. You can immediately set filters for more convenient search, select the required price range, services , hotel location and much more. For a more visual orientation on the area, you can open a map on the same site and choose a hotel, taking into account its location. As you can see, such systems are quite flexible and convenient for any user.

4. Having decided on the hotel, you can click the "Book" button, and the window that opens will show which booking systems offer to book a room in this hotel, what is the price range. Here you can just choose the most advantageous offer, and in the case when the cost is not too different, just stop at the most liked system. With this convenient option, you can book a hotel in any corner of the globe: Turkey, Corfu, Anapa, Dubai, Kemer, Pattaya, Varadero - this is just a small part of what the resource can offer, so choose and enjoy.

book a hotel yourself


Another solution to the issue considered in our article is also not difficult. However, not all Internet resources of this profile allow you to perform all the steps described below. But suddenly you come across just such a site? So, we go further.

1. After choosing a place of residence, click the "Book Now" button, a page with a description of the hotel in the selected system will open in the window that appears.

2. After that, determine the type of room, number of seats and click “Book” again, after which the page for entering your personal data will open.

3. Enter your full name in English letters and your own email address. After all the necessary information is indicated, click the "Continue" button, and the system will immediately direct you to the page confirming the reservation of the hotel.

4. Here you will be asked for your credit card information. It is worth noting that many booking sites do not charge for reservations and any fees. Information from a bank card is needed as a guarantee of reservation, and payment for the hotel itself can be made directly on the spot, after arrival. But some hotel reservation systems can immediately withdraw money from your card, then the payment will disappear, you just have to come to your destination and settle in a comfortable room.

5. After entering all the data, including from a credit card, it remains only to click the "Book" button, after that you will receive a confirmation of booking to your email address. It is advisable to make a hard copy for presentation upon arrival at the hotel.

Judging by the above step-by-step instructions, the process itself takes a little time and effort. An accessible and intuitive interface is convenient even for first-time users of the site. Now you know how to book a hotel on your own, which means you can safely travel in any direction, relying on your own resources, without the help of travel agencies and unnecessary costs.

book hotel crimea

Hotel booking in Russia. Benefits of self-ordering a room

Going on a tour of Russia, you can also use the services of Internet assistants and book a hotel. Crimea is one of the most popular destinations, you can find many offers on specialized resources. When booking a hotel on your own, it is important that you choose the apartments and your preferred services yourself, and you know for sure that you will not be deceived, because you need to go on vacation in complete tranquility and anticipation of the upcoming entertainment.

What you should know

Well, how to book a hotel on our own, we figured out. If you don’t feel like fooling around, you can trust the tour operator. However, keep in mind that there is one caveat. If you booked a ticket and suddenly have to refuse a trip, you can lose a tidy sum. The fine, as a rule, is almost the full cost of the permit; this is the so-called agency insurance against such situations. If you decide all the questions yourself, in case of refusal to stay in a particular hotel, you can get the maximum amount for booking a room for one night. As a rule, reservations at most hotels are free of charge. The matter remains small: choose an interesting destination, a hotel you like and collect luggage, because now you yourself can plan your dream vacation.


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