How to find out the size of a finger for a ring? Useful Tips

Perhaps you will agree that gifts are that element of our life that makes it more diverse, more fun and more enjoyable. Someone likes to receive gifts, someone likes to give them more. Some make them on holidays, others give them just like that. But in any case, gifts are always pleasant and fun.

Anything can be suitable as a gift: some wardrobe item, accessory, household item, household appliances, souvenir or postcard. Some trifle, a real trinket, too, can come up as a surprise or a small presentation. Often even animals are given: parrots, fish, hamsters, puppies or kittens.

how to find out the size of the finger for the ring

But very often people give each other rings. This is a great option to please even the most sophisticated person in gifts. Indeed, as far as it is known, some people will only need verbal congratulations, while others and jewelry are not all to their liking. But the ring is a universal thing. Firstly, because you can choose a ring for any person. And secondly, the rings are completely different: from very simple and very inexpensive, to exclusive, made to order, inlaid with precious stones, etc. The latter, as a rule, are worth a fortune.

how to find out the ring size for men
True, when we are going to give a ring, we may encounter the fact that we do not know the size. In this case, you can use this article - below we will consider several options for how to find out the size of the finger for the ring.

In general, different countries have different measurement systems and sizes. But in Russia it is customary to take the diameter of the ring itself as the size. You should also remember that the size of the ring that you determine using the methods below will only be suitable for the finger whose size you recognize. And yet: the fingers of the left hand are different from the fingers of the right (they are slightly thinner). These are features of physiology and the fact that the bulk of people are right-handed. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in it, but for some reason some often forget about it and remember it, being already in the store and choosing a ring.

So, you are thinking about how to find out the size of a finger for a ring. Remember: size (it's diameter) is measured in millimeters and is always a multiple of 0.5. The sizes exist such: 15; 15.5; 16; 16.5 and so on incrementally. The largest is 23 size (by standards).

The simplest and most true way is to determine the size of the ring in any jewelry store / salon. There are special measuring rings on which the sizes are written. You just measure the ring and immediately find out the size. The process takes less than a minute. But it should be noted that there are two types of gauges: for wide rings and for narrow. So, choosing a ring, make sure that it "sits" well - it does not press and does not slip. Be careful!

But what if the option to go to the store in the near future is not expected, or the ring is not intended for you, and soon it will be time to buy? For example, a girl wants to make a surprise, but does not know the size. How to find out the ring size for a man? There are several options:

ring sizing

  1. Take the ring that is not currently used and go to the store with it (if possible).
  2. Measure the diameter of the ring with a ruler or caliper.
  3. Put the ring on a piece of paper and circle the outline with a pencil or pen along the inside diameter.
  4. Try the ring on one of your fingers and take a note in the place where it gets stuck.
  5. Use a dimensional ruler, the layout of which can be printed and then cut with scissors.

It also happens that a loved one does not remove this jewelry at all. How to find out the finger size for the ring in this case?

You can use a thread (cotton) - you need to wrap it around your finger five times so that the thread does not press and sag. Then take the beginning and the tip of the thread at the crosshairs and, without taking your fingers off, cut off both ends. After that, you need to remove the thread, measure its length and divide the resulting value by 15.7. The result of this calculation is the desired size. It may be a multiple of 0.5. Round the number up.

Sometimes spontaneous determination of size is also appropriate. To the rings, as we already know, everyone is happy. Therefore, walking around the city with your soulmate, you can go to the jewelry store under the pretext of "just see something." While watching, invite her (him) to try on the sample you like. After that, you can simply find out the size of the fit ring from the consultant.

How to find out the size of a finger for a ring? As you can see, this task is quite simple. And, if there are no special devices in order to find out the size, you just need to turn on your imagination and think a little - any option will come to your mind.

I would also like to give some tips on the topic of ring sizes. It is not recommended to measure your fingers in the following situations:

ring on a finger

  • when it is very hot or very cold;
  • if you feel unwell;
  • girls - during menstruation;
  • after playing sports;
  • early in the morning.

The ideal option is to go choose a ring in the late afternoon, and in a good mood.

Now, knowing how to choose a ring of a suitable size, you can be sure that your gift will certainly fit, and feel free to go shopping.


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