Plasticine wax "Ray" and its application

Why is clay so important for the early development of children? Have you asked this question? We suggest considering all the positive aspects of this material and choosing the best manufacturer from those that supply this product to the market. And it will be plasticine of the Luch firm.


Types of plasticine

Let's look at what types of plasticine are and why the Luch plasticine is better than others.

1. Classic plasticine, which is sold with standard rectangular pieces in a cardboard box.

Plasticine set

An advantage is its low cost. This is the cheapest type of plasticine, which is familiar to all current adults since childhood.

The disadvantages include the fact that this material is quite hard, and before sculpting it needs to be warmed up and kneaded for quite a while in hands, which is difficult for young children to do, and often impossible without the help of adults.

2. Plasticine on a wax basis. This is the very one from the Luch company, which is convenient in that it flexes easily, and even the weak fingers of the kids can easily cope with it. A set of plasticine can be purchased in different colors. There are different sets, which include from 8 to 24 multi-colored blocks. In stores, plasticine wax "Ray" is widely represented. Reviews about him are good precisely because of the plasticity of the material.

The drawback is one and insignificant - the material sticks a little more to the hands, when compared with the usual one.

3. Soft plasticine in jars. Compared with the manufacturer’s version, Luch has a significant drawback, since it can only be stored in a jar. It dries quickly in the air, becomes brittle and unsuitable for reuse.

Of these three options, the best is plasticine wax "Ray", and it is the subject of our review. And how to choose - it's up to you!


Plasticine "Ray" and early development

Not all parents know how important plasticine is for the early development of children. But in vain. Classes with plasticine can not be replaced neither by application, nor by drawing, nor by other intellectual and useful games. This material, if it is as high-quality and convenient to use as from Luch, plays a significant role in the development of fine motor skills that helps the child not only control his hands and fingers, but also affects the speech center, vision, attention and memory . And what could be more important than this? In addition, modeling helps to develop imagination. Indeed, from plasticine, you can try to mold your favorite character from the cartoon or come up with something new in general. As mentioned above, the manufacturer “Luch” offers sets in different colors (from 8 to 24 colors) and the older the child, the larger the set he will be able to purchase, and the more interesting compositions he will be able to create.

plasticine wax ray premium

Many parents like that a child can spend a lot of time modeling and not distract adults from their affairs. But at the same time, most educators recommend that parents take an active part in the creative process, as the common cause always brings together, and the kids are always pleased with the attention of elders.

How clay can affect self-esteem

Surprisingly, a fact. Plasticine can directly affect the child’s self-esteem. Using this material, you can increase the confidence of the baby if he suddenly doubts his abilities. How and why is this happening? Very simple!

Plasticine is a material that can be reused if something doesn’t work out. Compare. If you painted a picture or stuck on an application, then it will be extremely difficult or impossible to fix the errors. With plasticine, everything is different. Didn't work out a figure? She can be crushed and sculpted at any time again and again, until the young leader is satisfied with his work.

Here it is worth mentioning that parents should competently approach the choice of material for creativity. The plasticine wax “Ray” does not solidify at room temperature as usual and does not harden completely like soft in jars, therefore, preschool education experts recommend using this particular set of plasticine.

From what age can children buy Luch plasticine?

We all know that children sculpt from plasticine at the age when they go to kindergarten. But few people know at what age it is generally possible to give babies this material. Let's take a closer look at this topic.

Wax based plasticine

If we talk about the very young age, then plasticine can be given to a child from the age of one. But here the help of parents will be required. Firstly, the elders will need to ensure that the baby does not drag plasticine into his mouth, and secondly, he will need to help him stretch and show how some simple figures can be made. To begin with, the Plasticine "Ray" "Baby", which is represented by 6 or 10 colors, is suitable.

From 3-4 years old, the child can already be left with plasticine, since at this age the kids understand that this is an inedible thing and know what it is intended for.

There is no upper age limit. If adults like to create from clay, you can sculpt until they are very old. This is creativity!

Ideas for working with Luch plasticine

If you opened a box of plasticine and don’t know where to start, what to do, we offer you options for activities.

Firstly, you can remember your favorite characters that all children know. It’s better to start with those that are simpler. For example, from a snowman!

Secondly, you can look at the options for finished crafts on the Internet and try to repeat what you liked more.

Thirdly, you can purchase ready-made coloring books or pictures that are painted with this material. For them, by the way, wax plasticine “Ray” “Premium” is more suitable, but if there is none, you can use other options.

Where to buy?

Where can I get a set of plasticine "Ray"? Everything is simple. It is sold in almost all stores for children and office supplies.

Wax based plasticine

In addition, it is very convenient to place orders through online stores. The most popular at the moment, according to reviews, are two types. The first is the wax plasticine "Ray." He leads in sales. And the second is the Plasticine "Ray" "Baby".

Choose, buy and create health!


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