For the suit to sit: size XL

When buying clothes for ourselves or a child, buying a thing as a gift, we often encounter such a problem as inability to figure out exactly what size is indicated on the product label, how to translate Latin abbreviations to familiar centimeters. Special tables of measures and standards come to the rescue.

What is the size of clothes

Under it, it is customary to consider a special code, which usually consists of letters of the Latin alphabet or numbers and indicates certain parameters of a person’s body (chest or hips, waist, arm length, neck circumference, etc.). Measurements are made in linear proportions. In the production of certain types of clothing, shoes, hats, underwear, firms and companies are guided by the developed size systems and sew their products in accordance with them. And for the convenience of customers and the systematization of goods during sale, tags with sizes, volumes, etc. are hung on finished products. Shoe size is usually indicated on the sole or inside, on the insole.

Size system

The sizes on products from European manufacturers do not always coincide with the sizes of Russian-made clothes. This is explained by different standards of units taken as starting points of reference. The System of the European Unified Standard (EN) uses centimeters, in Russia the sizes of men's shirts, underwear, etc. regulated by special GOST.

Some explanation

size XL

Now let's compare the parameters of Russian and Western calculations:

  • The sizes of clothes for babies (baby's undershirts, sliders, hats, etc.) from European manufacturers are included in the categories of goods with the code "XXS", which stands for eXtra eXtra Small - very, very small. Those. if the clothing label will be abbreviated "XXS", it is clear that these are goods for babies.
  • "XS" ​​- the mark indicates that this product also belongs to the category of very small, but slightly larger than the previous ones: eXtra Small.
  • A single letter "S" characterizes the clothes as simply small or childish: Small.
  • Latin β€œM” on clothing indicates that this product belongs to the medium size category - Medium.
  • The letter "L" (Large) is usually placed on clothing of large sizes.
  • Size "XL" - eXtra Large - corresponds to very large clothing.

Comparison of Russian and European sizes

Knowing your standard size by Russian standards and its conformity in the EN System, you can easily figure out whether the new update will fit in well.

  • Men's sizes
    XL what size

Men's sizes start with "XS" - very small. It is understandable, because clothes like "very, very small" go without gender distinctions. Further, as usual, β€œsmall”, i.e. "S"; then "M", "L", which can be regarded as "more than average"; size "XL", i.e. "very large", and then in increasing order: "XXL", "XXXL". In digital terms, it will look like this: for example, "XS" is 44th, and the size is "XL" 54th. "XXL", respectively, 56th. And the largest - XXXL - 58th.

  • Women's sizes

The parameters of the female sizes are similar to the male ones, with the only difference being that they appear in slightly different numbers and indicators. The "XS" size here is 42nd, i.e. one indicator less than man's. Further, the gap increases slightly, and already the size of "XL" is equal to the 50th. The largest size of women's clothing is the 54th size - "XXXL".

clothing size XL

Custom units

In the fashion and clothing design industry, in addition to accepted standards, there are also narrow-profile differentiations. Clothing "haute couture" in this regard is distinguished into small and large. Gradation is done depending not only on the size, but also on the growth of the proposed models:

  • "Bigger":

The female size "XL" is the 50th, and corresponds to a rather high height for ladies at 176 cm. And the largest figure is "4XL": 56/182. In male models, the marking qualification is also very wide. It begins with the letter "S", i.e. "small" and ends with "5XL". The growth range starts from 170 cm and ends with 182 cm, and the size is from the 46th to the 60th. The size of the "XL" clothing of the male type corresponds to the 52nd;

  • Small size:

In the so-called small-sized standards, two sizes are combined under each letter. Those. each model of clothing is a cross between two sizes that are close in parameters. So, in female samples under the letters "XS" are designated the 40-42th, "L" - 46-48. And "XL" what is the size of the clothes in this case? For women - 48-50, for men - 50-52.

As you can see, to understand the letter-digital wisdom is not so difficult. For the first time, of course, it is better to have comparative grid tables in order not to get confused. And when you remember, you can navigate without problems!


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