Olga Trifonova: short biography, books

Olga Trifonova is the widow of the author of the famous novel “House on the Embankment”. In her work, biographies of famous and historical figures occupy a special place. The most famous work - “The One” - is dedicated to the tragic fate of Stalin's wife. But, despite the fact that the books of this writer arouse wide interest among readers, her name today, more than thirty years after Yuri Trifonov passed away, is associated with the name of her husband.

Olga Trifonova

Facts from the biography

Olga Trifonova (Miroshnichenko) is the daughter of a political prisoner. By the time she left school, her father was released. Olga dreamed of a career as a journalist. But she entered a technical university. The path to the faculty of journalism was ordered to her. In addition, the profession of engineer parents seemed at that time quite prestigious. Later, his father was rehabilitated, but by that time the future writer managed to get a technical education.

Trifonova began writing her first works at the age of 15. She managed to publish her first novel only in the seventies.


In numerous interviews, Trifonova talked about her husband, about their acquaintance, life together. And also about the sudden death of the writer, known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

He was much older than her. They first saw each other when Yuri Trifonov worked as a simple worker at a military factory. His future wife at that time went to kindergarten. But the real acquaintance, of course, occurred much later, in one of the legendary Moscow restaurants. The novice writer admired Trifonov's talent. And, according to her own confessions, at first their relationship was extremely friendly.

Olga Trifonova at the time of meeting with the then famous writer was married. He is married a second time. Their meeting led to the tragedy of two families. However, there were long years of happiness ahead in a small and very modest apartment on Peschanaya Street. Yuri Trifonov passed away in 1981. From the third wife of Olga, he had a son, Valentin.

Yuri Trifonov

"House on the Embankment"

By the time the sensational story was published, Trifonov was already famous. But the work was printed by a miracle. The house whose inhabitants the writer dedicated her book to is called differently. Both the “House of Mourning” and the “House of Government”. However, Trifonov immortalized this historic building. In his story, he did not just talk about the tragic fate of people in the thirties and forties. Trifonov made a deep psychological analysis of the degradation of a person under the yoke of a totalitarian system.

The name "House on the Embankment" in relation to the building located on Serafimovich Street, house 2, has become firmly in use after 1976.

Olga Trifonova, whose biography and career is closely related to her husband's writing, published after his death the book “House on the Embankment and Its Inhabitants”. This documentary is intended for anyone interested in the history of Moscow and Russia of the XX century.

Olga Trifonova is acting director of the House on the Embankment museum. The principle of its organization was to create a special atmosphere of the thirties. This was achieved thanks to the furniture and drawings of the architect of the house. The museum also has a rich archive. Everything was created on a voluntary basis. Today the museum “House on the Embankment” is a state-owned museum.

As a writer and researcher Trifonova, the Stalinist period was not without interest. The personality of Svetlana Alliluyeva is one of the most mysterious in Soviet times. She is shrouded in mystery. And perhaps that is why Trifonova decided to devote one of the works to the wife of Joseph Stalin.

Olga Trifonova biography

"The only"

Olga Trofimova spent about a year collecting materials for writing a book. The archive of Nadezhda Alliluyeva is small. Just one folder. However, communicating with the relatives of Stalin's wife, Trifonova managed to create her psychological portrait. The book "The One" depicts a deeply unhappy woman who, contrary to rumors, has an iron endurance. In addition to being the wife of the Generalissimo, she was his personal editor. It was not for nothing that Stalin allowed quoting his publications, but in no case public speeches.

"Einstein's last love"

Olga Trifonova is a writer who in her work has always preferred stories surrounded by some mystery, mystery. Another novel-biography was a book dedicated to Margarita Konenkova - a woman with an extraordinary fate. Being the wife of a famous sculptor, she became the lover of the great scientist. Her story could form the basis of an action-packed espionage novel. But Trifonova was interested in the fate of this woman, first of all, the secret of her love.

Olga Trifonova writer


In 2003, memoirs were published. The book is called "Yuri and Olga Trifonov remember." In this book, however, his wife tells mainly about the fate of the writer. Despite the repressed parents, Trifonov's life was interesting. His own memories in the book are not many. Mostly they are dedicated to colleagues - Alexander Twardowski, Marc Chagall and other famous creative personalities.

Other works of Olga Trifonova - a collection of short stories "A Tainted Biography", "Disappearance", "SECOND-HAND, or Love of Crazy People".

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E78/

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