Shrubs for the garden: types, names, planting and care

February has almost ended. It remains to wait quite a bit of time, and spring will come. Amazing time when everything comes to life, blossoms, prettier. It was at this time that the fair sex began to gloss and preen. After all, as soon as the first rays of the sun come out, you can put on a short skirt, beautiful shoes and go for a walk. Towards new, interesting adventures.

Nature also does not lag behind lovely ladies, she also wants to shine. However, she does not always have such an opportunity. And then our task is to make the world more beautiful. In the spring it is quite easy and doable. And the benefit from this will be not only nature, but also ourselves. After all, what could be nicer than being surrounded by beauty?

That is why in this article we will find out what shrubs for the garden are, in what conditions it is better to grow them, and also answer many other important questions related to this topic.

How to choose the right shrub?

Choosing a green decoration for a suburban area, many people focus mainly on their beauty, without even thinking that caring for them can be too complicated. And, as you know, with improper or small care and attention, it is not difficult to ruin a plant. Then the money will be thrown to the wind, and the mood is significantly spoiled. To prevent this, you need not buy bushes for the garden at random, but clearly understand:

  • where the landing is planned;
  • how fertile the soil is in this place;
  • Is the place sufficiently lit by the sun;
  • Does the plant fit into the general ensemble of the site and the specific place.

Based on this, further we will present the most unpretentious and almost maintenance-free, and therefore popular garden shrubs.

Marvelous lilac

When wondering what shrubs to plant in the garden, many summer residents prefer this amazing plant. Which, incidentally, will delight the household with beautiful small flowers and a wonderful smell, starting from the first of May. It was then that the plants were covered with white, pink, purple and purple flowers. As a result, fluffy clouds soar in the garden plots, which undoubtedly delight the eyes of all households.

Lilacs are not quite whimsical to care for, both natural varieties and hybrid ones. But it should be planted in a well-lit area. Better even in direct sunlight. The plant does not require additional watering, and excessive care too. To maintain decorativeness, only occasionally need to cut old branches, gradually rejuvenating the bush. In winter, the plant can be covered with burlap. And then the lilac will delight with a marvelous color every year.

By the way, various types of terry lilacs look most beautiful. And you can verify this by looking at the picture below.

Lilac bush for the garden

Fragrant jasmine

The next type of shrub is also not quite whimsical and practically does not require attention to itself. However, it begins to bloom a little later than lilacs. Which is actually even good, because, thanks to this, the site throughout the season will delight the eye with beautiful flowers. In addition, garden jasmine, whose correct name is mockwort, has an amazing, slightly intoxicating smell. And this is the next reason forcing summer residents across the country to decorate the site with this particular shrub. Also, this plant does not freeze in the cold, it is rarely "attacked" by various pests, it is practically not susceptible to disease.

But, nevertheless, garden jasmine still has a drawback. We will talk about him, although, quite possibly, for many he is already quite obvious. After all, the aroma that exude simple or semi-double flowers attracts insects. Including bees and wasps. Therefore, planting this shrub for the garden next to the site where small children can be is highly discouraged. Otherwise, garden jasmine, instead of joy, will bring numerous tears.

Tender honeysuckle

The next extremely unpretentious, almost growing shrub itself, is called honeysuckle. It is distinguished by medium-sized white flowers, which also have a very pleasant, slightly sweet aroma. However, this plant is weaving, so for him it is necessary to establish a structure on which it can trail. Most gardeners plant honeysuckle in the gazebos. After all, what could be better than sitting in the fresh air, drinking delicious tea or eating a sweet watermelon, while breathing in the wonderful smells of honeysuckle. Which, by the way, is an evergreen.

However, this type of shrub also has its drawbacks. And it's pretty easy to guess about them. Thanks to the sweet smell emanating from the plant, a huge number of insects flies to it. Especially the previously mentioned bees and wasps that collect nectar and pollen from flowers. For this reason, it is important to take the selection of a place for landing honeysuckle seriously, pondering it several times. After all, rooting out a plant that has taken root will be very difficult.

Name of garden shrubs

Bright spirea

Another very beautiful and original flower has the same unusual name. And many love him and do not miss the opportunity to land on their site, thereby decorating him for the period from spring to late summer. After all, this plant is of two types. The first is distinguished by small flowers that appear at the very beginning of April (in the warm corners of the country much earlier). But they quickly fall off and cease to please the eye. But you should not be upset, because there is a second amazing view. It begins to bloom closer to summer, and ends almost in the fall.

For this reason, cunning and thoughtful summer residents decorate their suburban areas with both varieties of ornamental shrubs for the garden. Then it turns out that all season you can admire the flowers. By the way, you can plant a spirea both in a place under direct sunlight, and in the shade or partial shade. In any case, she will feel quite well.

Snow-white exochord

The real name of this shrub is not known to everyone. But practically everyone knows what he looks like. After all, an amazing plant, which is popularly called the simple nickname "bride", grows even in the northern capital - St. Petersburg. And what kind of weather is in this city, everyone knows. Dampness, slush and fog are its most essential attributes. However, even in spite of this, the exochord feels excellent in St. Petersburg. And it pleases with its color both residents and guests of the Northern capital.

For this reason, many summer residents are not afraid to decorate their beauty with a bush of perennial perennial beauty. After all, the plant practically does not require leaving, but if you plant it in the sunniest place, it will grow and turn into a huge white ball. Like what is shown in the picture below.

Shrub for the garden

Shady hydrangea

The next type of plants will undoubtedly appeal to those summer residents whose plot is located on the shady side. Indeed, a very beautiful and delicate hydrangea, in contrast to other flowers and shrubs for the garden, prefers the shadow. Therefore, it feels great away from sunlight. And pleases the household with blue, pink, white and even slightly greenish small flowers.

However, this type of plant prefers acidic soil. Therefore, before planting, the earth should be dug up and then acidified by pouring it with a solution of ordinary citric acid. At the rate of one teaspoon per liter of water. Then leave for a day, so that the soil is well nourished. And only then plant hydrangea.

Once again, we note that this shade-loving shrub for the garden does not require special care. However, for a beautiful and long flowering, it is necessary to water it abundantly.

Amazing snowman

Another very unpretentious plant has an unusual name, which becomes obvious to those who at least once see its small spherical fruits. They come in two colors - pinkish and snow-white. Children especially love this type of shrubbery. And all because when the fruits grow to the right size, the kids rip them off, put them on the floor and step on them with their feet. Then the berries make funny cotton, which brings incredible joy to the children.

Parents, as well as grandparents and their guests, enjoy the contemplation of the original decorative shrub for the garden. After all, if you plant it in a sunny area or in the place where the shade is transparent during the day, then the snowman will retain an excellent appearance both in drought and in cold winter. And its white or pink fruits will please even in a cold.

Ornamental shrubs

Beautiful viburnum

The next interesting plant for the garden is a shrub of viburnum. It is noteworthy that in spring abundant flowering begins, which is why the whole plant is covered with amazing beauty by the caps of inflorescences. It looks so marvelous that many gardeners plant viburnum on their site only for this reason. But in reality, the purpose of this shrub is completely different. Indeed, at the beginning of summer small green berries appear on it, which so far are not suitable for food. But it’s worth a little wait, and in the early winter they will ripen. And then the fruits of viburnum acquire a very sweet and pleasant taste. You can eat them ready, or you can add them to compote, tea or fruit drink. Moreover, the benefits of such a drink will be simply unbelievable. After all, berries of viburnum contain a lot of vitamins necessary for the human body. Therefore, they are often used to treat various diseases, for example, caused by malfunctioning of the thyroid gland. And also used during or for the prevention of colds, especially to strengthen the immune system.

Here are the most important factors forcing millions of summer residents across the country to decorate their sites with this marvelous plant. Of course, it requires a little more attention than the shrubs described above, but the result is worth it. If our reader is worried about the compatibility of shrubs in the garden and viburnum, we will hasten to reassure him. Because this plant in this regard is very unpretentious and calmly neighbors with others.

Photophilous rosehip

A similar type of shrubs grows in almost all corners of Russia. It can be found in the warm and sunny Krasnodar Territory and in the foggy and cool St. Petersburg already mentioned above. And all because the dogrose is one of the most unpretentious plants. It safely tolerates drought and excessive rain. However, it does not tolerate stagnation of water. Rosehip does not require special care. To maintain the desired shape and height of the bush, it is necessary to trim it using a garden pruner.

Such a plant in appearance is very similar to a rose, has characteristic spikes and leaves. However, the flowers are slightly different. And this is easy to see by looking at the photo below. It should also be noted that dogrose is a shrub for the garden that blooms all summer. This is another symptom common with the rose.

Types of Shrubs

But in the fall, the plant studied in this paragraph will delight the household with bright red berries with orange pulp and seeds inside. The fruits themselves are not worth eating, of course. This is not dangerous, they just have a rather specific taste, and the flesh is fleecy. But to make tea from them is not only possible, but also incredibly useful. Rosehip infusion has many vitamins, especially vitamin C. In addition, it perfectly tones the body and quenches thirst.

This plant is very fond of sunlight, therefore, when choosing a place of planting, this moment must be taken into account. Otherwise, the dog rose will gradually wither away, and then completely dry. It is also important to mention that the shrub grows well, regardless of soil fertility. But does not tolerate excessive acidity.

Tasty and healthy hawthorn

Surely our reader saw at least once the shrub for the garden presented in the picture below . Its name is quite simple and memorable - hawthorn. This is another plant that is also very loved by summer residents and gardeners. Because, firstly, in the spring it adorns the plot with abundant flowering, and, secondly, by the end of summer, around mid-August, incredibly sweet, tasty and healthy fruits are sprinkled on it. They can be enjoyed, tearing directly from the twigs, or can be added to compote or fruit drink. In addition, jam made from bright red berries differs in its original taste. And about the benefits of alcohol-containing tinctures of hawthorn, which has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, legends circulate among the people. In addition, it is sold in a pharmacy. Which once again proves the benefits and safety of the fruit.

Best shrubs

If our reader does not risk decorating his plot with the bush described in the current paragraph, because he does not know what it is to take care of, we will explain that this plant is completely unpretentious, safely exists alone and in a group of other different shrubs. Most importantly, plant it in a well-lit place. Which, like honeysuckle, must be surely thought out. Because uprooting hawthorn is very difficult. Well, the last thing that is important to note is that this bush is distinguished not only by beautiful white or pink flowers and delicious fruits, but also by long (about 5-7 centimeters) and thick needles, which abundantly cover all branches of the plant. Therefore, this beautiful shrub is also recommended to be planted away from the playground for games.

Romantic rhododendron

The next plant for the garden, we also could not ignore. Because, due to its appearance, characterized by abundant flowering, it can be considered the most beautiful of all the bushes described in this article. There are a hundred species of it. In addition, botanists regularly discover new ones, which is very pleasing to both themselves and ordinary citizens. Rhododendron does not require excessive care. But prefers sunny areas and weekly watering. Some gardeners note that, as an exception, this plant can be fed with fertilizer in store for flowers or made independently. For example, rhododendron loves a slightly acidic soil, so it would be useful to water it once a season with a solution of citric acid. It is also important to note that in the fall this type of shrub should be trimmed, adjusting the shape, then loosening the soil at the roots, sprinkle with wood ash (one glass per bush) and cover them with straw. So the plant wins better.

These are the main reasons that every year summer residents convince gardeners to plant rhododendron on their site. It is considered to be the best shrub for the garden.

Evergreen thuja

Another very beautiful and unusual plant belongs to the cypress family and in appearance resembles the New Year trees we love - pine and spruce. Perhaps this is why a huge number of gardeners use thuja, and the current paragraph is about it. To decorate their site, it is planted directly on the territory of the summer residence or in front of it. The main advantage of this plant is that it does not fall on the eve of winter, being considered an evergreen shrub. By the way, it practically does not require leaving. The only thing that is important to mention, in the absence of timely adjustments to the shape and height of the plant, it can extinct to the size of a full-fledged tree. Thus, other plants will be deprived of sunlight.

Otherwise, thuja exists independently. She does not need watering, she calmly tolerates extreme heat or frost. It does not require nutritional procedures and top dressing. It perfectly adjoins other plants - evergreen shrubs and deciduous.

Coniferous shrubs

Old-timer - juniper

We also could not leave this wonderful creation without due attention. After all, far from everyone thinks about putting him in a country house or a suburban area. Because more often we heard about plants of this species that grow mainly in the mountains. For example, in such corners of our planet as the Caucasus, Adygea, Abkhazia and others. And in these places the juniper reaches a height of up to thirty meters, or even more. Of course, such a truly gigantic tree can accommodate a rare host on its site. After all, its roots can collapse the house over time, and a long trunk with a severe hurricane can even roll it. From these considerations, gardeners refuse to enjoy the wonderful creation.

However, perhaps not everyone knows, but there are several types of juniper. Moreover, there are even such coniferous shrubs that rise above the ground by thirty, or even fifteen centimeters. Such plants can easily be placed even in a small area. They do not require excessive care and attention. They are shade-loving and frost-resistant plants. They, among other things, also purify the air. Moreover, not only from bacteria, but, according to ancient beliefs, from unclean and evil spirits.

However, with an abundance of advantages, juniper also has a disadvantage. And it consists in the fact that some parts of the plant are poisonous. But this is not scary, because people use this plant for decoration rather than nutrition. Worst of all, this coniferous shrub is a poor neighbor for quince trees, pears and apple trees. They, being with him, begin to hurt, covered with red spots.


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