Soundproofing the walls in the apartment from neighbors: reviews, an overview of soundproofing materials. Soundproofing panels for interior wall decoration

Improving the efficiency of the noise barrier is a common task in the conditions of operation of urban housing. In rooms not sufficiently isolated by capital partitions, not only sounds from neighbors can pass, but also vibrations when performing shock repair work. All this gives residents a tangible discomfort, forcing them to look for additional means of noise reduction. And the basic structural solution in this direction will be effective soundproofing of the walls. In an apartment, this problem can be solved in different ways without a radical invasion of the wall structure with a reduction in the usable area in the rooms.

Frame and frameless panels

Frame soundproofing of walls

The method of implementation of the design of the panels is fundamentally important in the context of choosing a sound absorber. The market has panels with a frame and frameless base, and this separation is rather arbitrary. The form factor of the material itself remains the same, however, the principle of its installation and a number of operational qualities are changing. To understand these differences, you should determine the characteristics of each group individually.

Frame panels suggest a major installation on a wall surface using auxiliary devices in the form of frames, profiles, lathing, brackets with corners, etc. That is, the installation base is initially formed, and then installed on it. This type of soundproofing of the walls in the apartment protects against shock and structural noise, excluding the transmission of vibrational vibrations through the structure. The thickness of such insulation varies from 5 to 10 cm.

Frameless panels are guided by the formation of a barrier against airborne noise, the source of which can be conversations, musical equipment, a loud television, dogs barking, etc. The installation of such an insulator does not provide for the formation of a special support base, so the material is literally superimposed and fixed to the surface with glue or hardware. The advantage of this solution can also be called a slight effect on the thickness of the walls - building rarely exceeds 4-5 cm.

Classification of panels by type of base material

Formats of structural release of noise isolators can vary, as well as the base material. The most popular insulation materials include:

  • Mineral wool. A standard and largely universal solution that provides the proper insulation effect at low cost. Slabs of mineral wool are convenient to install, without a frame base. The only negative is the need for a waterproofing device.
  • Wood-shaving raw materials. The most environmentally friendly insulator, which allows it to be used in residential premises. At the same time, do not confuse wood chipboards with traditional structural coatings. In the new version, modern materials for soundproofing walls in an apartment are usually made of coniferous fibers that can provide noise protection with an index of 27 dB. But it should be borne in mind that the material undergoes combustion and does not tolerate moisture, which contributes to the development of fungus and mold.
  • Bung. A very attractive material, since with a minimum thickness of about 0.3 cm it is possible to achieve a noise barrier of 18 dB. Obviously, the efficiency of the material increases with increasing thickness. But there are problems of using cork for soundproofing the walls in the apartment, which are caused by its low mechanical strength. Therefore, when installing panels, additional reinforcing and reinforcing elements as part of the frame mounting system may be required.
  • Foam rubber. For noise insulation, special coatings are used, such as so-called acoustic foam. This is one of the most effective noise isolators, as evidenced by its use in cinemas and recording studios. Since foam rubber, in fact, is polyurethane, it is not afraid of biological damage, but it is afraid of fire and exposure to UV rays.
Soundproofing walls with cork

Soundproofing Kit from Knauf

Especially for home use, the Knauf company offers combined super-sheets based on wood pulp and gypsum. This is a facing material that can be used as a preparatory solution for decorative finishing. Such sheets not only provide a soundproofing barrier, but also level the surface, not to mention the effect of insulation. At a basic level, it is recommended to use a single layer of soundproofing walls in the apartment from neighbors. Reviews indicate that a double layer significantly increases protection against airborne noise. According to the calculations of the developers of this isolator themselves, the effect increases by 9 dB. If necessary, you can use a multi-layer installation configuration of super sheets, which will also increase the reliability of future styling of decorative finishes.

The positive qualities of Knauf panels are determined by a special technology of fiber weaving, the arrangement of which ensures the absorption of a part of the noise by the base. Also, users note a convenient size for the release of plates with a width of 610 mm. Thanks to this format, rational placement of segments on the walls of the room with minimal formation of “noise bridges” becomes possible.

Soundproofing Knauf Walls

Plates from ROCKWOOL

It is also a specialized solution for organizing a sound barrier in the form of sheets intended for laying on the surface of walls. The geometry and surface structure of this material allows it to be used as a lining for sensitive decorative coatings. For example, this is the best soundproofing for the walls in the apartment as a wallpaper, which can even out the smallest ground errors.

If we talk about soundproofing qualities, then the Rockwool product focuses on protection against airborne noise. At the household level, this way excludes the penetration of the sounds of children's crying, loud music and dog barking. The basis of the material is stone (mineral) cotton wool, the particles of which are bonded with an astringent. According to reviews of the soundproofing of walls in the apartment from neighbors of this brand, the greatest effect can be achieved by using the frame installation method. The company offers a complete set of such a solution with sealing tape, mounting profiles and guide components. The use of several layers on a rigid crate allows you to achieve a soundproofing effect of 30 dB.

Soundproofing walls

Basalt sound insulation from Technonikol

In the line of sound insulators of this brand, the material “Tekhnoakustik” can be distinguished. This is a whole group of fire-resistant and hydrophobized coatings from rock mineral rocks of a basalt structure. Again, the non-standard method of forming fibers gives the material high noise-canceling qualities, and the structural form factor provides ample opportunity for the installation of finishing cladding. What is still noteworthy, in the reviews about the sound insulation of walls in the apartment from the neighbors of Technonikol, users of the material indicate the possibility of combining with partitions. We are talking about frame-sheathing structures into which it is convenient to integrate basalt panels. Unlike thin sheets, they are characterized by high density and rigidity, so you can not worry about the destruction of the structure under the forces of tension inside the frame.

Soundguard Panels

An innovative solution to the problem of sound insulation in the form of a combined coating with quartz filling. The rigid structure is formed by the layers of the cardboard profile, and between them are granules of quartz that have undergone heat treatment. As a result, the thickness of the panel is about 12 mm, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the soundproof barrier. In practice, Soundguard wall soundproofing panels for interior wall decoration reduce impact noise energy by preventing the propagation of air waves across the entire frequency spectrum.

However, choosing such panels, one should also prepare for a solid installation with a supporting structure, which is required due to the large mass of the coating. It is advisable to mount the frame with the expectation of the optimal configuration for the placement of segments. By the way, the panels are easy to saw with minimal risk of chip formation. In reviews of the soundproofing of walls in the apartment from the Soundguard neighbors, it is noted that high-quality cutting is also possible with a conventional hacksaw, but for a better result, it is better to use electric saws or a jigsaw. Subsequently, the edges are neatly glued with the signature Soundguard Tape tape.

Features of decorative insulating panels

Decorative soundproofing of walls

It has already been noted that soundproof panels can also be used as the basis for subsequent laying of the finish coating. Modern technologies make it possible to organically combine the functions of a sound insulator with a decorative effect. The base of the material in this case is performed with the expectation of noise reduction, and the outer part is a decorative coating. Thus, it is possible to replace the traditional cladding of wallpaper, MDF, drywall, etc. The basis is usually used the same wood-particle formations of needles, and the outer side is a fabric finish or a layer of vinyl wallpaper that can be washed and even repainted in the most favorable color. In addition, soundproofing decorative panels for walls in the apartment are mounted with minimal seams thanks to the tongue-and-groove system. The assembly and installation does not require special skills, and delicate methods of joining with a surface like “liquid nails” or thin hardware are used for fastening.

Features of soundproof mounting hardware

The method of fixing acoustic panels in itself is a factor influencing the quality of insulation. In most cases, fasteners of the appropriate format are supplied along with specialized materials of this type, but with non-standard installation schemes they will not always help. For such situations, it is advisable to foresee mounting options with universal Vibrofix-type attachments. This is an extensive family of tools for installing frames and rails, which are based on brackets. Like modern materials for soundproofing walls in an apartment, such fasteners differ in sealing properties and eliminate vibrations. Moreover, the emphasis is not on rigid fixation, but on an elastic connection, due to which the vibrations are leveled and at the same time, the necessary margin of safety of the ligaments between the wall, frame and soundproof coating is maintained. As practice shows, even close operation of mounting equipment with impact does not affect the condition of such mounts.

Liquid soundproofing of walls in an apartment as an alternative

Soundproofing walls with foam

Panels and roll insulators are suitable for forming the main noise barrier over the entire area of ​​the walls. However, in the imperfect condition of surfaces and in inaccessible areas, such materials simply cannot be applied due to structural incompatibility with the texture of the destination. In this case, it is worth providing for the so-called liquid insulation, which is made of polyurethane. This is a spray foam that can be applied pointwise to any area, ensuring its complete sealing. During installation, no fasteners or clamps are required. If we are talking about walls with a defective surface, then continuous insulation is performed using special plaster with microparticles, which reduce the propagation of noise waves and vibrations. Does soundproofing walls help against noisy liquid-based neighbors if panels are completely eliminated? According to users, complete sealing with joints and other bridges of sound penetration in some cases allows you to achieve tangible acoustic comfort. Another thing is that in such variants of noise protection initially much will depend on the characteristics of the main walls and a number of indirect structural factors.


Soundproofing foam walls

When choosing an insulator for an apartment, you need to start from the type of inconvenient sounds, not forgetting the requirements for protecting the material. To date, the best soundproofing material for walls is a multilayer panel of cork, foam or coniferous fibers with various fillers. But even in such designs, the insulators will not be able to perform their functions properly if external threats like high humidity or the influence of heat from heating equipment were not taken into account. Also, do not underestimate the value of such material properties as fire resistance and environmental friendliness. These, at first glance, secondary characteristics, will become quite significant security factors in the long run.


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