Nemesia: seed cultivation, planting and care, photo

Nemesia is better known as snapdragon. This is a nice shrub of the Norichen family from South Africa. On the territory of Russia, it grows remarkably in the middle lane and southern regions, but is cultivated exclusively as an annual. However, at home it is a perennial, abundantly flowering plant, which is often called sansatia.

Plant description

Before starting the description of Nemesia, I would like to talk about the fact that this shrub got its name in honor of the ancient Greek goddess Nemesis. That is, once the Greeks called the snapdragons, which also belongs to the Norichen family. Later, a whole genus of plants with similar flowers began to be called Nemesis.

cherry nemesia

The thermophilicity of nemesia allows it to be grown in Russia only as an annual, which blooms from June to September. Plant height varies from 15 to 60 cm, depending on the variety.

The upright stalk is completely covered with leaves located opposite. The leaf is sessile, solid or serrated, can be pubescent or smooth. The shape of the sheet plate varies from elongated scapular to linear.

Nemesia flowers are characteristic irregular in the form of a lowered pharynx, collected in apical or axillate racemose inflorescences with a diameter of about 2 cm, painted in all colors of the rainbow spectrum.

The fruit is a multi-seeded box (in 1 g about 3,500 seeds). Seeds, elongated in shape, black with a whitish openwork seedling, retain viability for up to two years.

Varieties and varieties

Nemesia flowers belong to the genus of the same name, which has about 50 species. In the 20th century, nemesia gained some popularity due to its diverse coloration, and it began to be actively cultivated. Many hybrid varieties were developed, adapted to the harsh Russian climate. However, it is worth remembering that the propagation of hybrids using seeds is impossible.

Currently, hybrid nemesia is considered the most popular. This is an annual shrub obtained from two varieties: goiter and multi-colored. It can reach a height of 15 to 60 cm and blooms from mid-July.

hybrid nemesia

Squamous nemesia is the second most popular, cultivated since 1892. She is also an annual. This variety is most adapted to the Russian climate. Known dislike nemesia zobovidnogo to the presence of lime in the soil. The height of the plant of this variety is 30-40 cm. The inflorescences are plain or variegated (no more than 3 cm in diameter); they are red, yellow, orange and pink. Flowering period - until late autumn.

goiter nemesia

The original brightness of the flowers of this variety will be preserved only when propagated by cuttings. If the seeds collected from the bushes are used, then not only the original color may be lost, but the appearance of the plant will be very different.

Multi-colored nemesia resembles spine-like, but its inflorescences are noticeably smaller, and they are painted in bright blue or blue. And plant growth is much lower - up to 25 cm.

Azure blue nemesia is already a perennial, but in the open ground it is used as an annual plant, reaching a height of up to 40 cm. It blooms in early June and continues to bloom until autumn. Inflorescences are large, white, pink, blue and blue.

azure nemesia

One of the most unusual varieties of nemesia is the "mantle of the king." Its color is two-tone: bright scarlet and white, like the flag of Denmark, while the edges of the white petals are bordered by a thin scarlet edging.

nemesia "mantle of the king"

Features of growing from seeds

Growing nemesia from seeds suggests some rules. This is an unpretentious plant with good germination. Seeds can be sown immediately in open ground, but plants grown in this way will bloom much later than those sown for seedlings.

Growing nemesia from seeds at home begins with the choice of capacity. It can be both containers and boxes, and pots. Moreover, it does not matter at all what their size or shape will be.

With great passion, one must approach the choice of substrate with which these containers will be filled. The soil when growing nemesia from seeds should be sufficiently nutritious, but at the same time loose and well-retaining moisture.

Sowing rules

First of all, you need to know when to sow nemesia. So, the seeding rules are as follows:

  1. Sow the seeds in early March, so that flowering begins in June.
  2. Before sowing, the substrate must be well moistened.
  3. Having placed the seeds in the soil, it is necessary to spray them from the spray bottle with warm water.
  4. It is not necessary to sprinkle seeds with soil, as they are very small.
  5. Place the container with planted seeds in a warm place for a couple of weeks.

Seedling Care

When growing nemesia from seedlings, adequate care is necessary.

So, after the appearance of the first shoots, the container with future nemesis is moved to a well-lit place, which should be cool (not higher than +8 Β° C), which may be a balcony or porch.

nemesia seedlings

When the sprouts get stronger and grow a little, the seedlings should be dived, planted in separate cups, which will make transplanting into the soil more convenient and strengthen the plant. However, when diving, it is worth considering the delicate root system of young nemesia and work with extreme caution.

Then only water regularly, avoiding drying out of the soil. To ensure abundant flowering, the tops of the first shoots must be pinched.

If suddenly a terrible thing happened, and the seedlings began to die from excessive dryness of air (when the heating appliances were working) or they were seized by a draft or frost, then you should not despair right away. You can try to save them.

To do this, take a pencil, carefully stick it into the ground in the middle of the container with seedlings and cover with polyethylene. In this case, the edges of the film cannot be tucked under the container. Such a peculiar greenhouse can bring seedlings back to life.

Planting seedlings in open ground

While the daytime air temperature will be set at 15-20 Β° C, and at night there will be no frost, which happens between the end of May and the beginning of June, it will be possible to plant young nemesia from temporary containers in open ground.

Although nemesia is notable for its unpretentious nature, it is nevertheless necessary for it to choose the most comfortable place, which should be sunny, but not arid, because this plant loves well-moistened soils.

For planting, one must carefully get the seedlings together with an earthen lump and plant them in soil at a distance of 20 cm from each other. After planting, it is good to water and mulch the soil to avoid moisture loss.

With proper planting and care, nemesia (photo of the plant is in the article) will take root in a new place.

Planting seeds in open ground

However, you can not bother with seedlings and sow seeds immediately in the flower bed. In this case, the planting of nemesia in open ground by seeds should occur in late May, and if frosts still occur at night, then in early June. It is necessary to make sure that there is no strong wind on the street in order to prevent the loss of planting material.

There are some features of growing nemesia from seeds in the open field. Namely:

  1. Prepare the soil, which should be sufficiently fertile and loose.
  2. Do not sow too deep so that the seeds can germinate easily.
  3. After sowing, be sure to water and cover with a film, preventing the formation of condensate and airing every day. When shoots appear - remove the film.
  4. If the seedlings have sprouted too densely, then they must be thinned or planted.
  5. When the sprouts hatch and grow up, it is necessary to feed them once a week and a half.

Adult Plant Care

Nemesia (photo below) easily responds to proper planting and care of lush and long flowering. Experienced gardeners give some recommendations for caring for this unpretentious flowering shrub. Among them:

  1. Regular watering, special attention during dry summers. Nemesia is a big lover of moisture.
  2. In strong winds, the bush needs support so that it cannot break off.
  3. Fertilize every month with any complex fertilizer that contains nitrogen and potassium. And during the period of active flowering, it is better to feed 2 times a month.
  4. Periodically weed and loosen the soil.
  5. Regularly cut off wilted buds, this will extend the flowering period. If suddenly in the middle of the season the nemesia stopped blooming, then its shoots (their tops) can be cut off. After such "sacrilege" new shoots will begin to grow, and the plant will blossom again.

Diseases and Pests

In rainy summers, nemesia can become sick from excessive dampness. If this happened and the plant became covered with brown spots, then diseased shoots must be immediately cut off, and healthy ones should be treated with fungicides.

Parasites do not like to settle on this plant, but sometimes a spider mite may appear. In this case, processing of special equipment called Actellic will help nemesia, or it may be another means, no less effective - Aktara. Spraying with these drugs must be done twice with an interval of a week.

Nemesia in landscape design

The versatility of nemesia makes it possible to place it in the landscape as you like and in any combination. She will revive the green lawn with its unique brightness. She will emphasize flowers that are opposite to her in color, size and shape. She will decorate the rock garden, reviving its gray stones. It will be appropriate wherever an explosion of colors and emotions is needed.

mix: nemesia, petunia, geranium

Low-growing varieties of nemesia are perfect for decorating borders. And the love of this shrub to moisture can be used in the design of ponds and fountains. Nemesia will look equally organic in a garden pot and in a vertical flower bed.

This flowering shrub looks especially impressive in the vicinity of petunia, pansies and marigolds. The lush inflorescences of nemesia look very advantageous in hanging flower baskets, especially if you add petunia and geranium to it.

Unpretentiousness and resistance with a bright appearance made this plant so popular. All that is needed for him is a little attention, the sun and timely watering. And an explosion of colors on the flowerbed, Nemesia will provide a good mood for the whole season.


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