Dutch Atria - Cabbage for Everyone

Russian cuisine is very difficult to imagine without cabbage. Mistresses stew, ferment, salt and pickle, add to the borscht. In addition to excellent taste, cabbage contains many useful vitamins, fiber and various trace elements. In our climatic conditions, plant seeds are most often planted in open ground. Vegetable culture in the cultivation is not very whimsical, but requires fertile soil and proper watering. Cabbage is stored for a long time, without losing useful substances and taste.

cabbage atria f1

Dutch cabbage seeds

Currently, the products of foreign breeders are very popular not only among modern summer cottagers, but also among most farmers who are engaged in the cultivation of cabbage on a professional level. And the main secret of this success is very simple - Dutch seeds are of high quality, good germination and yield. In addition, they are endowed with the following set of advantages:

  • exactly match the declared variety;
  • resistant to diseases and pathogens;
  • require less maintenance and top dressing;
  • fruitful;
  • have an excellent trade dress and a long shelf life;
  • not genetically modified.

The cost of Dutch seeds is higher than domestic. But it pays off with interest due to the large volume of the crop.

atria cabbage description

Cabbage variety Atria F1

The high-yielding mid-late hybrid of Dutch selection, combining excellent pickling qualities and high keeping quality, has proved itself to be excellent among domestic gardeners. Atria - cabbage with a wonderful taste. Designed for fresh consumption and for processing (especially for pickling). Recommended for harvest in the autumn. The hybrid perfectly tolerates long transportation. It is stored when creating optimal conditions for up to 6 months.

Cabbage Atria: description

Ripening occurs on average 140 days after planting seedlings in open soil.

The plant is characterized by active growth and compact size. The head of cabbage is large enough, aligned, rounded flat, with a small stump. The weight of one head is from 3.5 to 8 kg. The internal structure of a ripened head of high density. The color of cabbage on the outside is blue-green, inside is greenish-white. Rosette of leaves of small size, raised up. Atria (cabbage) has concave leaves, dark, gray-green, medium size. Bubbling is either completely absent or negligible.

The main advantages of the variety

Atria - cabbage, which has a number of advantages, the main ones are:

  • Excellent taste qualities of ripened products.
  • Good indicators of head density at maturity.
  • Productivity largely depends on agricultural technology and can reach an average of 35-100 t / ha.
  • Resistance to a number of diseases and pests: gray rot, fusarium, thrips.
  • Increased flatness levels of heads of cabbage.
  • Friendly education of a quality crop.
  • Atria - cabbage with high resistance of ripening heads of cabbage to cracking.

dutch seeds


Cabbage Atria F1 is grown in two ways: through seedlings and sowing in the ground. The best landing time is April. Seeds are sown from each other at a distance of 1 cm, to a depth of at least 1 cm. Dive is performed when the first embryonic leaves appear (after about 10 days). The time for planting in open soil depends on the rate of seedling germination (approximately May 10-25). During this period, the soil will already warm up, and the danger of night frosts will pass. The optimal landing pattern is 60 x 40 cm.

atria cabbage


Cabbage is a very moisture-loving plant that requires abundant and regular watering. Feeding is also required. The plant is fertilized in cloudy weather after watering. It must be remembered that organic or chemical substances cannot be poured into dry soil, since the preparations will burn the roots.

As top dressing, you can use ash, which will also help in the fight against pests. To do this, once a week , cabbage leaves are dusted with ash. This is best done after watering, rain, or in the morning, when the leaves are still wet. Ash will adhere well to all leaves.


The yield of cabbage Atria F1, as well as other varieties, is more dependent on the correct care. So, from one square meter you can collect from 4 to 8, and in some cases even up to 10 kilograms of the crop.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7825/

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