What do crayfish eat at home? Cultivation and breeding features

Despite the fact that crayfish meat is not very popular, it is quite useful. It is believed that this product does not contain any harmful substances, since these arthropods can never be found in contaminated water bodies. However, not everyone who wants to have time to catch these animals, so many begin to think about arranging a farm to grow them. What cancers eat at home, their contents and other features, we will consider in today's article.

Short description

These valuable invertebrates belong to the order of decapod crustaceans. A distinctive feature of these animals is the presence of three anterior thoracic segments fused to the head. Together they form the so-called cephalothorax.

what eat crayfish at home

Those who do not know that they eat crayfish at home will probably be interested in this and other information. The head and body of the animal are covered with a shell called karapaks. The capture of food occurs through the jaws formed from three front pairs of chest limbs. The color of the crayfish depends on the color of the bottom of the reservoir in which they live.

What species are suitable for breeding?

Long-toed, signal and broad-toed arthropods are grown in Russia and most European countries. Those who want to understand that they eat crayfish at home will not hurt to find out that river animals are not suitable for breeding. They deliver a lot of trouble. In addition, in the winter they hibernate, which significantly inhibits their growth. Large blue or lake crayfish are best suited for breeding. These arthropods adapt perfectly to home conditions and grow quite quickly.

what do crayfish eat at home breeding

For breeding, it is desirable to acquire sexually mature individuals, the length of which is at least eight centimeters. Moreover, one female should have two females. The latter can be distinguished by a wider abdomen and an undeveloped first pair of limbs. Next, we will tell you that they eat crayfish at home.

Aquarium cultivation

This breeding method is suitable even for urban apartments. But its scale will be much smaller than in the pond. This technique has a number of significant advantages, including:

  • Convenience of control over the life and growth of pets.
  • The ability to strictly adhere to the desired temperature regime.
  • A simple catch of crayfish.
  • Reduced feed.
  • Reduced wintering time.

Young growth, living in greenhouse conditions, grows and develops faster than its relatives. So that your venture does not end in failure, you need to choose the right aquarium. For the cultivation of crayfish, it is advisable to purchase a wide-bottom container with low plastic walls. It is important that its volume is at least two hundred and fifty liters. The bottom of the aquarium must be covered with soil and pebbles. Also in it you can plant algae and put driftwood there. A little later we will analyze what they eat crayfish at home.

Features of breeding in the pond

Immediately, we note that this is a rather profitable and uncomplicated occupation. Any owner of a land plot on which there is a place for the construction of a reservoir can engage in this activity. Preferably, the area of ​​the pond is 25-60 squares, and the depth is 1-3 meters. Sand and stones should be poured into the bottom so that animals can dig holes.

what do crayfish eat at home features

For fattening and overexposure of young animals, it is recommended to build separate concreted pools. It is important that the pond is equipped with a reliable drain of water and a source of replenishment. This advice is useful to those who do not know that they eat crayfish at home. The breeding of these arthropods in artificial ponds implies the mandatory availability of high-quality aeration and purification systems.

With the onset of cold weather, the inhabitants of open ponds need to be caught and transplanted into an indoor pool. Otherwise, they may suffocate under the ice.

Requirements for artificial pond

Before answering the question: β€œWhat do crayfish eat at home?”, You need to understand the criteria that a pond designed to contain should meet. It is important that it has a shaded sandy shore and a rocky bottom suitable for digging holes.

what river crayfish eat at home

It is strictly forbidden to equip a pond in a sunny place. It is advisable to regularly check for the absence of pathogenic flora. To protect your farm from the unauthorized catch of crayfish, around ponds you can install streamers with bells, and pull a net over them.

How to feed arthropods?

It's time to understand in detail what crayfish eat at home. The peculiarities of their nutrition are that these herbivorous animals do not disdain carrion and various organic remains.

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The basis of their diet is earthworms, greens, insect larvae, small snails and bottom fish. This is what arthropods that live in the wild eat. Those who are interested in eating river crayfish at home can be recommended to supplement the menu of these animals with grated carrots, fish, boiled potatoes, meat and chopped steamed grains. The average daily food intake should be 2% of the weight of the individual.

Crayfish feed can be purchased in specialized markets, in greenhouses and in enterprises related to the fishing industry. To prevent food debris from spoiling, you can not leave them in water for a long time. Unfinished feed must be removed from the reservoir in a timely manner.

Features of reproduction and growth

Having dealt with the fact that they eat crayfish at home, you need to briefly consider another issue. The mating season in these arthropods falls in the autumn months. Those who plan to seriously engage in breeding of these arthropods should take into account that from one sexually mature female you can get from thirty to sixty cubs.

what crayfish eat at home breeding features

The mating period, starting immediately after molting, lasts for several hours. Twenty days later, the female lays eggs and for some time wears them on herself. To preserve all the offspring, it is advisable to put the ratch in a separate aquarium. Before the first molt, the cubs will hold on to their mother, and after that it is recommended to separate it from the growing offspring.

The most common cancers

Like any other animal, these arthropods are susceptible to various ailments. The cause of health problems can be overfeeding, inadequate aeration, dirty water, unverified food, temperature problems or infection.

what do crayfish eat at home their content

Among the most common ailments that cancers can become infected are the plague and porcelain disease. All of them adversely affect the appearance of arthropods and their ability to reproduce offspring. In some severe cases, infection can lead to the death of an entire generation of cancers. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of an animal health problem, you need to show the veterinarian.

Useful Tips

Those who decide to engage in the breeding of crayfish should provide them with conditions that are most reminiscent of natural. In addition, it should be understood that you are unlikely to immediately grow a large number of individuals. Experienced experts recommend buying a few spacious aquariums in order to drop adults from young animals.

Mature arthropods should be kept in a separate pond, and it is advisable to leave the babies in their usual conditions. So you protect the younger generation from unnecessary stress and disease. In addition, it is important to comply with the recommended population density.

To create a farm, you will need special equipment, including aquariums, pools and ponds. It is desirable that the former be equipped with compressors, filtration systems and heaters for the incubation of eggs. The ponds should be oval, as it is believed that it provides the correct gas exchange. At the bottom of the reservoir it is necessary to build shelters for its inhabitants. They can be made of stones, snags and fragments of plastic pipes. Artificial plants cannot be planted in a pond or aquarium. Crayfish can eat them and die. These are the basic rules for keeping crayfish at home.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7838/

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