Is it possible to tame a wolf in real life?

About how a wild animal becomes a man’s best friend, many films have been shot. We look and envy heroes who easily find a common language with lions, cheetahs and wolves. Of course, it is easier for a Russian resident to meet a wolf than a leopard, so we decided to consider the possibility of taming this magnificent predator. Is it possible to tame a wolf in real life, how to do it - everything in this article.

Wolf: behavior features

Is it possible to tame a wolf

If you came up with the idea of ​​taking a wolf as a pet , you need to know that this animal is not a dog, although they are genetically related. Is it possible to tame a wolf like a poodle? No, this will definitely not work for you, but the whole matter is in its nature.

A hierarchy of wolves reigns, there is a leader, but each time the younger generation tries to prove its superiority and strength. If the wolf saw or felt a slack in character - write is gone! Power will pass into its predatory paws.

What should be the master of the wolf?

how to tame a wolf

Most importantly, the wolf will never have a master. He will only have a leader. Not a friend, not a brother, but a strong and superior leader in everything.
If you still intend to take such a predator for yourself, then be prepared to always keep your eyes open, and your claws and fangs are ready! The leader (owner) of the wolf must have a strong character, steel nerves, and the absence of pity is also necessary. After a two-year-old predator grows out of a wolf cub, you will constantly have to prove your superiority.

Is it possible to tame a wolf if you are not endowed with the above qualities? No, most likely, he will tame you or, having matured, will taste your hand.

Wolves and children in one pack

is it possible to tame a wolf in real life

With the advent of the wolf in your family, your life will be completely different. If there are small children, then it is better to choose a she-wolf. Females have developed maternal instinct, so she will not touch and will not offend the child, she will become a good companion for him. The male will begin to "train" the baby, like a wolf cub, which can cause him serious injuries.
Growing up, wolves become aggressive (in most cases), so think carefully about the well-being of your "flock" life before bringing a predator into it.

Tame the adult wolf

If you live near a forest where wolves are found or you have a summer house there, then chances are that predators can come to you. They will be attracted by the warmth and smell of food, especially in winter. Many people prefer to scare away predators from their territory than to find contact with them. Is it possible to tame a wolf if he is an adult and wild?

This will not work, you can never stroke it. But you can make peace with him so that you can enter his territory without fear.

When meeting with the wolf, in no case do not run and do not make sudden movements. Do not throw food from his pockets or bag, as the wolf will take you for food. Better, moving a little away from him, put a piece of bread or sausage and, backing away, quietly leave. Do not turn your back to the predator! He will surely rush, so keep eye contact with him.

Attention! Going into the forest, if you know that wolves live there, you need to have a gun or other firearm with you. In most cases, the wolf will not catch the eye of a person, but will prefer to hide. But animals with rabies often seek to meet a person.

If you are "lucky" to meet a wild wolf and at the same time he did not show aggression, then in the future you can not worry about your life. This beast will not touch you, but it will not let you in. You can coexist peacefully in the neighborhood.

We grow a wolf cub

Is it possible to tame a wolf since childhood

Wolfs are babies like dog puppies. So is it possible to tame a wolf from childhood? It will be a difficult process, but still there is every chance.

If a wolf cub fell into your hands, then become for him mom and dad, friend and brother, only in this way you will earn his trust from puppyhood. Spend a lot of time in his company and in no case tie it, do not put on a chain.

If you decide to have a wolf as a guard dog, then do not even try. They are very agile, so no matter how tight the collar is, the wolf will find a way to free itself. And then your life and the life of your loved ones will be in jeopardy.

You cannot train a wolf cub like a dog, and not a single dog handler can cope with this task. Therefore, just educate, feed and grow him. These animals love to play, and in the game they may not take their strength into account - grab at the scruff (their favorite place to hold prey) or bite their hand. Be prepared for such entertainment, because it is in the blood of the pet, it is impossible to rid it of such a habit.

How to tame a wolf at home?

how to tame a wolf at home

If you live in an apartment, then do not think to start a wolf. He is a wild beast, even though you will tame it from childhood. Wolves need a lot of freedom, he is not your pet, he is simply a member of your pack, and freedom is simply necessary for him.

In the private sector it will be nice to build an aviary, but it should be high, preferably with a roof. Wolves can easily jump over a three-meter wall.
In a few hours, such a predator will be able to get out of the aviary simply by digging it. Therefore, the place to sleep the animal must be reinforced with concrete. Of course, if you are worried about neighbors where an adult, even a domesticated wolf, can start hunting.

The enclosure should be only a place where the wolf will sleep - that is, its den, and not a permanent habitat. In order for the predator to feel comfortable, let him run, be equal with you in terms of freedom. If you do not give it to the beast, then he will be angry with you, and will not become a friend.

An ideal option for keeping a wolf will be its complete freedom. This should be a small area, as close as possible to its natural habitat, naturally fenced. The wolf will live there and come to you in order to spend a few hours with his "pack" and eat, and then again will run away to the "will".

Is it possible to tame a wolf like a dog?

Is it possible to tame a wolf like a dog

We already wrote about the fact that it is impossible to train him. A wolf is not a dog. These animals are the exact opposite. If you find a common language with the wolf , then it will become more faithful to you than the dog, it will be both a friend and a protector.

How to tame a wolf so that he becomes just a friend? Nobody can say that. It all depends on your relationship. Not only should you like the wolf, but he should like you. If you do not show aggression towards the predator, but also not be weak, you can achieve full understanding.

With a wolf, you need to spend much more time together than with a dog, then the chances of success in taming will increase. Wolves love it when they talk to them, caress him more, then his predatory habits will not be a threat to you and your family.

Wolf food at home

How to tame a wolf in real life, now you know. The question remains, what to feed the predator? Exactly, he is a predator, and he needs meat.

The wolf will not eat dog food, and if you accustom it to such food from childhood, then in the future you will come across a whole bunch of pet diseases.

In childhood, feed the wolf milk, cereals, chicken meat or pork, soft beef will be perfectly absorbed. The meat must be raw, so that the baby fully receives all the necessary trace elements for healthy growth.

An adult wolf will eat exclusively meat and bones, sometimes it will be possible to cook soup for him in fatty broth.

An adult predator must eat at least eight kilograms of meat and bone per day. If you think you can afford such an expense, then you can very well grow a healthy and beautiful wolf.

No matter how much the wolf feeds ...

how to tame a wolf in real life

And yet the wolf remains a wild beast. How to tame a wolf, how to raise and feed him is one thing. It’s completely different to keep him near you, to exclude aggression and all the habits of a predator.

If you began to notice that the animal is moving away from you, it becomes completely different, then it is worth thinking about its future fate. Many people who tamed the wolf, but later faced with its aggression, prefer to euthanize the beast or release it. Both of these options are not humane.

It’s easy to kill an animal, but think about it, because this is a living creature that you could not keep near you, could not become his family. This is only your mistake.
Let go of the wild? This is also a murder. The tamed beast will not be able to live on its own, it will be bitten by relatives or a person will shoot it, from which the wolf will not hide, because he is not afraid of people.

The best option is to find a nursery or give the animal to the zoo. There he will live next door to people, under full protection, with the right content.
Is it possible to tame a wolf? It is possible only if you try very hard, if you do not try to make a dog out of him, but live with a real predator.


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