Summary: “Ghost in an Engineering Castle” by Nikolai Leskov

If you do not have time to read the story in full, pay attention to this summary. “Ghost in an Engineering Castle” is a work of Nikolai Leskov. We will focus on key aspects of its storyline.

Nikolai Leskov: "Ghost in an engineering castle." Summary

summary of ghost in an engineering castle
The story begins in the autumn of 1860 or 1859, when General Lamnovsky, who is the head of the engineering castle , dies . His subordinates and superiors do not like him. There are rumors around the district that he was associated with various evil spirits. The cadets made him all kinds of dirty tricks at any opportunity. A description of one of them we have placed in this summary.

The Ghost in the Engineering Castle contains a fake funeral scene. In it, the already mentioned cadets turn into sheets and arrange a funeral procession, holding lit candles in their hands. The organizers of this prank were punished. They were all caught. However, the joke is repeated on the next name day of the general, and with it another funeral. This continues several times. Suddenly, the general is really dying. According to custom, the cadets must shift on duty near the tomb.


fishing line ghost in an engineering castle summary
We move on to the next part of a work such as “Ghost in an Engineering Castle”. The summary will continue with a description of the events that occurred after the death of the general. The deceased is Lutheran. Therefore, a decision is made not to bring it to the church. The coffin is left in the apartment. In the church, according to the Orthodox custom, memorial services are held - morning and evening. They should be attended by the entire population of the castle, with the exception of the duty shift. On the final evening, before the burial takes place, the most important persons are at the requiem.

There are 4 cadets in the guard: K-din, Z-sky, V-new and G-tone. The first was disliked more than others, who were offended for various leprosy. He was most angry that K-din during the last "fake" funeral portrayed the dead man, and also made a speech on his behalf. As a result, Lamnovsky vowed that he would punish the cadet for his whole life. However, now the general is not afraid of anyone. K-din abstained from pranks all year. Now he wants to go wild. The cadet wants to prove that the deceased is not dangerous to him. He climbs the hearse, and then grabs the dead man's nose. Suddenly, a sigh comes from the coffin. The deathly muslin clings to K-din's hand. K-din can't fight back. The cadet falls, making terrible moans and awaiting punishment. The next sigh is heard, and the cadets see a real ghost in the image of a gray man.

The final

engineering castle ghost summary
We conclude this summary. “Ghost in an engineering castle” describes a scene of a ghost meeting in front of the reader in the image of an emaciated man in white, who appears gray in the shadow. The cadets hear a groan from the mouth of the phantom - it had previously been attributed to the late general. It turns out that for the ghost they took the wife of the deceased. So we reviewed the summary. "Ghost in an engineering castle" is recognized as a classic of world literature.


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