Sand and cement tiles Braas: description, specifications, installation instructions, advantages and disadvantages

For decades, tile has been a leader as the best material for roofing. One of the world leaders presenting its products on the market - Braas, produces materials of this category and occupies a leading position in sales due to the high quality and durability of products.

Cement sand tiles braas installation instructions

Explore the species diversity of Braas sand and cement tiles in more detail.

The main characteristics of the material

Braas is a German company, known not only in Germany, but also in the CIS. It positions itself as a global manufacturer of high-tech high-quality tiles, which for many years has not lost ground due to the use of high-quality natural cement-sand and ceramic raw materials for production. Conveyor production allows you to get pieces with the desired performance:

  • thick;
  • form;
  • a shade.
    Roofing Braas

Why the company's products are so popular

For ceramic coatings, point loads weighing up to 200 kg are not afraid, which allows the structure to easily withstand the influence of negative factors acting from the environment on the Braas roof. These include:

  • precipitation (in any state of aggregation);
  • wind;
  • ultra-violet rays;
  • temperature differences.

As a result of minor damage to the roof, broken ceramic plates can be easily replaced by local repair of the roof. The need to embroider the overlap in this case does not arise. The company, as a confirmation of the reliability of products, provides a corporate guarantee for the entire range of tiles for a period of up to 30 years.

Sand Cement Tile Braas

The type of coating under consideration is characterized by a long service life and is able to last beyond one hundred years, while the technical characteristics and color of the material do not deteriorate over time.

Official dealers in Russia offer to purchase Braas sand and cement tiles, including the rest of the set of necessary elements for the roof.

Some parts of the production process

For the manufacture of coatings, a special composition is used. Ceramic elements are made from clay of different grades, giving the material to high-temperature firing at a temperature of 1000 ยฐ C. A special technology for the production of tiles allows to achieve the production of durable and at the same time saturated with color tiles. To obtain a multi-colored surface, tile tiles are pre-glazed or pigmented substance is added, which gives the surface its original shade.

Cement sand tiles braas installation

In the manufacture of tiles, environmental materials and natural dyes are used. Each of the components that make up the raw materials undergo a special quality control. The tiles are dried in specially prepared equipped chambers capable of working at the set temperature. Special drying technology allows you to get a material for the roof, acquiring high strength indicators.

Advantages and disadvantages of Braas sand and cement tiles

This material is distinguished by its mass, distinguishing it against the background of other types of tiles, advantages. Key benefits of the coating include:

  1. A wide range that allows you to choose the material for the roof of a suitable shape and shade.
  2. The possibility of additional ventilation, due to the small gaps between the tiles formed during installation.
  3. High-quality natural raw materials for the manufacture of tiles.
  4. The possibility of obtaining environmentally friendly material for the arrangement of the roof.
  5. The property of frost resistance and fire safety.
  6. Simple and easy to understand installation instructions for cement-sand tiles Braas.
  7. Excellent soundproof properties.
  8. The formation of a reliable coating over the entire roof surface thanks to a special lock system that allows you to firmly connect the Braas sand-cement tile.
  9. High strength and resistance to deformation.
  10. Easy to install and disassemble.
  11. No need for additional care.
Cement sand tiles braas reviews

Along with the invaluable advantages, there are some disadvantages that are inherent in every building material, since there are no ideal things.

Some of the disadvantages of such a roof covering include:

  1. The cost of cement-sand tiles Braas.
  2. The complexity of the work.
  3. The need to comply with some requirements for the formation of coverage.

Species diversity of tiles

The range of products is quite wide. Each of the models of tiles for the roof has a unique appearance and is distinguished by some technical characteristics.


This type of coating has a rounded shape that visually resembles the tail of a beaver. This coating successfully combines classic design and perfect properties, making the material the best option for covering the roof. This coating option is available with a matte or glossy surface in 14 color schemes.


The peculiarity of the modification is the unique Mediterranean tile design. Due to unlimited possibilities in choosing colors, the buyer gets the opportunity to implement any design decision regarding the arrangement and decoration of the roof of the house.


This tile with wave-like rifts and a grooved joint design, thanks to which it is firmly fastened and held together, not passing water, moisture, wind and sun. The color scheme is presented in the most popular classic shades.

Cement sand tiles Braas Frankfurt


Amber - cement-sand tile Braas (Frankfurt) is lightweight and is available on the market in two colors: red and brown. The material is suitable for installation on roof slopes with an inclination angle not exceeding 16 ยฐ. The plates are fixed to each other by means of a locking system.


A roof made with such a coating is ideal for homes whose exterior is made in hi-tech style. A feature of the tile is a special protective coating that gives the surface of the material smoothness and distinctive resistance to pollution. Externally, the roof looks like a coating of polished natural stone tiles, which gives it special aesthetic properties.


This is a tile model with a classic discreet design and a groove system of fasteners. In this embodiment, each of the tiles is characterized by the clarity of the contours and turns out to be a traditional material that is popular in the choice among residents of the northern regions of Germany.

Reviews about the tile "Braas"

If you want to choose high-quality material regardless of the nature and type of work, give preference only to proven options. Customers loved the two-wave tile. These are exactly the models that, as noted by buyers of Braas cement-sand tiles in reviews, are characterized by a minimum flow rate of only about 12 incomplete plates per 1 m 2 . Almost all customers pay attention to the features of the installation of products, and the presence of a special lock system in the design of the tile makes it preferable in the choice.

By exploring the tips provided on the net it is easy to assess the flaws of Braas cement-sand tiles. Customer reviews eloquently confirm the fact that before buying it is worth checking the option of combining the stylistic design of the arches of the future roof and the landscape design of the site.

For potential buyers on the network, there are tips from all the same experienced craftsmen who, before buying products, recommend determining the level of the roof slope and measuring it in places where this indicator, according to the owner, reaches its maximum value. This is extremely important, because those who have already dealt with shingles note that not all product lines are suitable for installation on steep roofs.

Features of the installation of tiles

The installation of Braas cement-sand tiles differs depending on the model chosen and the shape of the material. Each of the modifications has its own characteristics, features, technical indicators, styling recommendations.

Do not forget that when the slope angle is below the permissible value, an additional installation of a layer of waterproofing material is required. With a threshold value higher than recommended - additional fastening of the system with screws or roof clasps.

Roofing Braas

Please note that the required level of ventilation is formed due to the installation of a counter - grill under the roofing system . The process of laying tiles takes place from right to left, and models with a flat shape can be installed in a checkerboard pattern.

A subtle description and some recommendations regarding the species diversity and the selection of Braas tiles will help to make the right purchase, saving several times on the roof overlap. After all, the version of the material is better, it will forget about the problem of leaking roof of the house for decades.


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