What does the ring on the left hand (on the ring finger) mean?

Rings on hands today will not surprise anyone. However, not everyone knows what significance this jewelry has on a certain finger. So, more details. What, for example, does the ring on the left hand on the ring finger mean ? Is there really any definite influence?

The ring on the left hand on the ring finger is a common phenomenon. Decoration or sign?

Today, the ring on the left hand on the ring finger is found all the time. This is one of the most “popular” places for such decoration. Although usually a person does not think about which finger to decorate with a ring. Nevertheless, most often it turns out to be just anonymous. By the way, this is not just a decoration. It is the ring on the left hand on the ring finger of a person that can strengthen certain traits of his character.

wear a ring on the ring finger of the left hand

Key Features

Consider carefully all aspects. The ring on the left hand on the ring finger is a sign that a person lacks happiness. Accordingly, he is trying to call him. The ring finger of the left hand is directly related to luck, success and creativity.

Speaking of creativity. It is these abilities that become much stronger thanks to such a ring. They get extra strength. If a person wears several rings on the ring finger at once, this suggests that the above qualities are clearly not enough. That is, there is a strong desire to strengthen them.

As an example, you can pay attention to Vladimir Kuzmin. The ring, he said, gave him clear creativity. It helped him get creative qualities from the outside. Although outwardly he looked like a man who had them in abundance. You can also recall Vladimir Vinokur. His creative potential is huge, but it is quite unstable.

Family status?

But still, the most important point is worth mentioning. Wearing a ring on the ring finger of your left hand means talking about your marital status. In Russia, as a rule, dysfunctional. In this case, only Catholics testify to marriage. This custom appeared for the first time among the ancient Egyptians. They believed that the so-called "artery of love" emanating from the ring finger leading to the heart. The Egyptians made rings from various metals, ceramics and glass. Only in the time of Ancient Rome did the tradition to give spouses bronze or iron jewelry as a sign of the inviolability of marriage ties. In the III century, gold rings familiar to us appeared.

the meaning of the ring on the ring finger of the left hand

Not necessary…

However, do not focus on family relationships. The meaning of the ring on the ring finger of the left hand is not necessarily associated with marriage. This jewelry is simply able to emphasize a passion for luxury, beauty and exquisite things. In addition, it is the key to cordial communication, self-expression, wealth and celebrity.

If a person wears a ring on this finger regularly, it means that he craves pleasures, a pleasant pastime, sensual pleasures. Moreover, he is a tireless romantic. If on a date with your chosen one you see a ring on this finger, do not doubt that he is positive, has good intentions and serious plans.

A small decoration testifies to the calmness of a person, about his self-confidence. A large and bright accessory speaks of the stormy, and even slightly hysterical behavior of its owner. The wedding ring speaks of a familiar state for its master.

At home, many people do not wear rings. The sign of “freedom” (position “divorced”), as a rule, is advertised only in public. Although it all depends on the mental state of a man or woman who wears a ring.

wearing a ring on the ring finger of his left hand

But still…

But still, the heart is the most important “thread”. Therefore, in most countries of the world, they wear an engagement ring on this finger. On the right are positive emotions. Well, and the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means parting with your loved one. Sad but true.

In principle, the ring on the ring finger in most countries is associated with marriage. In the USA, on the right hand is an engagement, on the left is a wedding. As a rule, people choose silver or gold rings. Although decorations with large stones are also welcome. They are not always associated with marriage, but they look very beautiful. Especially if you decorated them with engraving.

wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand

The Finger of the Moon

The wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand is associated not only with creativity and beauty, but also with such a celestial luminary as the Moon. Accordingly, with a romantic relationship.

The metal of the moon is silver. Because the ring, as a rule, choose a silver ring for the ring finger. Except for engagement. Most often, these rings are made of gold. However, it is worth noting once again that it is worn on the left hand after a divorce. If the ring is selected specifically for her, often people turn their attention to jewelry with stones: jade, amethyst, turquoise.

ring on the left hand on the ring finger

In most cases…

So, the left hand is the ring finger. The ring means in most cases that its owner was married for some time, but now the union is terminated. As already mentioned, it is generally accepted that this custom stems from the belief of the ancient Egyptians that blood from here goes straight to the heart. Engagement rings are also worn on the left hand. This decoration suggests that his master is only going to marry. In addition, the “ring of promise” is also put on the ring finger of the left hand. In general, in any case, one way or another, he is associated with matters of the heart. Some young people also wear the so-called ring of purity (chastity) on this finger.

The wedding ring on the left hand is worn in Cuba, in the USA, Canada, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Korea, Japan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, Sweden, Croatia, Slovenia, Ireland, Great Britain, Italy, France. In Russia, Poland, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Chile, Kazakhstan, India, Georgia, Norway, Greece, Austria, Spain, Germany, it moves there after a divorce. On the left hand, two wedding rings are worn by widowers and widows (one and one).

left hand ring finger ring means

However, this is just a tradition. Much depends on the personal preferences of the person. There is a joke on this subject:

“Girl, why are you wearing the ring on the wrong hand?”
“Because she married the wrong person!”

Therefore, the ring can also absolutely not talk about anything. So it means something for a person or not, depends on many factors.

be careful

In a word, wearing a ring on the ring finger of the left hand is most often associated with the family status of its owner. Moreover, the values ​​can be completely contradictory. In some countries, wedding rings are worn on the left hand. In some, they are put on there after a divorce or the death of a spouse. Someone prefers to wear engagement rings on the ring finger of his left hand. This indicates that a person subconsciously wants to change his marital status as soon as possible. Romantic and dreamy nature is easily recognized by these jewelry.

ring on the ring finger of the left hand

However, many people think that wearing a ring on the ring finger of your left hand is not a good idea. First of all, this is a well-known sign of a widower or divorced person. Nevertheless, it is not at all necessary to regard the ring from the side of family relations. Creative and inventive people wear rings on the yin-yang-finger. This suggests that the owner of the jewelry easily solves all his problems. The owners of the rings on the yang fingers prefer to teach others and show how they can creatively use their skills in various situations.

Thus, this accessory is not just a decoration. Many people associate certain moments of life with a ring on their left hand. A symbol of creativity or marital status is - everyone decides for himself. A lot also depends on the metal from which the ring is made. The presence of a precious stone or its absence also affects symbolism. The choice is great. And everyone determines whether or not to wear one of these jewelry and how it will be.

There are many traditions in wearing jewelry. Knowing the symbolism of rings and fingers, you can learn a lot about their owners. Of course, there is no specific set of rules, and jewelry can be worn as anyone wants. But some nuances are still known to people. The fingers of the left hand, including the nameless one, reflect the psychological side of the human personality, speak of his beliefs and character.

ring on the left hand on the ring finger

Do not forget only about a few important points when choosing rings. If you want to give grace to your hand, pay attention to models with elongated oval stones. If you are the owner of small stature or too thin fingers, do not get very wide rings. Thin jewelry looks on the girl’s hand much better than massive rings. If you choose a ring for everyday wear, think that large gems will be redundant in the daytime. In general, consider these nuances, and - the choice is yours!

A variety of modern jewelry can satisfy all the wishes of customers. It remains only to decide on the choice of model. Be careful also if you plan to present such a gift. With the choice of accessories you need to be very careful, to know many little things: taste, preferences, size. Therefore, as a rule, you need to know well who you want to give, so as not to be mistaken. However, for a loved one, such a present will certainly become something expensive and special!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7856/

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