Dolomite - what is it? The formula and properties of the mineral

In the bowels of our land a great many rocks of various origins are stored. Minerals are used in many areas of human activity. Special attention should be paid to such a breed as dolomite. What is it and where is it used, we will consider in this article. We also find out their location, how they are mined and where they are used.

dolomite what is it

Stone description

The rock got its name thanks to the name of the geologist from France D. Dolomier, the first to describe the composition and properties of the mineral. Limestones and dolomites are sedimentary rocks, and most often dolomite is part of limestone. The stone is formed during hydrothermal processes that occur under high pressure at a depth having hot aqueous solutions. The formation of a mineral depends on the presence of chemical precipitation and salts in marine and lake bodies of water. Also, under the influence of water seeping through the sludge, limestone is replaced, as a result of which dolomites are formed.

dolomite what is it

Dolomite formula

This mineral is a compound of magnesium and calcium. The chemical formula of dolomite is CaMg (CO 3 ) 2 . Individual elements of the breed have a brown, white or gray tint. Transitional forms of the mineral are distinguished from each other by an indicator of the presence of magnesium in them. Dolomites may also include impurities of lead, barium, manganese, iron, and inclusions such as quartz, ankerite, chalcedony, gypsum. By its appearance, the stone resembles a granular crystal with or without cells.

Mineral properties

What is dolomite? This is a carbonate mineral. In this connection, it has high resistance and fire resistance. As a natural, rock-forming stone, dolomite has an original pattern of various colors. The physical properties of a mineral include its resistance to low temperature, strength, durability and low thermal conductivity.

Rare specimens can have a pink color, as well as a translucent look with a luster of mother of pearl. Thanks to this, it is ideally combined with various materials both in construction and in creative activities. True, the breed is not stainable.

Dolomite practically does not give a reaction and does not dissolve, coming into contact with hydrochloric or acetic acid in a cold form.

dolomite formula

Mineral stone deposits

In Russia, there are not many places where dolomite rock is mined. The main deposits are in the Volga and Ural regions, as well as in the Caucasus. Since the stone mined in Russia includes various impurities and calcium, it is used in the national economy. Minerals such as calcareous tuff and limestone contain mollusk inclusions.

Famous dolomite deposits are located in Central Asia, Mexico, in Italy near the city of Turin, in the alpine mines of Traversella and Brosso. There are also deposits in Switzerland, the USA and Kazakhstan. Varieties of dolomites with impurities of cobalt are found in Spain, the Czech Republic, Scotland, Morocco. Transparent minerals are mined in Canada, and in Brazil they find exceptional dolomite specimens for collections.

dolomite deposits

How is dolomite mined?

Quarries in the form of trenches with ledges break out to extract the mineral. Further, rock strata are drilled and explosive measures are carried out. Then, the mined dolomite mass is transported by truck or freight train to a crushing plant, where they are crushed and sorted using special plants. To produce flour from dolomite (what it is, we examined at the beginning of the article), special mills are used. Large elements are broken by jaw crushers. Subsequently, rotary or cone crushing equipment is used.

In the process of extracting dolomite (a stone very popular, by the way), the size of quarries is expanded using high-power equipment. If the quarried stone is located under the thickness of unnecessary rocks, underground mining methods are used. Moreover, adits are created from the ledge of the quarry and then mines break through.

limestones and dolomites

The use of stone in the form of finishing material

In fact, what is dolomite? It is a solid rock, which is easy to work with in any field. Therefore, it is an ideal material for construction, and is also used in architecture in the production of individual elements and garden decorations. Due to its high resistance to sudden changes in climatic conditions, dolomite structures can please the eye for many years. Limestone, which has qualities similar to marble, is used in the construction of sculptural sculptures, temple structures, and home decor. Dolomite bowls that serve as containers for garden plants look very aesthetically pleasing.

Use of mineral in construction

Stronger dolomite rocks are used in the construction of steps, bridges, paths and individual elements to decorate the house territory. Due to the natural pattern and natural color of the rock, dolomite is used for the manufacture of tiles for wall and facade cladding. Hard rocks lend themselves well to polishing, so this tile gives the building elegance and formality. In addition to facades, dolomite is used for facing window sills, terraces, parapets, bas-reliefs, columns. A mineral imitating marble, but with denser properties, is used as a flooring in commercial premises and public buildings.

Indoors, dolomite cladding serves as a decorative element when installing fireplaces, building pools and decorating the garden. It is worth noting that the use of finishing from this material should be in a spacious room. Use in a small room dolomite is inappropriate and tasteless.

dolomite stone

This mineral is also ground to obtain dolomite flour. It is added to dry mixes for construction in order to give binding and strength properties. In addition, crushed rock is present in various paints and varnishes, sealants and mastics, is also one of the components of fire extinguishing agents. Dolomite flour is used in the manufacture of glass and steel, as well as in the chemical industry to produce an element such as magnesium. In agriculture, crushed mineral is used as fertilizer to reduce the acidity of the soil, as well as saturation with the necessary minerals.

Dolomite supplies

They learned how to make dishes from this mineral. Due to the natural material, products are considered environmentally friendly and harmless. The glaze on dolomite falls flawlessly, because of this the kitchen utensils turn out to be very beautiful. Due to the fact that the natural stone has a porous structure, objects are very light in weight. Disadvantages are: the high fragility of the dishes and the inability to use dishes under hot, because of the high temperature glaze on the surface of the product is covered with cracks.

dolomite what is it

Therefore, it is recommended to use dishes for cool drinks and fruits. You can also purchase items from dolomite for use as a kitchen decor.


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