"Anokha - wait for trouble and trick?" What do Anokhin hide? Origin of the surname

What does the name Anokhin mean, what is the branch of its origin? Many historians consider this surname to be one of the most diverse in number of people of different classes who wore it. There are a huge number of theories about its appearance, which today will be discussed in the article below.

Theory 1: where did the surname come from, what is special about it?

The origin of this family name goes deep back to the ancient Jews. Initially, the name Anoch, derived from the parental name Enoch (the book of Enoch, "The Old Testament of Enoch," the son of Cain was the same Enoch, etc.) meant fearless and wise.

Icon Ilya and Enoch.

It is also believed that the name Enoch is an old and simple variant of the name Anoch. After the resettlement of people to the continent of Eurasia, in accordance with the interchange of cultures, the ending -in from Old Slavonic was added to the name.

Theory 2: on behalf of Enos

There is also a theory that the origin of the name Anokhin begins with the worldly name Anokh or its diminutive form - Anos. The man who bore the name Anokh was called a fellow villager, and in the family of Anokh meant the chief, commander in chief, the highest. So they talked about a simple, but kind and devoted person.

There is even a suitable saying: "It went bad in the world - a pointer to Anoch." Very often, the owner of this surname in ancient times could hear: "Do not seem a simpleton" or "Do not seem Anoha." There is another catchphrase: "you do not build Anokhu." It hints to the recipient that there is no need to seem simple, which you really are not.

Onoha is the most offensive form of a surname. That is what the serfs and peasant people in ancient Russia called. Ditties were written about Onuh and exhibited not by the most educated person. Some slaves were also called Onochs.

Theory 3: the history and origin of the name Anokhin from Amosov

Anos were called people from the Amos family. To sound the surname, sometimes another letter "m" (Ammos) was even added. The most striking example is Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin from Gogol's "The Examiner". As already said before, such a person was not educated, but was kind and generous.

Lyapkin-Tyapkin from The Examiner

Theory 4: from “hacking” people

It follows from the second theory, which spoke about the name of Onoch. The canonical name for the male sounds like Onufriy, and for people in whose language "Akane" is characteristic, Anufriy. A girl from the Anokhin family was most often given the name Anastasia (resurrected).

Who are Anokhin - merchants, nobles or working people?

Soon Anokh was transformed into the name Anokhin. There is a known case of a merchant who moved to the Russian Empire and stayed in it. His name was Enoch, as a result of which the surname Anoch appeared, and he was renamed in a simple way the Russian name.

But Anokhi belonged not only to the family of merchants - the origin of the name Anokhin takes a branch from a noble family. Anokhin belonged to an ancient noble family of boyars, later became nobles. This surname is entered in the honorary book of Moscow and Ryazan province, and is also known to the world since the 17th century.

Only 2 genera of Anokhin: in the Voronezh province and in St. Petersburg. In the Voronezh province these are the boyar children Danil and Ivan, and in St. Petersburg Stepan Anokhin. Stepan was granted the opportunity by the hereditary nobility Elizabeth Petrovna, ruler of the Russian Empire. Stepan actively participated in the palace coup in favor of the daughter of Peter I, for which he was generously awarded the Empress.

A man from the Anokhin family

Characteristics of a person who has this surname

The origin of the surname Anokhin affects the various stages of human change. Anokhin is an insidious person, but capable of suffering and emotions. It's no secret that everything is fine in their family, but Anokhin can’t always find friends. But if there is a person who is considered a friend of Anokhin, then he will be the best. Anoha's friend can count on devotion and sympathy.

So, from a simple Enoch, the surname Anokhin reached a hereditary noble family. From the simple-hearted good-natured, having traveled for many centuries, Anokhin became a real legend, captured on the pages of honorable books.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7858/

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