What is a tribunal? Detailed analysis

The article tells about what a tribunal is, what kinds of it are, why they are created and how they differ from ordinary courts.


The law is something without which a normal civilized society simply cannot exist. It took mankind many centuries for laws to act equally for all social groups of people, impartially and honestly. Unfortunately, this situation does not exist in all countries of the world, and still there are regions where laws are almost primitive and do not differ in justice.

Laws are the guarantors of personal freedom and social security of citizens, they allow you to defend your rights and punish those who do not consider it necessary to live in accordance with moral standards. The courts are engaged in this, however, depending on the situation and the gravity of the crime, cases are transferred to their various types. For example, in the ranks of the armed forces, justice is administered by a military tribunal. So what is a tribunal? What are they, and how are they different from other courts and executive bodies? This we will understand.


what is a tribunal

First, consider the terminology. The Tribunal is a special judicial body of an extraordinary nature. His tasks include the consideration of crimes of war and especially grave civil offenses. Simply put, this is the same court, but it is endowed with wider powers, whose purpose is to hear crimes that are special in scope or severity.

International Tribunal

international tribunal

As the name implies, such tribunals are international in nature, and their task is to consider crimes of a particularly grave nature of an individual or group of persons that go beyond the borders of one country. But sometimes trials take place over entire states when they also commit international crimes. The most striking example is the Nuremberg Tribunal. True, it is formally correct to call it a process, since it was part of an international tribunal. So now we know what a tribunal is.

Since many countries suffered from the actions of fascist Germany, all of them also participated in that process. Despite the obviousness and evidence of German war crimes, all were carried out within the established framework and with detailed documentation. Sentences of tribunals of this kind are usually very harsh.

They also held the International Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, they investigated many war crimes that caused the death of civilians.

Military tribunal

sentences of the tribunals

The military tribunal is part of the country's unified judicial system, for example, as in Russia. It is a federal court of general jurisdiction and deals with justice in the armed forces and all other organizations where military service is provided.

Such courts have a special status, since their jurisdiction includes criminal cases of the FSB, FSO and the armed forces.

They are also more inviolable than courts of general jurisdiction. If we talk about Russia, previously only military personnel and meeting all the requirements for this position were judges of such a tribunal, however, since 2009, the laws have been amended several times, and now, although the presence of a military rank is taken into account, judges of a military tribunal can to be civilians without an officer rank. So we sorted out what a tribunal is.

He is often confused with a military court, which is wrong, since the latter acts in wartime or another time, when he is vested with special powers to simplify legal proceedings and the inability to carry out a usual trial, and acts outside the law in the state.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7860/

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