Egyptian market in Istanbul: where is it located, description, reviews

They say that the Egyptian market in Istanbul is the very place where every tourist should look. It is also mistakenly called the Grand Bazaar. However, these are two completely different places. And in the second bazaar you are unlikely to find Turkish sweets. But on the first there are not just a lot of them, but a lot of them. So, what is this place where it is located, how to get to it and what reviews can be heard about it?

The area near the market

A bit of history

The Egyptian Bazaar or Spice Market was built over half a century ago. It was built by order of the Sultan more than three hundred years ago: in 1660. It is believed that the initiative to build this place came from the mother of a very influential and wealthy sultan at that time. Although, according to other sources, the market was built to recoup the costs of the New Mosque in Istanbul. This beautiful building is a real architectural masterpiece. It is well preserved and functions even today.

Initially, all the malls in the bazaar and other buildings were built primarily of wood. However, several years later, it was decided to replace this natural material with a more durable and durable one. As a result, wooden shops were dismantled, and stone and brick buildings were erected in their place. The construction of this project and the mosque was led by the main Turkish architect, Mustafa Aga.

The Egyptian bazaar got its name because of goods that were massively brought here from the East. Moreover, most of the products on the market came from Egypt.

Bad weather and natural disasters are not afraid of him

This place is also called the Spice Market. It is famous for its selection of spices, sweets and a huge variety of different outlandish goods, souvenirs. However, the market is best known for its extraordinary resistance to weather conditions and the elements.

As it turned out, during his work he managed to survive during one earthquake, survive the flood due to heavy rains and two grand fires. One of them happened in 1691, and the second in 1940. It is noteworthy that after the second strong fire from the Egyptian market in Istanbul, almost nothing remained. And only thanks to the efforts of city authorities and residents, he was fully restored. The market reconstruction was successful and completed at the end of 1940.

Market today

Market atmosphere

At the moment, the Egyptian market in Istanbul is an existing building, erected in the form of the English letter L. Just think about it, the building has six entrances and exits. For this reason, many tourists who come here for the first time are often lost, and this is no wonder.

On the market there are over eighty different stores, each of which has its own special assortment of goods. There is also a bistro, cafe and restaurant. It is noteworthy that part of the building is under the roof, and the rest is in the open. So it turns out that some tourists and buyers walk on the street, while others enjoy the shade and coolness under a kind of dome.

How to get to the market

The Egyptian market in Istanbul has a main or central entrance. You can find it by following the square called Eminenu, which is located near the marina of the same name. In order to get to it, you should take the ultra-fast city tram T1 and get off at the Eminonu stop.

Then it remains only to move towards the building of the mosque, which is simply impossible not to notice, and get around it. As a result, you will find yourself right near the central entrance of the market. But it is provided that you move from the European part of Istanbul.

If you go from the Asian side of the city, you can reach it on a ferry sailing to the same square. The name of the marina is Eminonu.

How else can I visit the market?

You can get to the place as part of an excursion tour to Istanbul. Many travel companies offer tours exclusively to the markets and major shopping malls of the city. This is a kind of shopping tour that allows you to get not only a lot of impressions, but also to buy souvenirs, sweets, spices and necessary things for the whole family.

Moreover, some locals also organize peculiar sightseeing tours in Istanbul. Such a trip is a walk through proven retail outlets, markets and shops. Guides that can be easily found among the local population can also agree on an additional discount for you.

But, of course, guides have certain benefits from this. And all because many entrepreneurial residents take a small percentage from the seller and merchant for each tourist brought. Of course, the guest should complete the purchase.

Market entry

Market entry

According to many market visitors, the main entrance is difficult to confuse with anything. The fact is that a large and noticeable tablet hangs above it. The name of the bazaar and the date of its foundation flaunts on it. But as soon as you enter, you will immediately be amazed at the scale of this building. According to tourists, this place is an architectural masterpiece.

But on the other hand, the atmosphere itself and the authenticity of the place deserve special attention. According to many reviews, the Egyptian market in Istanbul is literally mesmerizing at first sight. Everywhere you will hear the unusual aroma of spices, as well as the smell of coffee brewed in Turkish. They say that it is simply impossible to resist the temptation to try it.

What to buy in Istanbul on the market

Spices on the market

On the market you can buy almost everything that your soul desires. And it’s worth starting with spices, perhaps. Such a huge variety of spices that can be found here is nowhere else. The counters are simply bursting with pepper and paprika, saffron, caraway seeds, fragrant and fresh mint, vanilla, ginger, cardamom and much more. The names of some spices and spices are not even familiar to us, but, of course, it is worth trying something new.

Tourists are delighted with the rich assortment of the freshest oriental sweets, candied and dried fruits, coffee, tea, essential oils, souvenirs, balyk, nuts, textiles. They say that in some shops of the market they sell even unusually beautiful and expensive jewelry, jewelry. What to buy in Istanbul? There is no definite answer to this question, everyone decides for himself what to bring from the ancient city, the former capital of three powerful empires. Naturally, everything will depend on your needs and level of income.

Eastern sweets

Oriental sweets in the market

This market is a real paradise for the sweet tooth. According to many tourists, this is the largest bazaar with sweets and dried fruits that you can imagine. So what is there?

For example, here you can try different types of baklava, thin sweet cakes with interesting fillings, candied tubules with nuts, Turkish delight, churchkhela, sweets. And all this is wrapped in fancy rolls, circles, triangles, folded into pyramids. If you wish, you can not only purchase your favorite sweets, but also immediately, on the spot, conduct their tasting with a cup of coffee, tea or freshly squeezed juice. Interestingly, in addition to the traditional lemon, orange and pineapple, carrot juice is also popular.

Unrivaled souvenir shops

Textile products

Souvenir shops deserve special attention. Here you can buy various kinds of hookahs, pipes and copper coffee Turks. An original gift may also be some board game made by hand by skilled Turkish craftsmen. Carved wood products are in great demand among tourists. It can be various inscriptions and letters, trays and dishes, mirror frames, kitchen utensils, small cabinets, decor, elements of children's furniture.

Products of Turkish masters

Decorative plates with painting look beautiful, tea and coffee sets, fabric items with traditional oriental patterns. Unusual look and baking sets, plastic dishes for children's parties and birthdays. They are all bright, with patterns and attract attention.

Olive oil and other products

Along with souvenirs and sweets, there are food stalls within the market. Here you can buy vegetables, fruits, teas by weight, for example with aromatic jasmine. Oil lovers can take a bottle of excellent olive oil from here. Depending on the spin, it is perfect for frying and cooking salads.

Restaurant in the market

There is a nice and cozy restaurant on the market called Pandeli. Unlike shopping malls and small shops, it is unacceptable to bargain here. The restaurant has been operating since 1901. It is famous for its pretty good Turkish cuisine and service.

Some useful tips

Market ranks

If you believe the reviews of experienced tourists, sellers in the Turkish market are worth and need to bargain. Very often they deliberately call excessively high prices. It is believed that after the announced price, you can safely divide it into two and continue bidding. The second important point is to taste the product. Do not trust sellers. Try it yourself. Moreover, it is not prohibited. It is better to pay in stores in local currency, since the exchange rate of the euro or dollar may be disadvantageous for you.

Travelers recommend the Egyptian market in Istanbul to visit all the guests of the city. Where, if not in the market, you can feel the spirit of the city, what it lives with, get to know the locals and try amazing oriental sweets.


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