Planting seeds on toilet paper. Germination conditions

Spring pleases not only with warm days, but also with the upcoming planting of vegetable crops in order to harvest a good crop in autumn. It is necessary to prepare a garden plot, buy good seed, and also properly prepare it for planting. That’s what we’ll talk about in more detail today. Planting seeds on toilet paper is a fairly old and proven method that has established itself as one of the most progressive. Moreover, such extraordinary material can help out both when germinating a large number of different seeds, and when planting a particularly small seed. Today we want to reveal all the options for its use. Planting seeds in toilet paper for a long time will be your favorite method, it is worth only at least once to try.

planting seeds in toilet paper

Seed germination

Many gardeners may argue that there are other ways. It is easy enough to observe the conditions of seed germination , the main thing is to be warm and humid, which means that you can use at least a traditional box with earth, at least a saucer with wet cotton wool or a rag. This is true, but all these methods require constant monitoring of moisture, and sowing directly into the ground also does not provide any information about the condition of the seeds. In this regard, planting seeds in toilet paper is much more convenient and has several advantages. To begin with, this method saves a lot of space, if at the same time several dozen bags of seeds of vegetables and garden flowers are prepared for germination, this fact plays an important role. The second plus is that the desired humidity level is maintained for a long time, there is no need for constant monitoring. Finally, the most important thing: you can visually assess the condition of the seeds and extract them for planting in the ground without any damage.

carrot seeds on toilet paper

Germination technique

Planting seeds on toilet paper is very simple. You will need dense polyethylene, as for greenhouses, a three-layer roll of toilet paper, a sprayer and a small container, the depth of which will be equal to the width of the strips. We proceed to the procedure itself, for this, cut polyethylene into strips about 7-8 cm wide, any length can be. On each strip, sign the name of the variety that will germinate in it. Toilet paper must be laid out on top flush with the edge of the polyethylene tape, and 0.5 cm protruding along the bottom.

Well moisten the paper from the sprayer, you can add drugs to the water that accelerate germination. Germinating seeds on toilet paper is convenient in that you see the results, if the period passes, and all the seeds are without signs of life, then without a long search on the box with the ground, we can conclude that the material is germinating.

Now we proceed to the unfolding of seeds on the tape, departing from the top edge of one centimeter. Keeping the distance is not particularly required, but if you keep the shoots in the tapes long enough, they can intertwine. Now roll the tape. Germination of seeds on toilet paper will continue to occur by itself, it remains only to put all the prepared convolutions in a container, the bottom edge to the bottom. Now you need to pour a few millimeters of water and cover this greenhouse with a film. Put the container in a warm place, after some time the seedlings will begin to germinate, you will see green cotyledons opening. Unroll the roll and see what is ready for planting - transfer it to the ground. If there are seeds that have just bent, then wrap them again and let stand for a few more days.

sprouting seeds on toilet paper

If you tightened it a bit with a pick and the seedlings outgrew, that's okay. Just bury it in the ground to the cotyledons. If the soil mixture is selected correctly, they will take root without any problems.

Sowing small seeds directly into the ground

Often you have to practice just such a method. This is especially true for garden flowers - annuals, which usually do not have enough time to prepare seedlings. Petunia, beloved by everyone, as well as physalis, alissum, lobelia, turn the day of planting into torture. At the same time, if you cheat a little, then then under the hot sun you will have to thin out the plants for a long time. Planting seeds on toilet paper completely saves you from such a hassle. You can prepare seed tapes long before the start of a hot pore, even in winter. This is relevant not only for garden flowers, but also for vegetable crops: carrots, black onions, celery.

glue the seeds on toilet paper

Glue the seeds on toilet paper

To do this, even in winter you need to choose high-quality seed. It is better if these are varietal seeds, then the chance to get a rich harvest will be much greater. Next, you will need home glue, loose paper (preferably toilet paper) and a little patience. Cut the paper into strips two or three centimeters wide, lay one on the work surface and get to work. With tweezers or a damp cotton swab, you need to pick up the seeds and place them on a strip pre-lubricated with glue. There is another tricky way: take two-ply paper and carefully place the seeds between the layers. An alternative proposal by gardeners - you can not cut a strip of paper along, but stick two rows from opposite edges. So you get two rows at once.

planting seeds on toilet paper

Homemade paste

Sticking seeds on toilet paper involves an adhesive base. Of course, PVA will not work here, so you will need to cook the most ordinary paste. To do this, boil 1 cup of water and add a teaspoon of starch or flour. To slightly increase the chances of getting a good harvest, some gardeners add mineral fertilizers to this glue (one tablespoon per liter). Remember to let the mixture cool. Next is a matter of technology. With cooled glue, grease the strip, lay out the seeds and wait for complete drying. All that remains is to twist the roll, sign it and put it in a package.

sticker of seeds on toilet paper

Planting carrots is a troublesome business

If we talk about this method of planting in relation to vegetable crops, then we immediately recall carrots. More precisely, not the sweet vegetable itself, but the moment of sowing. Carrot seeds on toilet paper can greatly facilitate spring labor, as well as save from the tedious thinning of the beds. But this is not the only plus of this method. Has it rained right after sowing? Surely, which means that many of you remember frustratingly rare seedlings. This is because the seeds just float out of the garden. Glued to the paper, they will remain in the ground and take root before it finally becomes limp.

seed germination conditions

Soil preparation

To ensure good germination, it is necessary to prepare a bed. To do this, you need to dig the earth on the bayonet of a shovel in the fall, so that during the winter the earth rests well. Before spring planting, you must appear in the country at least 2 weeks in advance. You don’t have to dig, but you need to thoroughly loosen the bed and walk the rake properly. Time needs to be taken into account. Since you are going to sow the seeds on the tape, they will not be able to germinate, which means that the seedlings will have to wait about 3 weeks. Autumn root crops require a sufficiently long time for complete ripening, so do not delay with sowing.

The long-awaited landing

Carrot seeds on toilet paper have been waiting for a long time, beds are ready, it's time to start planting. To do this, you again need to loosen the bed and prepare the grooves along its entire width. Now you need to water the soil well with warm water. Unfold the ribbon and lay the seeds down along the furrows. Now you will see another quality advantage. Remember how to sow small seeds in windy weather. And now you only need to lightly sprinkle paper on the ground. Plantings should be mulched with a layer of peat or humus, and then closed with black polyethylene for 10-12 days.

The main advantages of this sowing

You will prepare seed tapes at home, in a comfortable chair, and not in the field. Seeds will be distributed in advance at the same distance from each other, since they are applied to paper tapes. Another convenience - they are all at the same depth, which will provide more friendly shoots. This also provides paper tape. Your crops will not be washed away by the rain and will not be carried away by the wind. This method is very economical, which is important when using expensive varietal seeds. Their consumption is about 30 times less than with the usual method of sowing, and the yield is much higher. Covering the garden bed with polyethylene will allow you to not water or weed it for some time, in addition, the carrot fly will not be able to lay its eggs on the garden. As you can see, there are more than enough reasons to try.


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