We learn how to properly line a fishing line in a trimmer

Due to the fact that even in our country lawns are becoming more widespread, in stores for gardeners there is an increased demand for trimmers. This tool is extremely useful, because it allows not only to trim the lawn, but also to mow hay for livestock.

how to fill the line in the trimmer
But beginners rarely know even the most basic rules for caring for this technique. So, the most common is the question of how to properly line the fishing line in the trimmer.

Brief introduction

First you need to say that knives or fishing line can be used as a cutting element in trimmers. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages.

So, knives do much better with shrubs and dry wheat grass, but polymer thread is much cheaper and more affordable. In addition, a fishing line for a 4 mm trimmer also allows you to mow quite hard herbs. Of course, you can not compare with a knife, but the efficiency is also not bad.

Note that even in the latter case, you need to know exactly what diameter is used in your trimmer. Manufacturers do not take all the values ​​from the ceiling: if you take the fishing line larger, then greatly overload the engine, which may cause the latter to fail.

Do not do that!

fishing line for trimmer 4 mm
There is a widespread opinion among our kulibins: before you properly line the fishing line in the trimmer, you need to change it to something more effective. A cable, for example ...

Not to mention the monstrous load on the engine, breaking the cable can lead to serious consequences for your limbs. It is better to use the recommended supplies than to become a patient of a surgeon.

If you really need to cut lawns that are heavily overgrown, then manufacturers offer special supplies with increased surface area. In this case, the line of smaller thickness is braided into a kind of pigtail. Normal thickness is maintained, but efficiency becomes higher.

Getting down

Before you properly fill the line in the trimmer, you need to cut off the right amount. Do not be greedy, as for the first time, five meters is enough for training. To do this, the protective cover is removed from the trimmer coil, and one end of the fishing line is clamped in a special clip (or slot).

You need to reel evenly, trying not to pull. In general, you need to fill the reel up to the moment when the layer of fishing line is not equal to the side of the reel. It should not lie too tight, somewhat straightening after putting on the casing.

how to set a fishing line on a trimmer

Finish work

Then the remaining end of the fishing line is threaded into the hole on the protective cover. After that, the reel and its protective cover are connected, and a piece of fishing line this time is already threaded into the hole on the protective cover.

The complete assembly is mounted on the trimmer, turning clockwise until a clearly audible click is heard. By the way, before installing the fishing line on the trimmer, better understand its design. Otherwise, you can easily break something.

That's all. The tool is placed in the working position, it is turned on, after which the excess piece of fishing line itself is cut off on a specially made blade.

So you found out how to properly line fishing line in the trimmer!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7881/

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